Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.

New Student and Family Assessments

Assessments designed to enhance your Creighton experience.

Creighton University is dedicated to tailoring your education to help you achieve your goals. These assessments are designed to improve your onboarding and academic experiences. Please review the information below and use the links to complete each assessment.

Quantitative Assessment for New Students (QANS)

Creighton University is dedicated to fostering student learning and helping students discover their talents and abilities. To assist us in supporting you and your transition to Creighton, we require all students to take a short assessment focused on mathematics knowledge and reasoning. The Quantitative Assessment for New Students (QANS) is tailored to understand how we can help students achieve their goals.

Please complete the QANS at least one week prior to your Summer Preview attendance and Fall registration time this summer, typically in June. Before starting, be sure to have a calculator, scratch paper and about an hour of time available to you.

Before beginning, please know the following:

  • During the assessment you will answer 16 – 20 questions.
  • You need to provide a response to every question in the order they are presented; you cannot return to a previous question.
  • The assessment will likely take you 30 – 45 minutes to complete.
    • Times longer than 90 minutes may not be considered.
  • Please answer each question to the best of your ability.
  • If you have disability accommodations, please communicate those through Creighton’s Office of Student Accessibility Accommodations.
  • Results and registration advice will be communicated to your advisor prior to your Fall term registration time. A discussion with your advisor about the best classes to take will occur during Summer Preview (or when you meet with your advisor over the summer).

You may access the QANS here.

We wish you the very best as you embark on your college career!

College Readiness Survey

You and your family are asked to share your insights as you transition to Creighton. This will allow us to provide intentional resources and programming during your transition to Creighton.

  • Students attending Summer Preview in-person, you will complete your survey during Summer Preview.  
  • Students attending Summer Preview virtually, please click here to complete your survey before the end of your Summer Preview session.  
  • Families, click here to complete your survey prior to Summer Preview
    • Open May 2
    • Due DateJune 2

Language Placement and Competency Exam

Your experience studying a foreign language may qualify you to begin in a higher-level course or test out of the undergraduate language requirement. To see which undergraduate programs require foreign language, please review the requirements on this page.

  • Click here to complete a placement or competency exam (dates and deadlines vary)