Institutional Biosafety Committee

It is the policy of Creighton University that any possession of and/or activity involving known or potential biohazardous materials be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Biosafety Committee. Biohazardous materials subject to review by the IBC include, but are not limited, to the following: 

Infectious Biological Agents 

Infectious biological agents and biologically derived materials that present a risk or potential risk to the health of humans or animals, either directly through infection or indirectly through damage to the environment. Infectious agents have the ability to replicate and give rise to potentially large populations in nature when small numbers are released from controlled situations. 

Recombinant DNA 

The NIH Guidelines define Recombinant DNA molecules as either (i) molecules that are constructed outside living cells by joining natural or synthetic DNA segments to DNA molecules that can replicate in a living cell, or (ii) molecules that result from the replication of those described in (i) above. In addition, synthetic DNA segments that are likely to yield a potentially harmful polynucleotide or polypeptide (e.g., a toxin or a pharmacologically active agent) are considered as equivalent to their natural DNA counterpart. 

Select Agents 

By law, Creighton University must report all specified biological "select agents" in its possession to the government. These "select agents" are identified on the lists provided on the right by the CDC and USDA.

This policy applies to activity and research that is sponsored by the University; conducted by faculty, staff, students, or agents of the University; or conducted using the University's property, facilities, or non-public information.

Stephen J. Cavalieri, PhD, D(ABMM)
Chair, Institutional Biosafety Committee 
Professor, Pathology 
Professor, Medical Microbiology and Immunology 
Phone 402.280.3654 

Richard Goering, PhD
Vice Chair, Institutional Biosafety Committee 
Professor, Medical Microbiology and Immunology 
Phone 402.280.4098 

John Baxter
Director of Environmental Health and Safety
Biosafety Officer
Phone 402.546.6269 

Charles Brockhouse, PhD
Associate Professor, Biology
Phone 402.280.3393

Christopher Destache, PharmD, FCCP
Professor, Pharmacy Practice
Professor, Internal Medicine 
Phone: 402.280.4744

Rima El-Herte, PhD
Clinical Assistant Professor, Infectious Diseases

Michael Belshan, PhD
Associate Professor, Medical Microbiology and Immunology 
Phone 402.280.1831 

Marisa Zallocchi, PhD
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Sciences 
Phone 402.280.4069

Stacey Morrow, MS, MT(ASCP)(Certified Medical Technologist)
Associate Director, Molecular Biology
Phone: 402.280.3180 

Christopher Austin, MS, MPH
Nebraska State Epidemiologist, Division of Public Health
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services

Graham Cox, PhD
Veterinary Vaccine Services, Inc.

Stephen J. Cavalieri, PhD, D(ABMM)
Chair, Institutional Biosafety Committee 
Professor, Pathology 
Professor, Medical Microbiology and Immunology 
Phone 402.280.3654
Fax 402.280.5247

Richard Goering, PhD
Vice Chair, Institutional Biosafety Committee 
Professor, Medical Microbiology and Immunology 
Phone 402.280.4098 
Fax 402.280.1875 

Compliance Support

Joseph A. Knezetic
Director of Research Compliance 
Creighton University
Phone: 402.280.2511
Fax: 402.280.4766

Shannon Walsh
Research Compliance Quality Assurance Auditor
Creighton University 
Phone: 402.280.2322

Teri Prentis
IBC Administrator
Creighton University 
Phone: 402.280.2126
Email: or 

Schedule of Meetings

The Institutional Biosafety Committee will meet as needed. All meetings will be held in the Research and Compliance Conference Room, Criss I, Room 111, at 2 PM on the second Friday of the month. 

Meeting dates are subject to change.
To confirm a meeting date, contact the IBC Administrator at 402.280.2126 or

The IBC Policies and Procedures for the Use of Biohazardous Materials (IBC Policies) outlines the processes that must be followed when obtaining, using, storing, transferring, or destroying biohazardous materials, and provides a review of the relevant regulatory requirements. Since laboratory work can involve exposure not only to biohazardous materials, but also to chemical and radiological hazards, these policies should be used in conjunction with any pertinent University manuals (e.g., the Investigators' Manual for Laboratory Safety, the Users' Manual for Radioactive Materials).

Creighton University's Institutional Biosafety Committee uses the CITI Biosafety/Biosecurity training course for anyone conducting research involving biohazardous material, including Infectious Biological Agents, Recombinant DNA and Select Agents. All Principal Investigators, Co-Investigators, Laboratory Technicians, and Research Staff involved in research using biohazardous material in their laboratories are required to complete assigned training. "Research Staff" refers to anyone, including students of any kind, conducting research on or otherwise handling biohazardous material, including Infectious Biological Agents, Recombinant DNA, and Select Agents.