Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.

Requirements for BSN Program

Admission Requirements for the Traditional BSN Program

Ready to start the application process for the traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program at Creighton University? If you’ll be entering the program as a freshman, you may apply through Undergraduate Admissions any time after August 1 of your senior year in high school. See all admissions deadlines.

What Does it Take to Get Admitted?

The Creighton nursing program is academically rigorous. Admissions are based upon:

  • High school GPA
  • ACT or SAT scores*
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Personal statement to demonstrate creative abilities not reflected in your transcripts
  • Recommendation from high school counselor
  • Recommended four years of high school English, math and social science, along with three years of natural science, foreign language and electives
  • Honors sections and advanced placement courses will enhance a candidate’s application
  • High school chemistry or its equivalent with a “C” grade or better prior to enrolling at Creighton

*For students who are choosing to apply test-optional, ACT/SAT exam scores are not required at the time of application for admission.

As I consider how I would like to advance both my career and my education, I feel quite fortunate for the strong foundation Creighton University College of Nursing has laid for me.
— Mallory Klocke, RN, Traditional BSN graduate