Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.
To ensure all students are treated fairly and consistently, the Creighton University School of Law has various policies and procedures in place.
Please read the material located on this page for a complete understanding of our policies and procedures.
During the Academic Year, the Ahmanson Law Center is open:
The Administrative Suite is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
After 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and on weekends, a building access card, coded at registration by Public Safety, is necessary to enter the building. Students should not be in the building when the building is closed. For safety and security reasons, doors must NEVER be propped open.
Each state has distinct rules and procedures regarding the admission to practice law, including some states which require registration as a law student if the applicant intends to practice in that jurisdiction following graduation from law school. For example, a number of jurisdictions require first-year law students to register with the state bar commission within sixty days, ninety days, or longer (i.e., 120 days) of beginning their legal education if they intend to sit for the state’s bar examination. Every student is strongly advised to personally confirm requirements and deadlines with the bar examiners in the jurisdiction in which they intend to sit for the bar exam. Bar exam information can be found in the Career Development Office.
Annual University commencement ceremonies are held in May and December. Students who complete their degree programs in the spring semester are required to be present at the annual commencement exercises in May to receive their degrees. Students who complete their degree programs in the fall semester may attend commencement ceremonies in December. Diplomas will be mailed upon confirmation of the completion of all degree requirements by the respective Dean. Students who complete their degree programs during summer receive their degrees at the end of the Summer Sessions, but no ceremony is held. These students may participate in the preceding May Commencement. All candidates who receive degrees at the end of a fall semester or summer session are listed in the next annual commencement program.
To participate in the May commencement, a candidate must have successfully completed all degree requirements and must be approved for graduation, or be able to and plan to complete all requirements by the date for conferral of degrees in the following August. The respective deans of the schools and colleges of the University shall have the responsibility for clearing all participants in the commencement. Those participants in the May ceremony who have not completed all degree requirements shall be so designated in the commencement program.
As an ABA-accredited law school, the Creighton University School of Law is subject to the ABA Standards for Approval of Law Schools. The ABA Standards may be found on the ABA website. Any student at the law school who wishes to bring a formal complaint to the administration of the law school of a significant problem that directly implicates the school’s program of legal education and its compliance with the ABA Standards should do the following:
All full-time law students at Creighton are required to enroll in 32 credit hours of course work in their first year. This material is foundational for a successful legal education and is heavily tested on every bar exam in the country. In addition to mastering the legal doctrines taught in these classes, students must also learn to analyze and interpret statutes and case law, and learn to draft technical, legal documents. Learning these skills is highly time intensive and requires a significant time commitment from the students. Success in the first year of law school is essential for students for their upper-division courses, eventual success on the bar exam, and for their employment opportunities. Creighton University School of Law strongly discourages full-time students from working during the fall and spring semester of their first year. Students should treat the first year of law school as a professional job requiring substantially all of their time. Any additional work on top of that already required is likely to result in students being unable to complete all tasks to the best of their ability, and may cause undue anxiety and harm students’ physical and/or mental health.
Prior to 2014, ABA rules prohibited students from working outside of law school more than 20 hours per week. Although the 20-hour prohibition has been eliminated, it remains a good rule of thumb for students to determine how much work they can reasonably take on outside of their legal studies. Many of our students have been able to obtain clerkships at local firms and entities in their second and third years with great results in terms of compensation and eventual job offers; however, students should also seriously consider the amount of work being demanded of them by an employer and whether that work schedule may ultimately harm their legal studies and general academic success. Students wishing to discuss this issue may meet with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, the Assistant Dean of Career Development, or any faculty member with whom they feel comfortable.
It is important that you keep the Creighton School of Law informed of your address and telephone number. If you change your address or telephone number during a semester, please update your contact information in NEST.
All students are strongly encouraged to check their Creighton University email account daily. Email is the number one method of communicating administrative announcement, faculty news, and student organizational information.
It is the policy of Creighton School of Law that no outside groups or speakers are permitted to speak or present at the law school unless they do so at the invitation of an authorized student group, law faculty member or the administration. No outside individual, group or its representative may use law school email lists without the prior approval of the administration nor will Creighton School of Law forward emails from such individuals or groups to law students without the prior approval of the administration. When a student organization wishes to invite an outside speaker to speak at an organization function or wishes to sponsor an outside speaker for a school-wide activity, the group must first check with the Assistant Dean for Student Services for authorization to facilitate planning and to avoid conflicts. Room reservations can be secured from the School of Law receptionist.
Bulletin boards for general student and student organization announcements are located in the corridors on the first floor of the Law School. You are encouraged to use professional good taste in posting announcements. AT NO TIME SHOULD ANNOUNCEMENTS, POSTERS, ETC., BE PLACED ON ANY WALLS, WINDOWS, OR DOORS.
Creighton’s policy relating to the confidentiality of student records is in keeping with the “Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act” (FERPA). Information about students or former students will not be released without the consent of the student other than in the exceptions stated in the Federal Act. FERPA affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records. They are:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
600 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-4605
Students who have a cumulative grade point average that is less than 1.85 at the end of second semester will be automatically dismissed from the School of Law. (Academic Rule 2.1.) Typically, second semester grades do not become available until early June.
