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CSDJ Students Life

The Creightonian

Cover of The Creightonian

The Creightonian, published each Thursday during the school year, has been an integral part of Creighton since 1924. Student reporters, editors, photographers and designers produce the award-winning newspaper where news, features, sports, entertainment, opinion and photos are packaged in eye-catching design. The Creightonian Online offers similar campus news, features, opinion and sports.

Join the Creightonian staff and cover Creighton's D-I athletic teams, write features, blogs or your own column. You don't have to be a CSDJ major or have journalism experience, and all classes are welcome. Email the editor if you have questions.

Backpack Journalism

Backpack Journalism uses new media tools and relatively inexpensive video equipment to produce documentaries about people in developing countries and marginalized societies. The project is a collaboration of Creighton University College of Arts and Sciences' Departments of Theology and Computer Science, Design & Journalism. Theologian-documentary filmmaker John O'Keefe, visual artist-filmmaker Tim Guthrie and journalist Carol Zuegner work with a group of students in a five-week summer immersion course to produce mini-documentaries as well as blogs and other multimedia content.

The teams have filmed stories in Uganda, the Dominican Republic, rural southwestern Alaska, and on the border between the United States and Mexico in Nogales, Arizona. Past films - EsperanzaMato OputWer UgandaMother Kuskokwim, and El Deportado - have won awards or have been screened at national and international film festivals.

Collage of students during a Backpack Journalism trip

Professional Chapters & Clubs

CSDJ students are passionate about their studies and engaged in the world. The following organizations and clubs are student-driven and active within the department and the larger Omaha community.

  • PRSSA Chapter: The Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) is the foremost organization for students interested in public relations and communications. PRSSA offers students a number of networking activities, including an annual Meet The Pros networking event, agency tours, and presentations by Omaha-area PR professionals.
  • CS Club: The Computer Science Club provides an inclusive environment for men and women to stimulate one another's interest in technology careers and to be inspired by the achievements anyone can accomplish in the field. Club activities include industry speakers and panels, career planning support, student-led tutorials and trips to hackathons and programming contests.


CSDJ students have an incredible array of internships to explore whether in news, public relations, social media, advertising, design, video, web development or computer science. The options range from news organizations to Fortune 500 companies to startups to nonprofits. Students take advantage of these opportunities over the summer and during the school year. Most CSDJ students have multiple internships by the time they graduate. Many internships are paid and students can receive academic credit.

Students at a career fair