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Information Sessions

The following sessions are OPEN (do not require pre-registration):

Committed to the restoration and celebration of our shared home, Creighton University is partnering with a Jesuit university based in Quito, Ecuador, the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE).  Creighton University facilitators of this joint project will provide an overview of the planning trajectory as well as details of the upcoming non-credit immersion that will take place in July 2020.

In partnership with PUCE, the The Common Home Project has developed a two-week ecological fellowship called, Eco-Seek Ecuador. A small group of students will be selected to experience an immersion in Ecuador's Yasuni National Park in Summer 2020.

This non-credit bearing experience will offer a photography course, guided hikes and boat rides, and exposure to the local Huaroni indigenous peoples - which provides deep socio-environmental, historical context.  Because no credit will be earned, this program is open to students from all disciplines/majors.

At the end of this session we will discuss other opportunities for collaboration with PUCE.

Date, Time and Location TBA

Pre-Registration is required for the following sessions:

In these sessions, René Padilla, PhD, Vice Provost for Global Engagement, will present and overview of The Common Home Project including process, supports and timelines. Emphasis will be placed on discussion of participants' interests, how these might fit with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and possible matches with our Hubs.

Thursday, February 27, 2020
Global Engagement Office (Creighton Hall 324)
3:00 - 4:20 PM
Capacity: 10 participants
Register for this session

In these sessions, René Padilla, PhD, Vice Provost for Global Engagement, and guest speakers will present the UN Sustainable Development Goals and related global targets. These sessions are intended to help participants make links between their own interests / work and these goals.  Case studies will aid in reasoning through the SDG framework. The session will conclude with an overview of the Higher Education Sustainability Initiative  and the Common Home Project goals to report outcomes of its projects to that initiative.

Dates, Times & Locations TBA

In these sessions, René Padilla, PhD, Vice Provost for Global Engagement, and guest speakers will present several global learning frameworks. Sample learning activities and assessment strategies will be examined. Time will be provided for discussion and problem-solving participants' specific project needs so they leave the session with a concrete plan for implementation.

Dates, Times & Locations TBA