Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.
"Yo soy Chicano"
Efren García
Coffee with Cream: Growing Up Biracial with Latina and American Identities
Sofia Deatherage
Music to Our Ears
Alexandria Jones
Where Are the Women? A Feminist Rhetorical Criticism of Jesuit Discourse
Sarah Tooley
La conexión íntima entre "La carta de Rodolfo Walsh" y 1984
Sophia Daley
Identity Management: Twitter's Policy on Synthetic and Manipulated Media
Kenneth A.D. Palattao, Jr.
Panpsychism, Neutral Monism, and the Need for a New Synthesis
Christopher LeWarne
"Midway", "Curbside Grace"
Garrett Fox
"The Pages Are Blank": Narrative Stagnancy and Rescripting through Fukú and Zafa in The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
Hannah Okelberry
Reconciling Philosophy and Reality through the Wife of Bath's Unorthodox Approach to the Marriage Debate
Olivia Fuson
Tale as Old as Time: How Remaking Classic Fairytale Films Balances Recognizability and Social Progress
Madison Gilbert
Enacting Paid Family and Medical Leave Policy: A Quantitative Analysis Across the American States
Kathleen Bever
Impact of Mental and Physical Illness in the Hiring Process
Abby Smith, Jenna Ampulski, Nashib Farooqi, and Sarah Jacober
An Exploration of Racial Bias in Medical Students' Pain Perceptions and Treatment Decisions
Jessica Hack
Impacts of Modern-Day Medical Education on Trust in the Patient-Physician Relationship
Mina Mirzaie
The American Press during the Spanish-American War: Race, Reconcentration, and Paternalism
Nathan Chaplin
The Power of Puns: Dream Interpretation in the Ancient Near East
Hannah Pulverenti
A Rhetorical Analysis of the Public Sphere through the #MeToo Movement
Taylor Enderle
Techniques to Decrease the Sanitation Risks Associated with Wastewater Irrigation
Jacquelyn Wright
σ-helices in Prion Protein Monomer and Dimers Drive the Interaction with the Cell Membrane Interface
India Claflin and Frances Morden
"Feminism" and Feminism: A Rhetorical Criticism of Emma Watson's Address to the U.N.
Courtney Batterson
Mother Knows Best? Evaluating the Roles of Stoic Parents in Gladiator (2000)
Krysta Larson
Hegemony within Higher Education: The Creation of an "Ideal" Student
Amy Guziec
Family Communication and its Effects on Child Developmental Progression
Paige Rainforth
Energy Consumption in Creighton University Residence Halls: Comparing Attitudes and Behaviors
Sarah Kelly
Christian Base Communities in Peru: Lessons for North America
Conan Rainwater
The Impact of Social Media on Social Movements
Amandha R. Lopes
Indicators of Deterrence Success
Matthew Hansen
A Fuzzy Mathematical Model of Oral Health Aid Allocation
Jennifer Hartjes; Michael Grzelak
Susceptibility to Disease Outbreak
Sarah Birnbaum; Cati Kral
Development of a Policy to Promote Wellness at the Workplace
Julianna Diddle
Explaining States' Medicaid Expansion Decisions> Does Money Matter?
Claire Wilka
Fuzzy Math to Determine Which States Are More Likely to Consume Meat
Melanie Ladley
Standardized Test Scores: Does What We Pay Our Teachers Hurt Our Students?
Tara Whitley
Modeling the Global Growth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Maria Benevento
A Fuzzy Mathematical Model to Predict Likelihood of a Hunger Crisis
Troy Rowan; Connor Griggs
A Fuzzy Mathematical Model of Reducing AIDS-Related Deaths
Patrick Bruck
The Epitaph of Allia Potestas CIL VI 37965 = CLE 1988
Ximing Lu
A Fuzzy Mathematical Model of Social Health: Determining the Ability to be Healthy in Kansas as Determined by Social Factors
Jacquelyn Wagner
User Susceptibility to Internet Attacks
Ryan Ford; Will Graft
A Fuzzy Mathematical Model of Readiness for Democracy
Katie Truitt; Steffen Lake
Risk of Acquiring Type II Diabetes
Anthony Rauschenbach; Zachary Tom
The Failure of Foreign Aid in Sub-Saharan Africa
Keenan Roberson
Global Electrical Sustainability
Sarah Budney; Alex Shepherd
A Fuzzy Mathematical Approach to Hollywood Blockbusters
Evan Holland; Jared Ruchensky
Measuring Women's Internal Political Efficacy Across Nation-States
Erin Rossiter
Contributing Factors to the Development of Alzheimer's Disease
Rouba Maluf; Maeve Cardwell
The Human Development Index Calculated with Fuzzy Weights
Mary Wade
Show Me the Money: A Mathematical Model of INGO Aid Allocation with Influence Calculations
Carissa Hernandes
A Fuzzy Mathematical Model of State's Risk of Non-State Sponsored Terrorism
Mark P. Byrne
Evaluation of the Rethink Autism Program
Damian Daszynski; Kayla Nelson
Evaluating Healthcare
Kelsey Sterk
Assessing the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
Dan Delaney; Maddy Novoa; Elizabeth Scheer
"Saying 'I Do' in Korea": Reverend Sun Myung Moon's Theology of Marriage
Asialee Drews
A Hermeneutical Call for Change: Asante & Lukan Women Crossing Boundaries
Abby Dinklage
A Model of Factors Influencing the Charitable Donations of American Citizens to Disaster Relief Efforts
David Austerberry
Global Cybercrime Risk Rankings
Alan Buttars
A Model for Educational Success
Becca Moynihan; Kate Pitz