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St. Peter Faber, SJ Chapel

A Place of Prayer and Reflection

The chapel provides a space for personal reflection to deepen your faith and your relationship with God. View livestreamed events and videos on the St. Peter Faber, SJ Chapel YouTube channel.


St. Peter Faber, SJ

Peter traveled throughout Europe working in an interdenominational and interfaith context. He became adept in guiding others in The Spiritual Exercises and helping them develop their relationship with God. Peter, who was especially kind to the poor, once reflected that solid business approaches would help to alleviate social ills. In an article in the National Catholic Reporter in 2013, author Chris Lowney suggested Peter be considered the Patron Saint of Business.

The Chapel Cave

The Chapel Cave represents the cave in Manresa, Spain, where St. Ignatius of Loyola experienced great intimacy  with God and received spiritual enlightenment on which  he developed The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.


The Prayers and Petitions Wall

The Prayers and Petitions Wall, which contains dichroic glass to simulate votive candles, allows people to place prayers, intentions, and petitions in the slots along the wall and pray with the community of faith who gather in the chapel. If you are unable to visit the Chapel, you may complete this form and your prayer and/or petition will be added to the wall.

With Gratitude

It is through the generosity of an anonymous donor that this sanctuary is available to enhance the spiritual well-being of students, staff, alumni, and friends of Creighton University.