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Student Demographics

A diverse student body, learning from one another.

Creighton embraces and thrives on diversity — not only demographic diversity, but also intellectual and experiential diversity. Our students come from all walks of life, bringing with them fresh, stimulating ideas and horizon-expanding stories.

As much as you’ll learn from your professors here, you’ll learn just as much from the classmates you collaborate with and the friends you make. 

The Class of 2027 at a Glance

Stat 34

students ranked in the Top 10% of their high school

Stat 46

students had a 4.0 high school GPA or higher

Stat 52

students interested in studying in a pre-professional program

Stat 80

students interested in studying the health sciences or business

Bluejays come from everywhere - Nebraska 23%, Midwest 14%, Upper Midwest 33%, West Mountains 17%, Southwest 7%, South/East 3%, Alaska/Hawaii 5%, International 2%

Bluejays come from everywhere

  • 30% from the Upper Midwest
  • 23% from Nebraska
  • 17% from the West Mountains
  • 14% from the Midwest
  • 7% from the Southwest
  • 5% from Alaska and Hawaii
  • 3% from the South/East
  • 2% from International

Let’s Connect

Start your Bluejay experience today! Speak to an Admissions Counselor.