Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.

Parking Services is Enhancing Support with Creighton IT Service Desk

Parking Services is teaming up with the Creighton IT Service Desk to streamline how you get help with parking matters. The myServices Portal will be your main resource for parking information. Knowledge articles will help you to find answers to your parking questions. If the articles don't help, you can request services directly through the portal.

  • Email Changes
    • Effective Jan. 31, 2025, at 5 p.m., the email will no longer be in use.
    • The myServices portal will provide knowledge articles about general parking questions and services. If you need to submit a request for parking services, that can also be done directly through the portal.

These changes are being made to not only increase efficiency, but to also provide better transparency for submitted requests. Once a request has been submitted in the myServices portal, the requestor will be able to track the progress of their request and will receive email notifications whenever it is updated.

Parking on campus?

Any vehicle on University property in Omaha should have a decal, temporary hangtag or printed permit issued by Parking Services through JayPark or is subject to citation. All students, employees, contractors and visitors are required to have an annual, or temporary, parking permit properly displayed when parking on the Omaha campus. Phoenix students and employees can purchase access to the Catalina Garage through their JayPark account.

If you sell your vehicle, keep your decal, as they are repositionable. If you forget, you must park on city streets or purchase a day pass at JayPark. If you lose your decal, you will need to purchase a new permit at the price applicable on the date of purchase. If your vehicle and/or decal is stolen or totaled, bring a police report to Parking Services to get a new decal.

The person who purchases the permit is responsible for any citations issued to that permit, regardless of whose vehicle displayed the permit. Learn more about the rules regarding decals and hangtags.  

There are designated student, employee, perimeter, visitor and patient permit lots on Creighton’s Omaha campus. Any vehicle parked in these lots must have a parking permit properly displayed (see additional info below).

Omaha Student Parking

Student parking lots and spaces are designated in green. Lots designated in gold are available to employee and student permits.

Students with garage decals may only park in the garage or all permit type lots, not in any other surface lots such as student lots.

Register for Student Parking in JayPark

Omaha Employee Parking

Employee parking lots and spaces are designated in blue. Lots designated in gold are available to student permits and employees permits.

Register for Employee Parking in JayPark

New hires will not automatically populate into the JayPark system until around day 2 of their employment. Once they can log in with their Creighton SSO they will apply and purchase their permit. The system will allow them to then print a temporary permit until theirs arrives. If a citation is received prior to the temporary being printed have a supervisor contact Parking Services. Creating  a guest account will not allow you to purchase the appropriate permit.

There is a tiered pricing structure and decals are mailed directly to homes. The peel-and-stick decals should be displayed on the inside of your windshield on the passenger side. If you change vehicles for any reason, temporarily or permanently, the decal can be transferred to the other vehicle.

Phoenix Campus Parking

Faculty, staff, and students can purchase garage parking in the Catalina Parking Garage on a first come, first served basis. There are 500 spots. There are no physical decals.  You will access the garage with your Creighton JayCard. Access is uploaded within 2 business days after the chosen start date.  Daily options can be purchased directly from the garage.

Omaha Perimeter Parking

Perimeter parking is restricted to lots E93a/b, E78, and E75. Drivers parking in perimeter lots are encouraged to use Creighton’s free Shuttle Service to their destination.  

  • From 4 p.m. to 6 a.m., Monday through Friday, and any time on weekends, all Creighton affiliates displaying a valid perimeter permit may park in any surface lot on campus.

Omaha After-Hours Parking

In the interest of safety, Public Safety adjusts parking regulations during evenings and weekends.

Evening-only permits are available; these permits allow faculty, staff, and students to park in faculty/staff and student parking areas from 4 p.m. to 6 a.m., Monday through Friday, and any time on weekends. 

  • Evening-only permits may be obtained through JayPark
  • All Creighton affiliates displaying a valid permit may park in any student, employee, or all permit parking lots from 4 p.m. to 6 a.m., Monday through Friday, and any time on weekends.
  • The evening-only permit may also be used in Dental Patient Parking (Lots 28, 38, and 38A) from 5 p.m. through 6 a.m., Monday through Friday, and any time on the weekends.
  • The evening-only permit may not be used in visitor parking.

Public Parking Options

Looking for on-street and off-street parking near Creighton? Visit Park Omaha for details, including paying via your smartphone through a free app. This is a convenient and affordable option for students, visitors, faculty and staff who come to campus periodically.

EV Charging Stations Near Creighton

Electric vehicle charging stations are located throughout the Omaha-metro area, with some stations right next to campus. Check out sites such as ChargePoint, ChargeHub and the Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) for more information. 

Additional Information

Windshield Decals and Temporary Hangtags

To avoid a citation, Creighton employees and students must have a repositionable decal, temporary hangtag, or printed permit issued by Parking Services through JayPark when parking on property at any time.

  • Faculty, staff, and students may never park in visitor parking.
  • Motorcycles parked near bicycle racks do not require a permit; however, motorcycles that take up a parking stall must display a current parking decal.
  • Displaying a permit allows you to leave a vehicle in a parking stall, as space is available, but does not guarantee the availability of a stall.
  • University ID cards and parking permits are required for all garages.
  • Unauthorized parking in handicapped stalls, fire lanes, and specifically-designated stalls (e.g., VP/Dean, Facilities Vehicles, etc.) is enforced at all times, year-round.


The University uses a repositionable decal, which must be affixed to the interior of the front windshield on the passenger side in the lower corner. The entire decal must be clearly visible from the outside—not positioned behind tinting or obscured by snow/ice.


The repositionable decal allows you to move your decal to another vehicle for any reason, including getting a new vehicle during the year, driving a loaner or riding with another driver to campus.

Do not misplace your decal. Keep your decal if you sell your vehicle.

  • Lose your decal? You will need to purchase a replacement for $50.  Please see Parking FAQs for more information.
  • Stolen or totaled vehicle and/or decal? Bring a police report to Parking Services to get a new decal. The person who purchases the permit is responsible for any citations issued to that permit, regardless of whose vehicle displayed the permit.
  • Forget to move your decal from another vehicle? You must park on city streets or purchase a day pass through JayPark.

Special Section Areas

All employees, students and guests on campus are asked not to block fire lanes, fire hydrants, gate arms, or service/garage doors, or park on grass or landscaping.

Do not park or leave your vehicle unattended in any of the following areas at any time:

  • Stalls reserved for the President / Vice Presidents, Provost / Vice Provosts, Deans, Jesuits or Visitors
  • Deglman Square (Drop off and pick up only; vehicle must be attended at all times)
  • East Lane by the Harper Center (Drop off and pick up only; vehicle must be attended at all times)
  • Visitor parking
  • Any loading docks

Do not park in handicapped stalls without a state-issued handicapped permit or license plate. A vehicle with state-issued handicapped permit or license plate must also display a University permit to park in a designated handicapped stall on University property.

Parking Office

(located with Card Services office)
Mike and Josie Harper Center
Room 1090 
602 N. 20th St.
Omaha, NE 68178  

Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,
Monday through Friday

Business Phone:

Contact Info

Jessica Weaver, Parking Coordinator

Edward Gauhari, Associate Director of Card and Parking Services


Send an email to one of the following areas.
For after-hours concerns, contact public safety at 402.280.2104.