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Colon and Rectal Surgery Fellowship

Colon and Rectal Surgery Fellowship

We offer an Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) accredited one-year Colon and Rectal Surgery Fellowship Program. We are approved by ACGME for one fellowship position.

Overall Fellowship Educational Goal

We prepare surgeons to practice the subspecialty of colon and rectal surgery, competently, independently, and with the highest ethical standards. It is expected that graduating fellows will ultimately achieve board certification in colon and rectal surgery. To this end, the fellowship program director and key clinical faculty have developed a competency-based, accredited educational curriculum which strictly adheres to the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) “General Program Requirements for Fellowship Education in the Subspecialty of Colon and Rectal Surgery”.

Colon and Rectal Surgery: Program Report

Click Expand for More + to review comprehensive statistics from our program report.

Program = 0603021035 - Creighton University Program

Index AreaIndex ProcedureProg AVEMin Req
Anorectal ProcsHemorrhoidectomy - excisional any kind, PPH48.020
 Fistula Surgery67.030
 Fistulotomy, simple47.0
 Fistula Management, Complex20.010
 Fecal Incontinence Procedures7.02
 Internal Sphincterotomy10.02
 Transanal Excision31.010
 Other Anorectal Procedure19.0
 Subtotal - Anorectal Procedures170.060
Abdominal ProcsSegmental Colectomy (incl Ileocolic resectn)87.050
 Laparoscopic Resections126.030
 Low Anterior Resection (total)25.020
 Abdominoperineal Resection14.05
 Proctocolectomy (total)13.0
 - Proct with ileostomy7.0
 - Proct with ileoanal reservoir6.05
 Prolapse repair (total)19.06
 - Abdominal14.03
 - Perineal5.03
 Stomas - total80.020
 - Stoma complications5.05
 Total pelvic dissections53.030
 - Rectal cancer28.020
 Other Abdominal Procedures16.0
 Subtotal - Abdominal Procedures223.0120
Endoscopy/Pelvic FloorProctoscopy/Anoscopy92.030
 Colonoscopy (total)177.0140
 - Diagnostic including cold biopsy135.0
 - With intervention42.030
 Pelvic Floor Evaluation21.015
 Other Endoscopy/Pelvic Floor9.0
 Subtotal - Endoscop/Plvc Flr Procs299.0185
Diagnoses - AnorectalAnal fissure21.015
 Anal fistula64.025
 Pelvic Floor17.015
 Other Diagnoses - Anorectal212.0
 Subtotal - Anorectal Diagnoses420.0100
Diagnoses - AbdominalCarcinoma of the colon54.017
 Carcinoma of the rectum70.015
 Crohn’s disease23.020
 Diverticular disease36.020
 Genetic neoplasia8.03
 Ulcerative Colitis24.015
 Other Diagnoses - Abdominal12.0
 Subtotal - Abdominal Diagnoses246.0100
Medical ManagementTotal Diagnoses666.0200
  • Programs in the Nation: 55
  • Residents in the Nation: 95
  • Residents in this Program: 1
  • Reporting Period: Total Experience of Residents Completing Programs in 2016-2017
  • Residency Review Committee for Colon and Rectal Surgery
  • Report Date: September 11, 2017

Program Tour

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Colon Rectal Fellow - Tyler Bernaiche

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The teaching faculty of Creighton University’s Colon and Rectal Surgery Residency are dedicated to: their unwavering commitment to respect in the face of diversity, interprofessional collaboration, life-long scholarship in a hybrid academic-employed setting, technical excellence, scholarly research to advance the field, and compassion for those who are suffering. These values ensure a training program that is learner-focused, is academically rigorous, prioritizes well-being and sense of purpose without sacrificing education, and allows recruitment of trainees with the highest moral character.

In Creighton’s Jesuit, Catholic tradition, the mission of the School of Medicine is to improve the human condition with a diverse body of students, faculty and staff who provide excellence in educating students, physicians and the public, advancing knowledge and providing comprehensive patient care. United by our Jesuit, Catholic identity, we transform learners into exceptional physicians who are leaders in advancing surgery, medicine, health and well-being.

  1. Educate residents to be excellent practitioners of colon and rectal surgery who are transformative healthcare leaders, promoting health through intentional interprofessional collaboration. Each fellow will complete a customized course for our residency program from the Creighton Center for Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research. Each fellow will participate in 50% of multidisciplinary tumor boards and multidisciplinary inflammatory disease conferences.
  2. Produce physicians who understand one of the responsibilities of physicians is to contribute to the field of colon and rectal surgery through scholarly activity, specifically through the products of peer reviewed manuscripts, presentation and curricula. Each resident will have completed one of these scholarly activities by the time of graduation.
  3. Graduate excellent, independent surgeons who will be leaders in colon and rectal surgery professional societies. Each resident will attend a society meeting during training.
  4. Produce surgeons who understand quality improvement (QI) and patient safety (PS) are critical to advancing colon and rectal surgery healthcare. Each resident will graduate with a completed QI project or research project designed to reduce health care disparities or improve patient care.
  5. We prepare surgeons to practice all aspects of the subspecialty of colon and rectal surgery. Our residents will exceed the amount of required procedures and diagnostic codes by 10% and score in the top 50% on the Inservice Examination.

Contact Us

Zachary Torgersen, MD

Program Coordinator
Loretta Melichar

Creighton University School of Medicine Colon and Rectal Surgery
9850 Nicholas St.
Suite 100
Omaha, NE 68114

Ph: 402.354.1810
Fax: 402.343.1177
Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.