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Hannah Mosher

Class of 2022

Creighton University’s Global Scholars Program is a four-year educational and professional development program designed to immerse select students in a variety of cultures for a rich academic, social and service experience. Hannah Mosher is a member of the program’s first graduating class.

Neuroscience major gained insight during global study, service

Hannah Mosher decided to attend Creighton University after discovering it was one of only a few schools that enabled pre-med students to experience study abroad.

“My dad found the Global Scholars program on the Creighton website and turned me onto it,” Mosher says. “That was a huge draw for me. I wanted to study abroad.”


The Global Scholars Program, founded four years ago by Creighton University President the Rev. Daniel S. Hendrickson, SJ, PhD, provides four global study and service experiences during four years of study. Two of those — Australia and the Dominican Republic — were common to all participants. Going forward, Sydney, Australia, has been replaced by Bologna, Italy.

Learning different perspectives and seeing what different places are like for yourself is very valuable."
— Hannah Mosher

Mosher, a native of Colorado majoring in neuroscience, says her freshman semester spent at the University of Sydney in Australia, in addition to learning the history of Australia’s indigenous peoples, instilled the flexibility needed to adjust to life abroad. It was, she says, a gentle introduction to foreign study given Australia’s common language but a situation nonetheless that pushed her beyond her comfort zone.

Her sophomore semester in the Dominican Republic, she says, was a very different experience as she lived with a host family while digging ditches for an aqueduct and assisting an English teacher in a local elementary school.

“I lived with a woman named Barbara,” Mosher says. “Her husband had passed away, and her son lived with her, and she was one of the leaders of the community. She was very sweet and insisted on cooking for us even though we would have our meals over at the (community) main house.”

Mosher, who will graduate in May as part of Creighton’s first Global Scholars cohort, said her experience has granted a global perspective.

“The Internet makes it easy to find out what places are like, but it's always best to experience something directly,” she says. “Learning different perspectives and seeing what different places are like for yourself is very valuable."

“I will apply to medical school in May and given my experience in this program I'm hoping to pursue something in global health, perhaps working in an underserved area, maybe in primary care.”