The John P. Fahey Career Center hosts several annual events, in addition to the many presentations and smaller events that take place throughout the year. The following is a full explanation of the annual events that help serve Creighton students and alumni throughout their career development.

John P. Fahey Career Center Events: 2024 - 2025 Academic Year

Fall Semester

Fall Semester ALL MAJORS Career Fair

Date:  Friday, September 27 -- Time:  12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. -- Location: Harper Center Ballroom
Registration Available Now
Description:  Students and Alumni are provided the opportunity to meet face-to-face with organizations that engage with Creighton to recruit for internships, full-time positions and volunteer opportunities.

Creighton Business Symposium

Date:  Friday, October 25 -- Time: TBD. -- Location: Harper Center
Description:  The Creighton Business Symposium brings together the Creighton community and global business executives to discuss current issues in today's business environment.  All Creighton students are welcome.

Virtual Health Careers Fair

Date:  TBD – Time:  4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. – Location: online in Handshake
Registration Available in the Fall
Description:  Students and Alumni are provided the opportunity to interact with employers virtually about healthcare job and internship opportunities. Clinical and non-clinical job opportunities for Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Nursing, Physician Assistant, Social Work, Public Health, Health Administration, and other Pre-Health opportunities for undergrads.

Fall Professional Etiquette Dinners

Date: TBD -- Location:  Harper Center Ballroom
Description: A four-course meal is provided during a presentation addressing business etiquette, formal dining, and the art of conversation. Business sophomores are required to attend.


Spring Semester

Spring Semester ALL MAJORS Career Fair

Date:  Friday, February 21 -- Time:  12:00p.m. - 3:00 p.m. CT -- Location: Harper Center Ballroom
Registration coming in January
Description: Students and Alumni are provided the opportunity to meet face-to-face with over 90 organizations that come to Creighton to recruit for internships, full-time positions and volunteer opportunities.

Major/Minor Exploration Fair

Date:  TBD. -- Location:  Skutt Student Center Ballroom
Description: Students have the opportunity to visit with faculty, staff and students from all majors on campus.  This event is required for all Arts & Sciences freshman RSP classes.

BIG EAST Career Networking Event

Date: March 2025 - specific date TBA
Madison Square Garden, New York City

Spring Professional Etiquette Dinners

Dates:  TBD -- Location:  Harper Center Ballroom
Description: A four-course meal is provided during a presentation addressing business etiquette, formal dining, and the art of conversation. Business freshmen are required to attend.