Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.

MD Admissions Requirements

Getting Into Creighton School Of Medicine

Each year, the School of Medicine admits 230 students to begin positively impacting the future of healthcare. The Committee on Admissions selects applicants they judge to be best qualified for the study and practice of medicine. In evaluating applicants, they consider the qualities necessary in a physician:

  • Intellectual curiosity
  • Emotional maturity
  • Honesty
  • Motivation
  • Proven scholastic ability

We welcome your application and the opportunity to consider you for admission to Creighton. Below we’ve included the criteria we consider when evaluating our medical school applicants. 

Residency Requirements

To qualify for admission, the School of Medicine requires applicants to be United States citizens or United States permanent residents. Applicants are also asked to complete their required courses at an accredited four-year institution in the United States or Canada.

Extracurricular Requirements

The Committee on Admissions requires applicants to have a foundation in the following activities:

  • Commitment to “service of others” through non-medical volunteer activities
  • Diverse clinical experiences including exposure to direct physician shadowing
  • Patient contact through clinical and/or medical experiences


Scientific research, though not required for admission, is also highly valued by the Committee.

Academic Requirements

Creighton University School of Medicine has no defined prerequisite course requirements. However, as preparatory to the MCAT and a rigorous medical school curriculum, we recommend the following recent (past 3 years) coursework in an accredited 4-year college/university in the United States or Canada: Strong background in biology including introductory and advanced courses, e.g., physiology, immunology, and genetics. Strong background in chemistry including introductory and advanced courses, e.g., biochemistry. Additionally, coursework in English, humanities and statistics is strongly recommended. Minimum total coursework credits in biology, chemistry, physics, and math should be 40-45 hours.

MCAT Preparation

In addition to Creighton’s course prerequisites, applicants are encouraged to complete courses that will assist them in achieving competitive scores on the MCAT. Applicants should review the MCAT website for a listing of courses that provide the academic foundational concepts needed to prepare to sit for the test.

Below are suggested courses:

  • General Biology
  • General Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • General Physics
  • Biochemistry
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Statistics

MCAT Timeline

Applicants are encouraged to take the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) in the spring or summer the year of their application to medical school. Creighton University will not consider MCAT scores submitted from examinations taken prior to those listed in the ‘Oldest MCAT Score’ column in the table below. The latest MCAT scores considered are listed in the ‘Newest MCAT Score’ column.

Entry YearOldest MCAT AcceptedNewest MCAT Accepted
Fall 2024January 2021September 2023
Fall 2025January 2022September 2024

Contact Information

Fax: 402.280.1241

Office of Medical Admissions
CL and Rachel Werner Center for Health Sciences Education
2616 Burt Street
Omaha, NE 68178