Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.

Find brotherhood at Creighton.

The undergraduate fraternities at Creighton create a community through a unified commitment to leadership, service, scholarship, personal development, and brotherhood. With GPAs exceeding the campus average and true commitments to philanthropic causes, fraternity members embody these values every day. Not only will you grow as a leader through your involvement in fraternity life, but you will also develop relationships and learn lessons that will last far beyond your college years.

The Inter-Fraternity Council (IFC)

The Inter-Fraternity Council (IFC) at Creighton University is the governing body that oversees and supports the fraternity community. Comprising representatives from each of Creighton's six active IFC fraternities, the council is dedicated to promoting leadership, scholarship, service, and brotherhood among its members. The IFC serves as a legislative body, mediating interfraternity grievances, coordinating recruitment, and fostering positive university-fraternity relations. It also provides education and resources to fraternity members, helping them uphold high standards of conduct and achievement.

Through its initiatives, the IFC aims to create a unified and thriving fraternal community that aligns with the values and mission of Creighton University.

Inter-Fraternity Council Fraternities

Beta Theta Pi crest

Beta Theta Pi Eta Iota Chapter
“Developing Men of Principle for a Principled Life”
Mutual Assistance | Intellectual Growth | Trust | Responsible Conduct | Integrity

  • Chartered: April 11, 2015
  • National Founding Date: August 8, 1839, at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio
  • Colors: Delicate shades of pink and blue 
  • Chapter Nickname: Beta
  • Philanthropy: Nebraska Humane Society
  • Creighton Beta Theta Pi on Instagram 
Delta Chi crest

Delta Chi Creighton Chapter
Friendship | Character | Justice| Education

  • Chartered: November 28, 2023
  • National Founding Date: October 13, 1890 at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York
  • Colors: Red and Buff
  • Chapter Nickname: DChi
  • Philanthropy: The V Foundation for Cancer Reasearch 
  • Delta Chi - Creighton Instagram
Phi Delta Theta crest

Phi Delta Theta Nebraska Gamma Chapter
“One Man is No Man”
Friendship | Sound Learning | Moral Rectitude

Pi Kappa Phi crest

Pi Kappa Phi Creighton Associate Chapter
“Nothing shall ever tear us asunder”
Common Loyalty | Personal Responsibility | Achievement | Accountability | Campus Involvement | Responsible Citizenship | Lifelong Commitment

  • Chartered: 
  • National Founding Date: December 10, 1904 at the College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina
  • Colors: Auxiliary Blue, White and Gold
  • Chapter Nickname: PiKapp
  • Philanthropy: 
  • Creighton Pi Kappa Phi on Instagram
Sigma Alpha Epsilon crest

Sigma Alpha Epsilon Nebraska Iota Chapter
“The True Gentlemen”
Scholarship | Service | Leadership | Friendship

  • Chartered: February 17, 1968
  • National Founding Date: March 9, 1856 at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
  • Colors: Royal Purple and Old Gold 
  • Chapter Nickname: SAE
  • Philanthropy: Hope Center for Kids
  • Creighton Sigma Alpha Epsilon on Instagram
Sigma Phi Epsilon crest

Sigma Phi Epsilon Nebraska Delta Chapter
“Building Balanced Men”
Virtue | Diligence | Brotherly Love

  • Chartered: 1986
  • National Founding Date: November 1, 1901 at Richmond College in Richmond,     Virginia
  • Colors: Red, Purple and Gold
  • Chapter Nickname: SigEp
  • Philanthropy: Big Brothers Big Sisters
  • Creighton SigEp on Instagram

Culturally Based Fraternities

Creighton’s culturally based fraternities help students find community and experience the rich culture of Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), National Multicultural Greek Council (NMGC), National APIDA* Pan-Hellenic Association (NAPA), and National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations (NALFO) organizations. Focused on the pillars of education, philanthropy, and history, students develop relationships and skills that go beyond their college years.

Culturally Based Fraternal Council (CBFC)

The Culturally Based Fraternal Council is the coordinating body of Creighton’s nine culturally based fraternities and sororities. Their objectives are to:

  1. Support of the activities and involvement of participating members of the CBFC.
  2. Promotion of the educational, philanthropic, and historical focus of participating members of the CBFC.
  3. Advocacy for a process for new Culturally Based Fraternal Organizations seeking recognition at Creighton University.
  4. Promotion of diversity awareness, inclusion, and integration among the members of the CBFC, IFC, and PHC.
Alpha Phi Alpha crest

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Beta Xi Lambda Chapter
“First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All”
Manly Deeds | Scholarship | Love for All Mankind

Kappa Alpha Psi crest

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Eta Chapter
“Achievement In Every Field of Human Endeavor”    

Omega Psi Phi crest

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Beta Upsilon Chapter
“Friendship is Essential to the Soul”
Manhood | Scholarship | Perseverance | Uplift

  • Chartered: December 28, 1949  
  • National Founding Date: November 17, 1911 at Howard University in Washington, D.C.
  • Colors: Royal Purple and Old Gold 
  • Chapter Nickname: Omegas, Ques, or Bruhz
  • Creighton Omega Psi Phi on Instagram
Sigma Lambda Beta Crest

Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity, Inc. Pi Epsilon Chapter
“Opportunity for Wisdom, Wisdom for Culture”
Brotherhood | Scholarship | Community Service | Cultural Awareness

Contact Information

Student Leadership & Involvement Center (SLIC)
P: 402.280.1715
F: 402.280.5829