Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.

For hundreds of years Catholic schools have demonstrated consistent success in educating children, promoting an enduring focus on faith and virtue, and encouraging a care for the other.

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A Reputation of Excellence

While local and national leaders continuously seek answers to improve the education outlook for our children, Catholic schools have maintained a reputation of excellence, serving a diverse demographic of learners.

The Magis Catholic Teacher Corps provides Catholic schools with talented, committed and faith-filled teachers and leaders. We believe that excellent educators establish the environments in which young people want to learn, and thus, make a significant impact in the lives of children and the communities in which they teach.

Education Department Mission

We empower teachers, administrators, and counselors to transform the lives of their students by preparing graduates to be compassionate and effective leaders in the Jesuit tradition.


In the Jesuit tradition, we graduate women and men who build a better world by living and leading according to these charisms:

  • Reflective practice (contemplation in action),
  • Care for others (cura personalis),
  • Promotion of service, justice, and inclusive community (men and women for and with others),
  • Sharing gifts for the greater good and the greater glory of God (magis, ad majorem Dei gloriam)

A Magis Graduate Will...

Magis Values: Seek God in All Things

Believes and acts as though God is active in the world and is a model for finding God's presence in his/her everyday life and acting upon it. Sees faith as a dynamic, growth-filled process and not as static. Is open to and enthusiastic toward the experiences of prayer and communal faith sharing in order to grow as a person of faith.
Magis Values: Practice Discernment
Strives to be critically reflective, promoting reconciliation rather than divisiveness and enhancing life (in community, in school, in general) rather than diminishing it. Lives as a contemplative in action (reflection informing action) and is not guided by perfectionism, workaholism, or competition but rather guided by seeking to listen to God’s activity in one’s life.
Magis Values: Value Community
Builds up the community (acting as a light in the dark or leaven in bread) in his/her own ways, intentionally spending time with others in small and larger community settings. Views oneself as a partner to community, earning the trust of others and engaging in honest and respectful dialogue. Inspires others to seek the greater good for all.
Magis Values: Display Servant Leadership
Seeks to serve first with actions that are always for the good of others rather than selfish or self-absorbed motives. Person is guided by a philosophy that enriches the lives of individuals and creates a more just and caring world while focusing on the growth and well-being of others. Sees one’s work as a vocation.
Magis Values: Promote Justice
Recognizes that one's faith is incomplete without the active and constant work to treat all creation with awe, dignity, love, and respect. Becomes aware of one’s power and learns of others’ struggles. Seeks to give voice to the weak, freedom to the oppressed, and dignity to the marginalized while giving special attention to caring for our common home.
Magis Values: Exemplify Pedagogical Excellence
Understands and regularly practices sound pedagogical practices in the classroom and utilizes the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm. Knows one’s students well and cultivates life-long learners by fostering creative and imaginative thinking, going beyond content to an awareness of significant issues and complex values that impels to action.
Stat 82

of Magis graduates remain in Catholic schools

Stat 92

of Magis graduates remain involved in education

Stat 100

of Magis teachers are involved as coaches, retreat leaders, or club moderators

Stat 2K

students are taught by Magis teachers annually… and counting!

Three pillars of Magis Catholic Teacher Corps


  • You will become part of various communities during your time in Magis. Your home, classroom, school, church and city are just a few communities that you will be invited to build and create throughout your experience.


  • Creighton University is one of the midwest’s leading Catholic and Jesuit universities and we are proud to offer a seasoned education faculty that will provide you the foundation necessary to provide you the tools to succeed as a teacher. 


  • St. Ignatius, founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) missioned his men 500 years ago to “find God in all things.” As teachers, you will inevitably grow spiritually because of your work and community life. It is by coming to know Jesus, the first teacher, that teachers more fully recognize the divine in daily life.

What will a participant receive from Magis Catholic Teacher Corps?

  • Superb academic preparation with a full scholarship graduate degree
  • Hands-on, experiential experience as a Catholic school teacher for 2 years
  • Multiple layers of support from supervisors, mentor teachers, administrators and peers

During the two years of service, Magis teachers:

  • Receive a modest living stipend
  • Receive affordable, furnished housing, arranged by the program and partner diocese
  • Are eligible for loan deferment
  • Receive a full scholarship covering all tuition, summer food and housing, and fees.

Upon completion of the program, Magis teachers:

  • Have two years of experience teaching in a Catholic school
  • Qualify for teaching licensure in the state of Nebraska as well as reciprocal licensing for other states
  • Receive a full-scholarship Master’s degree from Creighton University
  • Are members of a wonderful network of professional support
  • Experience tremendous personal, professional, and spiritual growth 

By joining Magis Catholic Teacher Corps, participants don’t just get the opportunity to serve in a Catholic school – they get professional preparation that will enable them to make a deep and profound difference in the lives of the children they serve. The academic plan of study intensively prepares teachers by integrating graduate level coursework with an immersion teaching experience. Throughout their two years teaching in Catholic schools, Magis teachers earn a Masters degree from Creighton University. Upon graduation, they are eligible for state licensure as a teacher.

In preparation for their profession in education, Magis teachers engage in a rigorous graduate program. Courses are completed through intensive on-campus study during the summer and through online courses during the school year. Classes are taught by faculty who provide our teachers with the theoretical framework needed to achieve success in the classroom.

Because Magis accepts certified and initial licensure teachers, there are multiple degree options for candidates.

Learn more about the programs and admissions process

What kind of support can a Magis teacher expect?

The most important service Magis Catholic Teacher Corps can provide its teachers is a solid network of support, both to enable professional growth and to encourage personal and spiritual development. Supervision is a crucial element of the Magis teacher formation process, and is often cited by magis teachers as the key element that enables them to flourish as teachers. All Magis teachers have at least three support resources at their disposal throughout their two years in the program:

  • An academic supervisor
  • The school principal
  • A designated mentor teacher in their local school

Principals provide ongoing formative and summative evaluations of the teacher’s teaching, community, and spiritual formation. Mentor teachers serve a non-evaluative role by helping Magis teachers orient to their new city and school, conferencing with them about instructional and curricular goals on a regular basis, and reflecting with the Magis teacher about successes and struggles in and out of the classroom.

Magis Catholic Teacher Corps seeks individuals who are considering a vocation to teaching. We understand that furthering your education is a sacrifice, and Magis does not want new teachers to have the burden of debt upon completion of their graduate studies. Therefore, tuition for all graduate studies is fully funded. Additionally, the program covers the cost of rent for modest housing accommodations for the community living component. All food and housing is also covered during the summer months.

Magis teachers begin receiving their stipends in the first month of full service (August). These stipends will be used to help pay shared food costs, books for courses and any personal expenses (car, car insurance, cell phone, etc.). The stipend permits a student to live comfortably with a modest budget while in the program.

Students are not allowed to have an additional part-time job, however, stipends earned from coaching or additional extra-curricular school duties may be earned.

While the large majority of costs are covered by the program, new teachers should consider the following expenses during their first summer since they will not receive their first stipend until August.

  • Book fees
  • Spending money
  • Certification costs

Note: While a student in Magis, students receive full loan deferment.

Magis CTC Contact Info

Creighton University
Education Department

Eppley Building
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178

Phone: 402.280.3491
Fax: 402.280.1117



Magis is a member of the University Consortium for Catholic Education (UCCE). This consortium seeks to establish and support a growing cadre of colleges and universities as they design and implement graduate teaching service programs.