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Communications Academic Programs

View our academic programs for communication studies below.

BA, Major in Communication Studies for Traditional Students

This major provides you with both a theoretical and applied foundation in communication.  You will explore communication scholarship in multiple subdisciplines including interpersonal, organizational, and rhetorical and public culture; as well as small group, media, health, and family.  In addition, you will enhance your knowledge (and openness to) the diversity of the surrounding world, including the intersections of communication with social justice and forms of oppression related to social identity to be men and women for and with others.  This major allows you to have the flexibility to customize your program by choosing elective courses from a variety of areas relevant to your career interests.

BA, Major in Communication Studies Organizational Communication Track for AcceleratedCREIGHTON Students

This major is available for adult learner students and focuses on the relationship between communication and human behavior in organizations (business, government, non-profit). You will study theory and practice of how organizations are created, maintained, and changed through communication. You will learn to communicate your ideas effectively through generating organizational literature and delivering professional presentations.  In this major, you will examine the role and relevance of communication in your personal and professional life while broadening your knowledge of (and openness to) the intersections of communication with social justice and forms of oppression related to social identity.

Communication Studies Minor

The minor provides you with an opportunity to develop communication competencies, at both theoretical and applied levels. The minor allows you to explore communication by providing structure and flexibility to give you a way to supplement your major and career goals.