Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.
Creighton Pediatric Therapy is dedicated to supporting children in our community by helping to enhance their wellness and quality of life—while bringing hope to their families. Our team of pediatric occupational, physical and speech therapists develop individualized treatment plans that go beyond merely providing care.
Contact Us
Phone: 402.280.2200
Fax: 402.280.2210
Email: pediatrictherapy@creighton.edu
We create an inviting, friendly setting for all the pediatric therapy services we provide, building personal relationships with everyone we serve. In addition to individual therapy sessions, we offer coordinated sessions with multiple services, including small-group camps and activities, and educational sessions on a range of topics. The training we provide to parents of children with special needs extends from the clinic to events within the community.
These services provide remote, “face to face” services using real-time audio and video, with a therapist observing the child and providing cues based on their responses. Therapists can also offer creative therapy based on space and items already in a family’s home. Telehealth offerings are dependent on insurance verification. Insurance coverage varies for telehealth services. If you have questions about participating in telehealth please call us at 402.280.2200 or email pediatrictherapy@creighton.edu.
To make an appointment, please call 402.280.2200. Note that to schedule and begin treatment, we require a prescription from your child’s physician, who may fax it to our office at 402.280.2210.
When you make an initial appointment, we’ll ask you for the name of your child’s referring physician, the reason for the referral (including your child’s diagnosis, if any), your insurance information, and your concerns and goals for therapy.
At our patient-centered clinic, we strive to provide a personal touch through the entire therapy experience. To ensure this, we continually evaluate the services and experience we provide, so we welcome feedback about what’s working well and what could be improved.
Patients, family members and guardians also have the right to file a grievance or complaint with Creighton Therapy and Wellness or Creighton Pediatric Therapy if they feel that the clinic or provider has not met the needs or expectations for rehabilitation services. If a complaint warrants a follow up, the individual filing the complaint will be contacted by phone or secure email.
Please submit feedback or complaints by calling the clinic, or emailing the clinic director, Julie Peterson.
West Omaha Clinic
17055 Frances Street, Suite 103
Omaha, NE 68130
Phone: 402.280.2200
Fax: 402.280.2210
Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
We are just northwest of 168th and Center in the Lakeside area. From the intersection at 168th and Center, continue a few blocks north on 168th and turn west (left) at the Frances Street stoplight.
Families with special mobility needs should use the accessible entrance on the west side of the building (and use the phone next to the entrance to contact our team); otherwise, please use the main (south) entrance and check in at the front desk.
Cardiac Center
3006 Webster St
Omaha NE 68131
Please call for current hours: 402.280.2200
Armbrust YMCA (aquatic therapy only)
5404 S 168th St.
Omaha, NE 68135
Your provider will work with you to schedule aquatic therapy based on pool availability and times that work for you.
Prior to your child’s first scheduled appointment, please complete the registration forms online at the Patient Dashboard (login credentials will be provided when you schedule the appointment). Alternatively, you may arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment to complete these forms in our office.
During the initial appointment, an experienced faculty therapist from the occupational therapy and physical therapy departments at Creighton University will compassionately conduct a thorough examination.
Ensure your child wears comfortable clothes and socks to the appointment, and please bring any equipment your child uses for movement (e.g., braces, a walker or a wheelchair). If your appointment is for a feeding or swallowing evaluation, bring food your child typically eats, as well as anything they use to eat, such as a bottle, nipple, spoon or fork; we will do our best to ensure this appointment is during a normal feeding time to accurately assess your child’s abilities.
Please refer to our FAQ, if you need additional information about appointments.
Creighton University does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, genetic information, marital status, disability, religion, age, veteran status or any other characteristic protected by applicable law in its employment, educational programs and activities, admissions policies, and scholarship and loan programs as required by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and other applicable statutes and University policies. Creighton University also prohibits unlawful harassment including sexual harassment and sexual violence.
What type of equipment is at your facilities?
How long will my child need therapeutic services?
What happens when my child is discharged from therapy?
What if I need to cancel my child’s appointment?
What if I forget food, diapers or wipes I need for my child?
Do I need to stay with my child during therapy?
Do I need a prescription to begin treatment?
Which insurance plans do you accept?
What if my insurance plan does not include Creighton?
What is a co-payment (co-pay)?
What methods of payment do you accept?
Will my child’s therapy be eligible for Medicaid?
What is third party (accident claims/worker’s compensation)?
When will I receive a statement for services?
What happens if my account is unpaid?
What should I do if I have questions about my bill?
For undergraduate and professional students, we provide unique learning opportunities to gain clinical experience and fulfill the observation hours needed to complete a professional school application. To fulfill those requirements, please complete and submit the Student Shadowing Interest Form. Note that opportunities for shadowing may be limited, based on provider availability.