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Physical Therapy Services

Cutting-Edge Treatments and Services 

At Creighton Therapy and Wellness, our caring physical therapists listen, set goals and create a treatment plan centered around your specific injury or pain.

We also leverage data and the latest techniques to create effective and efficient treatment options.

Our physical therapists are trained to treat a variety of conditions. 

Men’s and Women’s PT Services

The board-certified physical therapists at Creighton Therapy and Wellness can offer novel approaches to effectively treat patients with conditions, such as:

  • Urinary leaking and frequency
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Constipation or urinary/fecal incontinence
  • Post-prostatectomy rehabilitation
  • Pelvic pain
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Pain related to pregnancy
  • Breast cancer and lymphedema
  • Constipation
  • Pre- and post-surgical conditions
  • Pregnancy and post-partum conditions

Orthopedic Services

The orthopedic clinical specialists at Creighton Therapy and Wellness are trained to treat conditions of the bones, muscles, soft tissues and joints of the human body. They can treat conditions such as:

  • Acute and chronic pain
  • Arthritic pain
  • Ankle and foot injuries
  • Auto injuries
  • Back pain
  • Balance deficits
  • Dizziness
  • Elbow pain
  • Headaches
  • Hip injuries
  • Jaw pain
  • Joint replacement
  • Knee injuries
  • Lymphedema
  • Muscle strains and sprains
  • Neck pain
  • Orthopedic injuries
  • Osteoporosis
  • Overuse injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Work-related injuries

Evaluation and Treatment Plans

During your initial evaluation, you and your physical therapist will determine a treatment plan to meet your needs and goals. Treatment plans can include:

  • Therapeutic exercise such as stretching, strengthening or range of motion
  • Manual therapy techniques such as dry needling, soft tissue mobilization, home exercises or modalities (i.e., electrical stimulation, iontophoresis, heat/cold)
  • Isokinetic, resistance-based exercises
  • Force plates to measure shock absorption during walking/running
  • Biofeedback (EMG), which uses visual or sound signals to monitor muscle activity 
  • Aquatic therapy
  • Balance training
  • Blood flow restriction rehabilitation
  • Ergonomic assessment
  • Joint mobilization
  • McKenzie therapy, which is musculoskeletal care emphasizing patient empowerment and self-treatment
  • Patient education
  • Rehabilitation for endurance, golf performance, gymnastics and cheerleading, head, hip, overhead throwing, performing arts, as well as temporomandibular joint and vestibular rehab

Telehealth Services

Get a convenient and personalized consultation from home. Therapists can offer creative solutions based on the space and equipment already in your home. If you’re an existing client, your therapist may identify you as a candidate for telehealth. If you are a prospective client, you’re welcome to take part in telehealth. Contact us at 402.280.3555 or for more information.

Student smiling on laptop

Specialty Areas

The pelvic floor muscles are a group of muscles that run between the pubic bone and the tailbone. They act as a hammock to support the internal organs, namely the bladder, uterus, and rectum. This group of muscles may become weak due to pregnancy and delivery, pelvic surgeries, obesity, chronic coughing, or chronic constipation. This weakness can contribute to symptoms of urinary/fecal incontinence and/or organ prolapse.

It is estimated that more than 17 million Americans suffer from urinary incontinence, but even fewer seek help for these symptoms. There are two main types of urinary incontinence: stress and urgency incontinence. Stress incontinence occurs when sneezing, coughing or laughing is accompanied by urinary leakage. Urgency urinary incontinence is associated with a strong, sudden urge of needing to get to the restroom now and being unable to control leakage. Urinary incontinence is not a normal part of aging nor as a result of having children. Not even a drop of urine is normal, even if it is infrequent. The pelvic floor muscles have a function to act like a sphincter or “turn off” switch to close off the urethra (which is the tube that allows you to urinate). When strong and used appropriately, these muscles can prevent urinary leakage. 

