Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.
The Office of Global and Community-Engaged Learning connects academic courses with local and global community partners to enhance academic learning, meet community-identified needs, and foster civic perspectives through engagement and reflection.
Use Creighton Engage to browse community partners and opportunities to serve.
Learn how to use Creighton Engage as an event registrant or event creator through the Creighton Bridge course.
Partnering with Creighton to support one or more of our academic service learning classes offers community-based organizations the opportunity to draw on the talents, time, and knowledge of Creighton students and faculty.
Rooted in the concepts of mutuality and collaboration, community partners act as co-educators for our students, sharing your knowledge of complex social issues with them and mentoring them in the kind of world-changing work that you do. This mutuality and collaboration it is at the core of how Creighton seeks to structure our academic service learning partnerships.
The Office of Global and Community-Engaged Learning connects academic courses with community partners to enhance academic learning, meet community-identified needs, and foster global perspectives through engagement and reflection.
Our vision is to create a campus culture that integrates teaching and learning through a commitment to service, civic engagement and positive social change which is highly valued, practiced, assessed, and recognized.
Lizzy Curran, MS
Creighton Hall 324
For local volunteer service opportunities, contact the Schlegel Center for Service and Justice.