Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.
For over 50 years, Creighton University has provided programming in the Dominican Republic that emphasizes the importance of global vision and understanding in educating well-rounded individuals. This is made possible through a unique partnership with Centro de Educación para la Salud Integral (CESI) well-known by its English name, Misión ILAC. Through this partnership, Creighton-ILAC offers dental, medical, nursing, pharmacy, law, physical therapy, occupational therapy, undergraduate and high school students the opportunity to learn through service.
During this time we hold in our thoughts and prayers the many people around the world who are experiencing displacement and disruption. May our hearts continue to grow with compassion as we navigate these difficult times. We are especially mindful of the political and social instability that has driven hundreds of thousands of Haitians to flee to the Dominican Republic and across the world.
For nearly five decades Creighton University’s Institute for Latin American Concern has worked in the Dominican Republic in partnerships with the Centro de Educación para la Salud Integral (CESI – also affectionately known as “Misión ILAC”), other Dominican service organizations, and many rural “campos” including Haitian “bateys,” to provide health services and infrastructure development to support connected end empowered communities.
At this time, our programs are operating normally based on the following facts and realities:
We are distressed by the efforts being undertaken by many countries, including the Dominican Republic and the United States, to deport Haitian citizens back to their home country in the midst of a humanitarian crisis.
We encourage our community to continue to support initiatives of solidarity, hospitality and accompaniment for displaced persons, such as Jesuit Refugee Service and the Kino Border Initiative. We encourage everyone to remain engaged in civic discourse with elected officials about compassionate policies, such as those supported by the US Conference for Catholic Bishops.
If you would like to know more about Ignatian advocacy opportunities or how to contact your elected officials, please visit with the Schlegel Center for Service and Justice in Lower Becker Hall. If you would like to learn more about Creighton’s work in the Dominican Republic, please visit the Institute for Latin American Concern in Creighton Hall.
Pope Francis has invited us to care for our earth and our community, reminding us that “we are called to form integrated communities rather than remain as individuals, denominations or nations. Unknowable as the future is, we can trust that, to the extent that we give ourselves to the quest, we will find what we seek — no matter how impossible to imagine.” Let us continue to work for greater peace and hospitality in our world both locally and globally.
updated April 2024
Occupational therapy student Olivia Brem spent her level 1D fieldwork experience in the Dominican Republic designing interventions for patients of all ages.
“The ILAC program run by Creighton in the DR gives opportunities to students to learn more about diverse communities as well as give back to the community through service.” -Olivia Brem