Pregnancy: Pregnancy and delivery are life-changing events, to say the least. During pregnancy, there is a fluctuation in hormones that can cause changes in a woman’s posture, center of gravity, weight, and abdominal strength. This can lead to aches and pains that are all too common during pregnancy. A woman may experience back pain, back pain that radiates down the leg, abdominal pain/discomfort, mid-back and neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, urinary leakage, pubic symphysis pain, coccygodynia (tailbone pain), headaches, and even rib pain. You do not have to live with these aches and pains! Gentle exercises may provide relief from these pregnancy-related symptoms. Physical therapy treatment including therapeutic exercise, stabilization training, soft tissue mobilization, muscle energy techniques, and postural training can decrease or eliminate the discomforts associated with pregnancy. In addition, a properly fitted maternity support belt may provide relief from symptoms. At Creighton Therapy and Wellness, our therapists can properly fit and supply you with a maternity belt.

Post-Partum: Post-partum is not only a time for your baby to adjust to its new surroundings, but it can be a time for you to get back on track with your fitness and wellness. Activities like child care and nursing can place extra stress on your body, specifically your back and abdomen. Your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles will need to be strengthened to help protect and care for your back. Post-partum exercises include Kegel exercises as well as strengthening and flexibility exercises. Post-partum urinary stress incontinence is not a normal part of having a baby but is very common. Physical therapy can provide you with a guided exercise routine to help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and core musculature. Physical therapy can provide you with an appropriate exercise routine to meet your unique healthcare needs and give you suggestions on how best to complete childcare activities without injuring your back. Your newest arrival needs you to be at your best!

As the physicians provide the best course of action after diagnosis of breast cancer, the resultant treatment, which may include a lumpectomy or mastectomy, can alter your body image. In addition, there may be limitations in the strength and range of motion in your upper body and arms. After breast surgery, you may not know what you can and cannot do. Your posture may be altered. As you undergo breast surgery, you may need some assistance with strength, flexibility and range of motion. Our physical therapists can provide the answers to many questions you may have regarding your mobility in your arm and across your incisional sites.

In addition, our therapists can provide treatment for lymphedema, which is a condition that may develop after a mastectomy or a lumpectomy in which swelling develops in the arm or chest. Manual lymph drainage and compression bandaging are physical therapy options that treat lymphedema. Physical therapy will provide you with information about preventing and managing lymphedema.

Female sexual dysfunctions include dyspareunia (painful intercourse), vestibulitis, vulvodynia, anorgasmia, and vaginismus. Female sexual dysfunctions can be very debilitating. Vestibulitis may be described as a burning and itching sensation in the perineum. Tight pants, jeans and even your underwear may be irritating. Your pelvic symptoms may go undiagnosed or ignored for many years, but your symptoms are very real! Female sexual dysfunctions significantly limit your ability to have sexual intercourse to the point of avoiding intercourse. This often impacts your quality of life and your intimate relationship with your partner.

Pelvic floor dysfunction is a significant part of female sexual dysfunctions and described as a hypertonicity (muscle spasm) in the pelvic floor muscles attaching from the pubic bone to the tailbone. Hypertonicity in these muscles can become chronic and lead to bladder and bowel dysfunctions because the muscles may not relax entirely while voiding or having a bowel movement. At Creighton Therapy and Wellness, we provide various treatment approaches including manual therapy such as soft tissue mobilization and trigger point release, biofeedback for relaxation of the pelvic floor musculature, electrical stimulation, vaginal dilator therapy, and lumbopelvic stabilization exercises.

Osteoporosis occurs when bone is broken down and becomes fragile and thus more likely to fracture or break. Fractures often occur in the hips and spine, and careful attention needs to be made for appropriate steps to avoid fractures in these areas. Make sure you get your recommended amount of calcium and vitamin D each day, get regular weight-bearing exercise, avoid alcohol and smoking, and secure your house to avoid falls. Talk to your physician about calcium and vitamin D.

