Biomedical Sciences Department

Role of the Biomedical Sciences Department

The department of Biomedical Sciences provides education and research training in the sciences basic to medicine. Faculty teach in the disciplinary areas of Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology, Physiology, and Neuroscience to professional students in the Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, and to graduate students in our master’s and doctoral degree programs. Research opportunities and training are provided to many other types of students including undergraduates in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Research images left to right: 1.Skin Epidermis 2.Cochlea Sensory Epithelium 3.Intestinal Epithelium 4.Molecular Modeling


Biomedical researcher in lab
Biomedical Sciences faculty were awarded six new federal grants in 2024 contributing to the department’s $8M in annual research funding. The Biomedical Sciences graduate program continues to seek qualified applicants for the doctoral (PhD) degree to begin Fall 2025.
Drs. Kelsey Anbuhl, Allison Coffin, Hui Hong, and Jemma Webber
Biomedical Sciences welcomes four new faculty members in 2024-25. From top left to bottom right: Drs. Kelsey Anbuhl, Allison Coffin, Hui Hong, and Jemma Webber.
Biomedical Sciences personnel group image
Twenty-eight Biomedical Sciences personnel within the Bellucci Translational Hearing Center attended the Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting in February 2025 and presented 24 oral and poster presentations.