Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.

Move-In and Welcome Week

The new school year kicks off with Welcome Week

The Bluejay spirit shines during Creighton’s annual Move-In and Welcome Week. It’s one of our favorite traditions to help welcome new students and their families to Creighton and Omaha. 

Find out more about Fall 2024 Move-In in The Move-In Process Section below. Move-In begins August 16, 2024. 

For questions, please email

Welcome Week Activities

The Move-in Process

Fall 2024 Move-In

  • Move-in Weekend will take place August 16 - 17, 2024.
  • After Summer Preview, first-year students will be able to share their housing preferences and complete the roommate matching assessment via the Housing Portal. More information will be shared to your Creighton email from
  • You'll be able to select your move-in time once your roommate and housing assignments are released. Roommate and housing assignments will be sent to your Creighton email in early July.

Spring 2025 Move-In

  • Students will sign up for a move-in timeslot via the Housing Portal over winter break.
  • Incoming students will receive their housing assignments and move-in instructions over winter break. 

Welcome Week Events for the Whole Family

We consider some Move-In and Welcome Week events a family affair! Please see a sample of events* below:  

  • Move-in day 
  • Introduction to RSP for students and families 
  • University Welcome for Families 
  • President’s Welcome Picnic 
  • Welcome Week Mass 
  • Sundaes on Saturday

*Events are subject to change. Formal programming for families ends on Saturday, August 17. 

Students around fire

First-Year Move-In and Welcome Week

Move-in weekend is a blast! 

Check out this video to see what you can expect when you arrive at campus.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • All residents can access the Housing Portal to change their move-in appointment within 24 hours of their selected move-in time.
  • New residents to the university should email for special requests.
  • Returning residents to the university should email for special requests.

Note that we will try our best to fulfill your request, but we cannot guarantee special accommodations.

  • Check out the list of items to bring, as well as those to leave at home. Although we encourage you to personalize your room, please make sure to follow all University policies regarding room modifications. General guidelines are listed in the Creighton University Student Handbook.
  • Please bring only what you plan to keep in your room, as additional on-campus storage is not available. We are unable to provide storage for large items over the summer.
  • Our furniture allows you to customize the layout of your room. You may loft your bed to one of many heights and bunk your bed above your roommate’s if desired. Please do not bring personal lofts or attempt to construct your own. The beds will be fully lofted when you arrive on campus.

Items can be shipped to campus for the fall semester in late July.

All mail can be addressed in the following way. See each hall's address below:

First Name Last Name
Residence Hall Street Address
[Residence Hall Name] Creighton University
Omaha, NE 68178

Residence Hall Street Addresses:

  • Davis Square: 2015 Burt St.
  • Deglman Hall: 2403 California Plz.
  • Graves Hall: 2275 Burt St.
  • Heider Hall: 302 N. 22nd St.
  • Kenefick Hall: 320 N. 20th St.
  • McGloin Hall: 2208 California Plz.
  • Opus Hall: 615 N. 20th St.
  • Swanson Hall: 2500 Cass St.

During the academic year mail and packages for all residents can be picked up in the Swanson mailroom during mailroom hours.

Packages that have arrived to campus prior to move-in will be delivered to first-year resident rooms ahead of time.

Yes! Commuter students navigate Welcome Week with their RSP class. Your student peer leader and guide will reach out with your meeting location to attend all events together.  

Please make sure to download the Microsoft Teams app to your phone. Your student leaders will communicate through your Creighton email ( and Teams (with Creighton login) messaging services. 

Yes, we would love to see you there! A full schedule of events will be available on Guidebook prior to Move-In and Welcome Week, and we encourage you to use the app to stay up-to-date on the most accurate information. 

Formal programming for parents and families will conclude on Saturday, August 17. 

Contact Information

New Student Orientation
Creighton Hall 224

Residential Life and Housing
Swanson Hall 136