Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.

Liturgical Ministry

As a worshipping community we are all called to actively participate in our liturgies through song, prayer, silence, and ritual action. Some are called to specific liturgical ministries for the liturgies we celebrate as a parish and University community.

Altar Servers assist with the preparation of the liturgy as well as during Mass. Altar servers assist the presider by bearing liturgical books, carrying the cross, candles, and incense in processions, and preparing liturgical vessels. Altar Servers are called upon to serve at Sunday academic year liturgies, holy days, and special university liturgies. Formation and training are offered in the fall and on an individual basis.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) assist the presider in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful during Mass. It is a grace-filled opportunity to develop and intimacy with Christ in the Eucharist and in his Church. Extraordinary ministers attend formation and training sessions and are scheduled for all weekend and special liturgies. Formation and training are offered in the fall and on an individual basis.

Hospitality Ministers help to create a welcoming environment at Mass for all those who come to worship. Hospitality ministers extend a welcome and sense of hospitality by greeting arriving worshipers, distributing worship aids, assisting with the offertory collection, and attending to other needs that may arise during liturgy.

Lectors are called forth from the community to proclaim the Word of God. When we gather together to celebrate Mass, we encounter God in the Eucharist, in the presider, in one another, and in the proclamation of the Word of God. Students proclaim the Word of God at Sunday and weekday liturgies. A good speaking voice, an ability to read in public, and a willingness to study scripture are necessary. Formation and training are offered in the fall and on an individual basis.

Sacristans serve behind the scenes to prepare the needed liturgical books, vestments, and vessels needed for Mass and attend to housekeeping of the sacristy and church before and after liturgies. Through their ongoing formation and work, sacristans have an opportunity to engage with the liturgy at a deep level.  Sacristans are needed at all Sunday and weekday Masses as well as for many of our University liturgies. Formation and training are offered in the fall and on an individual basis.

Tower Bell Ringers call the faithful to worship by ringing the large tower bell 5 minutes before the Sunday evening academic year Masses.  Strength is not a factor, rather this ministry requires control and attention. Formation and training are offered in the fall and on an individual basis.

For more information, or to become involved with any of the ministries mentioned above, please contact Chase Becker.