Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.

Student Organization Misconduct

Accountability for Student Organizations.

Student organizations at Creighton University are held to the same standards as individual students. These standards are outlined in the Student Handbook under “Student Discipline.”

For information regarding the organizational misconduct process, please refer to the “Student Accountability” section of the Student Handbook.

Unrecognized Student Organizations

Pi Kappa Alpha

  • Pi Kappa Alpha, also known as PIKE, was suspended by the University in Spring 2019 after the fraternity violated the terms of its Social and Behavioral Probation.
  • Former members are not permitted to wear any items of clothing with their fraternity letters or insignia, advertise on campus, host events, or recruit new members.
  • Membership and affiliation with any underground group(s) will lead to adjudication through the University’s Code of Conduct. 

Phi Kappa Psi

  • Phi Kappa Psi, also known as Phi Psi, was closed by both the University and National Fraternity in Spring 2017 after multiple violations of University policy, which led to a suspension from the University and the Phi Kappa Psi National Headquarters. This group can be identified by the colors green and red, and the motto “Live ever, die never.”
  • Former members are not permitted to wear any items of clothing with their fraternity letters or insignia, advertise on campus, host events, or recruit new members.
  • Membership and affiliation with any underground group(s) will lead to adjudication through the University’s Code of Conduct. 

In determining outcomes for violations of University Community Standards, the person or entity providing outcomes will consider such factors as attitude of the organization’s officers; past record, both positive and negative; the severity of the damage, injury, harm, or disruption done or the potential for such; the organization’s honesty, cooperation, and willingness to make amends; and other factors deemed material. An outcome or a combination of outcomes listed below may be imposed.


The permanent separation of the student organization from the University. The student organization will be barred from University premises.


The separation of the student organization from the University for a specified period of time. The student organization may not participate in any University-sponsored activity, will not be considered a University-registered organization, may not receive University funds, and may be barred from University premises. Reinstatement after disciplinary suspension requires the approval of the Vice Provost for Student Life.

Behavioral Probation

The student organization will be served notice that its behavior violates the University’s Community Standards. The organization may be barred from participation in all or designated co-curricular activities and may be subject to other outcomes. The organization will be notified that any further violations of University Community Standards will in all likelihood result in suspension or expulsion.

Social Probation

The student organization will be served notice that the behavior of its membership violates the University’s Community Standards. The group is restricted from planning and/or participating in social activities and may be subject to other outcomes. The organization will be notified that any further violations of University Community Standards will in all likelihood result in the suspension or expulsion of the organization.

Behavioral Reprimand

The student organization is warned that its conduct is in violation of University Community Standards and that further misconduct may be treated more severely.


The student organization is required to make payment to the University, other persons, groups, or organizations for damages that result from violations of standards.


The student organization will be required to pay a specified monetary fine to the University within a specified period of time.

Denial or Restriction of Access to a University Building or Facility

The student organization will be denied access or allowed only restricted access to a specific building or facility for a stated period of time.

Alcohol Restriction

The student organization is to have only alcohol-free social events (including, but not limited to, member education events, retreats, member development events, date parties, formals, and social events) during the specified time period. Any violations that involve alcohol that result out of an event that is to be alcohol free will be considered to be in violation of this Alcohol Restriction outcome.

Other Outcomes

Other outcomes which are intended to engage the student organization in a positive learning experience related to the organization’s inappropriate behavior may be imposed by the University Committee on Student Discipline, Standards Panel, Community Standards Board, Fraternity and Sorority Standards Board, or a behavioral hearing officer. These outcomes may include, but are not limited to, engaging in a campus or community service project, attending or presenting a program related to implications of the organization’s conduct, or review of the organization’s membership.