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Public Health Major

The Bachelor of Science in Public Health takes an interdisciplinary approach to looking at the health of populations and their communities. Driven by the social justice call of our Jesuit, Catholic Mission, this major will give students an opportunity to understand health trends, the interaction between environment and health outcomes, and health disparities that affect those in most need. Students will build a solid background in data analysis, biological constructs pertaining to disease, and the cultural aspects of health and public health worldwide.  Students can choose from a general track or professional track.

Public Health Minor

The minor in Public Health familiarizes students with the science of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting healthy life styles both in this country and abroad. Public health includes the study of the causes and distribution of disease in human populations and interventions aimed at minimizing risk factors and preventing disease at the population level. The profession of public health studies community efforts for improving the environment, containing community infections, addressing the social determinants of health, and developing the social infrastructure to maintain the health of a population.

Public Health Major

Learn more about the Public Health Major and take action to declare this major.

Public Health Minor

Learn more about the Public Health Minor and take action to declare this minor.

The "A-Ha" Moment for Students

This moment occurs when students realize that public health is an essential context for healthcare and recognize that citizens and policymakers need to create the social and other "upstream" infrastructures to prevent illness and enable human flourishing rather than simply addressing ill health "downstream".

Public Health Faculty

Susan Walsh

Susan K. Walsh, MHSA, RN, FACHE