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Special Issue Call for Papers

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The QJFA will publish high caliber new papers in finance, economics, accounting and related fields. We are especially interested in, but not restricted to, papers in capital markets, financial economics, banking, corporate finance, options and futures, mergers, LBOs, IPOs, financial markets, currencies, venture capital, private equity, financial intermediation, financial analysis, investments, international finance, foreign direct investments and macro-finance issues. 

Call for Papers

Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting: Special Issue Small Emerging Caribbean and Latin America Economies: Development, Capital Access, Stock Markets and Crises

The Editors of QJFA seek papers that address the problems peculiar to small emerging market (SEM) economies in the Caribbean and Latin American region. SEM economies do not have deep capital, credit and currency markets. They are less diverse in terms of the breadth of their financial institutions, are not fully industrialized and are highly dependent on foreign private, public and multi-lateral capital inflows. They are also heavily indebted, have limited international market power and rely excessively on commodity exports and trade services. Hence, they face higher costs of capital, are subject to high exchange rate volatility and are dominated by bank-provided financing and risk management solutions. Relatively little research is published in finance journals on these issues. We are interested in good papers that deal with all of the above matters, on the countries of the region, be they theoretical, empirical or descriptive.

Of particular interest are papers dealing with:

• the role of remittances as catalyst for development• banks as providers of capital
• drivers of FDI flows and FDI flow volatility• external crises and regional currencies impact
• sovereign debt restructuring• political risk effects on sovereign and local debt
• profits, sustainability and GDP growth• role of currency market controls
• infrastructure development and multilateral agencies• money laundering
• capital flight episodes• tax evasion/tax havens
• currency market practices and efficiency• global imbalances and export potential
• substitutes for forward and futures hedging• financial crises and contagion
• correspondent banking and payment risks• hedging commodity price volatility
• trade finance• regional treasury practices
• impediments to stock market development• the impact of negative interest rates
• role and power of family firms• green finance

Submissions and Deadlines

All submission fees will be waived for papers submitted before July 31, 2017. After that date a submission fee of $50 will apply. The deadline for submission for this Special Issue is February 1, 2018. Notification of initial acceptance or non-acceptance will be made by April 1, 2018. The deadline for final manuscript submission is June 30, 2018. 

In case of any queries or difficulties please contact the Editors, Lloyd Blenman at or John Wingender at

Style Notes

1. Manuscripts submitted must be typed, double-spaced and approximately no more than 40 pages in length.

2. Because the manuscripts are double blind refereed, only the title is shown at the top of the first page of text. The title, author’s name, academic title and institutional affiliation should appear in a separate file.

3. Explanatory footnotes are numbered in the text. They should be used to avoid breaking up the main line of your arguments.

4. A compilation of bibliographic entries should appear at the end of the manuscript under the heading “References.”

5. Bibliographic entries within the text should include names and dates (i.e., as in Johanes and Sundaresan (2007) or Akdogu and McKay (2008) say …). Parentheses, not brackets, should be used.

6. References should include the title of the article, month, year, volume, page numbers and issue.

7. All tables and figures should be incorporated within the body of the text and be sequentially numbered. Table and figures should have titles as well as numbers (Arabic) and labels if and where needed. Figures must be embedded within the file and should be no larger than 4.75 inches x 6.75 inches. Labels should be in 8 point Arial or a similar sans serif typeface.

8. Each article must be accompanied by an abstract of 150 words or less.

9. The relevant submission fee as specified in the QJFA Special Issue flyer must be paid before the review process can begin. Accepted manuscripts must be submitted in Microsoft Word format only. The tax ID number is 47-0376583. Our e-mail address is

Contact Us

Heider College of Business
Creighton University
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178

Journal Co-Editors

M. Kabir Hassan - University of New Orleans
John Wingender - Creighton University