Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.

Message from the Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Director

Welcome to the Creighton University School of Medicine (Phoenix) Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship

Our unique emergency ultrasound fellowship has been developed to blend cutting edge technology, novel applications and techniques, and expert workflow and administration. Fellows of the program will be provided with top-of-the-line training in emergency medicine ultrasonography, education, and research. Trainees will become specialists in all facets of the subspecialty and while working alongside a wonderful group of attending physicians, residents, and medical students throughout the one-year fellowship.

Participants of the fellowship will work in an environment that fosters education, research, and professional development. Some highlights of this innovative fellowship include:

  • Proctoring, mentoring, and educating physicians, residents, & medical students
  • Designing and implementing clinical research projects & protocols for emergency ultrasonography
  • Participating in on-going, innovative emergency ultrasound quality improvement projects
  • Teaching and lecturing at regional and national courses
  • Management of emergency ultrasound workflow and administration