Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.


Miranda Mussack

Healthcare Access

Miranda Mussack says her research helps in the innovation of physical therapy practice and providing the best clinical care possible.

Miranda Mussack, who is in her first year of physical therapy school, says research helps practitioners work more effectively with patients.

Miranda Mussack knows there is still much to be learned. She says her research helps in the innovation of physical therapy practice and providing the best clinical care possible. We recently asked the Parker, Colorado, native a few questions.

What kind of research are you doing or have you done?

I am currently working on my first experience in research. The research is qualitative and looking at perspectives on healthcare access and equity of people with Parkinson’s disease identifying as LGBTQ+.

Why is research important to you?

While we already know a lot, there is so much still to be learned. Without research we wouldn’t be able to properly interpret or predict different aspects of life. In school, they emphasize using research to effectively work with our patients in the clinic and optimize their care. By being involved with research, I can assist in the innovation of practice and ensure we are doing all we can to best provide care in clinic.

What are your plans after graduating?

I am deciding what I would like to specialize in as of right now, but I am hoping to enter academia with teaching and research once I can gain more experience clinically after graduation.

By being involved with research, I can assist in the innovation of practice and ensure we are doing all we can to best provide care in clinic.
— Miranda Mussack

How will your research experience help you reach your goals?

This experience in research is allowing me to get initial experience before hopefully fully immersing myself into research to come. I am beyond grateful to work alongside Dr. McIsaac and Dr. Sutton on this study and am taking in what I can from their mentorship during the process. The opportunity has only solidified my interest and I am excited to see what the future has to offer.

Would you recommend research to incoming students?

I, without a doubt, would recommend research to incoming students. Even if you do not believe it may be the right fit for you, the experience of working on a research study helps you to better understand and analyze data separate from what you're working on. Being able to work on research with your studies, I have also noticed, has enhanced my education at school.