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Message from the Family & Community Medicine Chair

Message from Amy L. McGaha, MD, FAAFP, Professor and Chair

It is an exciting time to be a family physician! More than ever, patients and communities are recognizing the value and importance of having comprehensive medical care in a personal medical center. Family physicians are specially trained to provide this care to diverse patient populations and in varied care settings.

The Creighton University Department of Family Medicine Residency Program has a long history of training excellent family physicians. Our residents and graduates share the Creighton University mission of cura personalis, meaning “care for the person,” or “personal care.” In caring for our patients, we give not only of our knowledge, expertise and skill, but of ourselves.

Our program strives to better meet the needs of our community through innovations in healthcare delivery and multidisciplinary team-based care. The nation needs well-trained family physicians to face the challenges and opportunities as we go through healthcare reform, and our graduates are prepared to lead these changes in their future practices and communities.

We have energetic, dedicated faculty who are committed to teaching. Our residents are a supportive, cohesive group who are dedicated to learning their craft and serving others. I invite you to learn more about our program and how we prepare future family physicians in the value of service to others.

Amy L. McGaha, MD, FAAFP
Professor and Chair