If a student subject to dismissal is enrolled in summer school, the student will be immediately withdrawn from summer school. A dismissed student’s summer school registration will be cancelled, and all summer school tuition and fees will be refunded. If a student has taken out a student loan for summer school, the tuition and fees will be returned to the lender to repay the loan. Any other funds distributed to the student for books, living expenses, or other incidentals are subject to immediate repayment to clear the loan. The student subject to dismissal will not be permitted to complete summer school and will not receive summer school grades or credit. This policy applies even if a student has completed course work prior to release of second semester grades (for example, courses taught on an accelerated schedule). Dismissal is automatic. Students will not be permitted to complete summer school pending an appeal of their dismissal to the Academic Affairs Committee.
Summer Programs: The Law School permits students, with the permission of the dean, to be visiting students for summer programs or interterm session programs only at programs sponsored by law schools approved by both the American Bar Association and the American Association of Law Schools. Credit hours will be transferred into the Law School only for courses approved in advance by the associate dean for Academic Affairs and only for courses successfully completed with a grade of “C” (or equivalent) and above. The Law School does not transfer credit for courses graded on a pass/fail basis or its equivalent. Learn more about the application process for Visiting Students.
Visiting Students: Except as stated in the prior paragraph, the Law School does not permit students to visit at other law schools except as noted in Academic Rule 7.4.
Creighton University School of Law accepts applications for transfer students. Admission of transfer students is determined by the Admissions Committee. When a transfer student is accepted by the School of Law, credits for courses completed at another American Bar Association approved law school are transferred in accordance with Academic Rule 7.5. For more details, see Transfer Applicants.
The School of Law only transfers credit for courses completed at law schools approved by the American Bar Association. It does not give law school credit for courses from non-law schools nor does it give credit for courses from law schools not approved by the American Bar Association. The School of Law does not transfer credit for courses graded on a pass/fail basis or its equivalent.
The associate dean for Academic Affairs determines whether particular transferred courses, in addition to qualifying for credit, also satisfy any of the School of Law’s mandatory first or second year course requirements.
Lockers are provided for the convenience of all law students. Locker numbers and combinations can be obtained in the Administrative Suite.
Alcohol may not be served at any event in the law school or on University grounds without the prior, written permission of the assistant dean for student services or the dean. Student organizations seeking to serve alcohol at their event should plan well in advance so that they can secure and complete all required forms.
Alcohol may be served at off-campus organization-sponsored events; however, it must be served from a “cash bar.” (The term “cash bar” refers to any event where drinks are purchased individually for immediate consumption. This does not prohibit drink specials.) Cash bars should not be staffed by law students who are participants in the event. If the event is of such a type where it is not practical to have a cash bar, the sponsoring organization must submit a written request for a waiver of such requirement to the assistant dean for student services or the dean. Alcohol may not be included in the price of the event ticket (Sedgwick, Barrister’s Ball, 3L Week events, etc.) without the prior, written permission of the assistant dean for student services or the dean. Although not generally preferred, drink tickets may be “pre-sold” with the prior, written approval of the assistant dean for student services or the dean.
Money derived from student fees may not be used to purchase or to subsidize the purchase of alcohol without the prior, written permission of the assistant dean for student services or the dean. “Student fees” include, without limitation, funds allocated to the SBA by the Creighton Student Union (CSU) as well as funds allocated to student organizations by the SBA. Money derived from membership fees or any other fee which is required for new or continued membership in any organization may not be spent on alcohol without the unanimous approval of the members of the organization. Advertisements for events or parties may refer to the presence of alcohol with the statement “a cash bar will be available” or “drink specials.” Signs may not refer to the event as a “beer bash” or words of similar import.
Violation of this policy by a student organization will result in the responsible students being asked to resign their positions from the organization and the organization forfeiting any remaining funding for the academic year. Further violations by the organization could result in the permanent disbanding of the organization at Creighton Law School. Violation of this policy by students planning an event for the SBA will result in the responsible students being asked to resign from their position with the SBA. The SBA may be required to place all funds and expenditures under the supervision of the assistant dean for student services or the dean.
Creighton is a tobacco-free University and the School of Law is a tobacco-free building. Tobacco use is NOT permitted inside the building or outside on campus grounds.
The Sidebar should be the primary place for eating and drinking. However, students may serve food and drink in the Commons at organized student activities. Students may bring drinks to the Commons at other times, but are asked to take particular care in cleaning up after themselves. Individual meals and drinks are permitted in the Law Library. Food and drink are not generally permitted in the lecture rooms or seminar rooms.
BluePrint is Creighton's Unified Student Print solution. BluePrint is a a modern print/copy/scan tool that can be used at any location on campus including the Law School and Law Library.
The distribution center is located immediately outside the Administrative Suite near the assignment bulletin boards.
Creighton University, Creighton University School of Law, Creighton Law School, and the various Creighton University logos are common law and federally registered trade names and trademarks of Creighton University, and may not be used by anyone on products or goods sold, or in connection with services to be provided, without the specific permission of Creighton University. Any unauthorized use may subject the parties involved to the payment of civil damages and/or fines as well as to the possibility of criminal penalties. See University Communications and Marketing for details.
It is the policy of Creighton University School of Law to provide equal employment and educational opportunities to faculty, employees, students and applicants for such opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap or disability, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, maternity and lactation status, status as a Vietnam-era, special, disabled, or other veteran who served on active duty during a war, campaign, or exhibition for which a campaign badge has been authorized in accordance with applicable federal law. In addition, it is the policy of the University to comply with applicable state statutes and local ordinances governing nondiscrimination in employment and educational activities. For more information, see “Harassment, Discrimination, Sexual and Relationship Misconduct” in Creighton University’s Guide to Policies.