Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.
“I could have never imagined how much would happen to me in the last four years. I truly encourage new students to trust the process and throw themselves into new opportunities. Whatever is meant for you will find you.” –Isabella Brown, Class of 2025
Isabella Brown, a senior Medical Anthropology student, almost can’t believe she was a nervous first-year student just a handful of years ago. With her support system back at home, she didn’t know how to cope with the new challenges and independence that comes with life as a college student. Once she realized that this was a completely normal experience, she was able to have faith in the journey. Soon, Creighton started to feel like home.
With graduation approaching, she’s holding onto the community at Creighton. “In the next few months, I plan to enjoy the feeling of being at home on campus,” she says. “Walking down the Creighton mall and seeing so many friends and familiar faces on campus brings me so much happiness, and I feel like I belong.”
At Creighton, Isabella made friends that have become family. She says that extending invitations to others to eat at the dining hall, study or hang out around campus was scary at first, but her risk has rewarded her tenfold. “The invitations were appreciated by others, and I developed my circle of friends fairly quickly,” she says.
Isabella knew that sustainable success required her to keep spreading her wings to create her support system at Creighton.
Throughout her time at Creighton, she completed her work study at The Success Center, which couldn’t have been a better place for Isabella’s growth. The goal of the department is to ensure every student succeeds at Creighton.
“I've seen students walk into the office overwhelmed, and over time they gain their footing and pass that test and write that paper. They gain skills and personal perspectives that ensure their success,” she says, adding that the support the Success Center has given her has helped her believe in herself.
When exploring other opportunities to get involved on campus, Isabella was drawn to volunteer and serve the community. Service is embedded and encouraged within the student experience at Creighton, and Isabella had many options from which to choose. As a member of the Alpha Phi Omega sorority on campus, Isabella was able to participate in service and practice philanthropy. She also explored options within the Schlegel Center for Service and Justice (SCSJ) at Creighton.
“Those experiences taught me so much about other people and myself,” says Isabella. “It was a great way to meet new friends, gain perspective and take a break from the academic stress.”
Isabella is also a member of the Mixed Martial Arts club at Creighton, which meets every week and provides her an opportunity to work out, be social and build community.
Learn more about Intramurals and Club Sports, Student Clubs and Fraternity and Sorority Life at Creighton.
Not only has Isabella spread her wings on campus, she has literally flown all over the world to study as a Global Scholar.
Isabella is one of 530 Creighton students who study abroad (annually, 2023-2024). She has studied in four different countries over her four years at Creighton. Because Creighton has many study abroad options, she was able to curate her experiences. For instance, at Encuentro Dominicano, she participated in Creighton’s premier academic service-learning program and met some of her closest friends. “The shared experiences bonded us in a way that words can’t explain,” she says.
These service-learning experiences, as well as the Jesuit values, have inspired Isabella and have left an undeniable mark on her formation. Next year, Isabella heads to Honduras for a year of service. “The Jesuit principles have made me more grateful and reflective of my experiences,” she says. "Without Creighton's emphasis on self-growth and discovery, I wouldn't have been able to make such a big decision to branch out on my own to explore the world and give back."
According to Isabella, her experiences at Creighton have completely changed her for the better. She says she has become more confident and has “begun to realize my potential and love who I am.”
While Creighton’s academics have broadened her intellect, it’s the relationships at Creighton that have truly shaped Isabella. "I owe so much of my growth to my friends, my professors and people I met while studying abroad,” she says. “They have grown my perspective and educated me in preparation for whatever is next.”
Isabella shares some advice for future and first-year college students: “College is a journey of self-discovery, developing self-worth and growing as a whole person. The next four years are going to bring each of you so many memories and experiences. I truly encourage you to trust the process and throw yourself into new opportunities. I could have never imagined how much would happen to me in the last four years. There is so much to come down the line for you. I can say I'm genuinely excited for each and every one of you to grow, learn and become who you’re meant to be.”
Creighton’s first-to-second year retention rate is 92%—towering over national averages (79%). From the close-knit community atmosphere to opportunities for growth on campus and abroad, it’s easy to see why. Learn more at Creighton.edu.