Welcome to Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska! The Global Engagement Office is pleased to host international exchange students for one semester (Fall or Spring) or one academic year (Fall and Spring semesters) from partner universities. Qualified students must have completed at least one academic year at a sister Jesuit institution or other partner listed below:

The bilateral exchange agreements give students the opportunity to pay tuition and fees at their home universities while earning academic credit at Creighton University in a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs. Creighton also welcomes students from ISEP exchange partners from across the globe!

If you are a student participating in a specialized, short-term exchange sponsored by Creighton University Departments such as CRISP or the King Saud University EMS program, the instructions below are not for you. Please contact either the sponsoring department or Global Engagement Office for questions or further details. We look forward to welcoming you to Omaha soon!

  • Must have successfully completed at least one full academic year at the home university;
  • Must be nominated by the home university;
  • Must reach a minimum TOEFL (iBT) score of 88 with no subtest score lower than 20 (unless indicated as otherwise in the exchange agreement).

FALL and ACADEMIC YEAR EXCHANGE: Students should be nominated by their home institution before 1 March of each year; priority is given to students whose application materials are received by 15 April

SPRING EXCHANGE: Students should be nominated by their home institution before 15 September of each year; priority is given to students whose application materials are received by 1 October.

These deadlines provide the necessary time for the Global Engagement Office to process all materials, confirm availability of desired courses, and issue the documentation needed for the exchange students to apply for the J-1 student exchange visitor visa at the U.S. Embassy in their home countries.  If possible, please send nominations as early as possible (August - FALL / February - SPRING) to ease accommodation placement.

During their time in Omaha, exchange students reside on campus in self-catering apartment style dorms. All residence halls have laundry facilities available which use both coins or student ID card for payment. Exchange students are usually placed in Opus Hall or Davis Square Apartments. More information can be found here. Exchange students can pay for housing online via the NEST after arriving on campus, and housing costs in Opus/Davis will be individually determined based on the move-in and move-out date.