Weight bearing exercises can be prescribed by our physical therapists at Creighton Therapy and Wellness and may include activities such as a walking program and weight lifting. Avoid falls by using rug mats so that your rugs don’t slide. Use night lights if you get up during the night so that you can see where you are going. Pay attention to pets that can get under your feet easily. Your balance is very important in avoiding falls. Therapists at Creighton Therapy and Wellness can also instruct you in balance exercises.

Chronic pelvic pain can occur in males and females. The cause behind pelvic pain is varied and sometimes difficult to identify. Male pelvic pain may occur as a result of abdominal or pelvic surgeries, prolonged sitting or compression on the perineum, improper body mechanics, chronic straining or pushing with producing bowel movements, or infections, just to name a few. Pelvic pain may manifest as pain with urination or defecation, pain with sexual intercourse, tailbone, groin, penile, or testicular pain, discomfort in the lower abdomen or even radiating into the lower back. 

Diagnoses that often have a pelvic floor component include pudendal neuralgia or entrapment, chronic prostatitis, urinary and fecal incontinence, chronic constipation, penile and testicular pain, overactive bladder, and painful bladder syndrome. Pelvic floor musculature will need to be assessed to determine whether you need to strengthen or relax your pelvic floor muscles. Therapists at Creighton Therapy and Wellness are specialty trained to help you identify what would be the most appropriate treatment and exercise program for you.

Physical Therapy Services

Creighton Therapy and Wellness has two physical therapists on staff who are Board Certified Clinical Specialists in Neurologic Physical Therapy. These physical therapists offer specialized physical therapy (PT) evaluations to maximize function and optimize healthy living for people living with chronic neurologic conditions. Below are some reasons someone might seek a specialized PT evaluation or treatment:

  • Change in function or new unsteadiness
  • Increase in fear of falling
  • Gradual increase in pain
  • New or unmet goals
  • Looking for insights on physical abilities
  • Seeking information on healthy living with a neurologic condition

Check out the neurologic services flier to see a full list of services offered by our specialized clinicians.

Wellness Services

Our neurologic clinical specialists know the importance of optimizing health and wellness as you live with your neurologic condition.  The CDC recommends people with chronic conditions, including stroke, brain injury, Parkinson Disease, Multiple sclerosis and more, should engage in both aerobic and strengthening exercises to optimize healthy aging. While the goal is to achieve 150 minutes of physical activity per week, the recommendations are to be as active as you can and avoid inactivity.

Creighton Therapy and Wellness is excited to offer the Healthy Habits Exercise Class on a weekly basis.  This fitness class is geared towards people living with chronic neurologic conditions and is meant to create opportunities for physical activity in a friendly and inclusive exercise environment.  These unique classes engage physical therapy students and faculty from Creighton University to build connections and a community of support. The classes integrate concepts of aerobic exercise and strengthening of major muscle groups to help people with neurologic conditions get closer to the recommended levels of exercise for healthy aging. As this is group fitness class, individualized assistance will not be available. Caregivers are welcome to attend. Modifications of exercises will be provided in the seated and standing positions.

When: Fridays from 11-Noon (Times subject to change. Please call to confirm and pre-register.)

Where: Virtual or clinic options available.  Clinic based classes will occur at Creighton Therapy and Wellness (17055 Frances St. Suite 100, Omaha, NE)

Cost: First Class + Fall Risk Screen Bundle = $20. Subsequent classes available starting at $10/class or $30 monthly membership.

*Creighton Therapy and Wellness reserves the rights to adjust pricing at the 1st of every calendar year. Notification will be provided. 

Creighton Therapy and Wellness will also offer Balance Screens and Movement Screens. The Balance Screen is bundled with the first Healthy Habits Exercise Class to provide clients with baseline information on their fall risk and guidance on how to optimize participation and safety during the fitness class.  However, Balance Screens and Movement Screens are available upon request. These screens can empower clients to seek out services that may prevent functional decline and optimize function, increase awareness of their own ability levels, and identify appropriate referrals based on the outcomes of the screen.  Please call the office for scheduling and payment options.