Dr. Jim Zboja is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Creighton University’s Heider College of Business. He currently specializes in teaching marketing research at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Jim attended Middle Tennessee State University for his B.B.A. and M.B.A. degrees and Florida State University for his Ph. D. Prior to coming to Creighton for the 2018-2019 academic year, Jim spent ten years at the University of Tulsa and two years at Eastern Michigan University. His industry experience includes sales and merchandising roles with Campbell Soup Company and BellSouth Mobility, among others. Jim’s research focuses primarily on customer perceptions of sales pressure, consumer entitlement, and interpersonal influence in selling interactions and in organizations. He has been published in Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Services Marketing, and Journal of Consumer Behaviour, among others. Born in Chicago, before 2016 Jim would self-identify as a “long-suffering” Cubs fan. Jim enjoys live music, hiking, tennis, running, and spending time with his wife Mary Dana and daughter Julie.
Research Focus
Customer Perceptions of Sales Pressure
Consumer Entitlement
Social Influence in Consumer Behavior & Organizations
Zboja James, Cross-selling performance in services: An internal marketing perspective 2006
Industrial marketing management Grimes-Rose Marsha, Zboja James J., Laird Mary Dana, An emprical examination of customer value proposition implementation 119, p. 15 - 26 2024
Journal of Jesuit business education Zboja James, Laird Mary Dana, St. Ignatius, Cura Personalis and Human Resource Management 15, p. 36 - 54 2024
Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal Gutierrez Diego, Zboja James J., Briggs Kristie, Sheehan Kathleen M., The impact of special events and fan–player bonding on identified fan consumption – a study of professional soccer in the USA 2022
Journal of marketing theory and practice Zboja James J., Clark Ronald A., Brudvig Susan, Laird Mary Dana, The roles of consumer entitlement, persuasion knowledge, and perceived product knowledge on perceptions of sales pressure 29:4, p. 435 - 447 2021
Journal of managerial psychology Laird Mary Dana, Zboja James J., Harvey Paul, Victoravich Lisa M., Narayan Anupama, Entitlement: friend or foe of work-family conflict? 36:5, p. 447 - 460 2021
International review on public and nonprofit marketing Zboja James J., Jackson Ralph W., Grimes-Rose Marsha, An expectancy theory perspective of volunteerism: the roles of powerlessness, attitude toward charitable organizations, and attitude toward helping others 17:4, p. 493 - 507 2020
Zboja James J., Laird Mary Dana, Brudvig Susan, Knowledge is Power: The Moderating Effect of Product Knowledge: An Abstract 2020
Marketing Management Journal Zboja James, Extreme Couponing: An Exploratory Study 28:2, p. 93 - 107 2018
Zboja James J., Gatzlaff Kevin M., An Examination of Heavy Coupon Use, Opinion Leadership, and Self-Confidence: An Abstract 2018
Zboja James J., Laird Mary Dana, Clark Ronald A., Consumer Entitlement’s Moderating Role on the Impact of Salesperson Credibility on Perceptions of Sales Pressure: An Abstract 2017
Wood Charles M., Gao Yuhui, Joshi Nitin, Dhar Upinder, Reddy P Narayana, Dhar Santosh, Sharma Ashwini, Wood Nicholas, Liang Xiaoning, Bouchet Adrien, Zboja Jim, Lynn Theo, Hunt Graham, TOUGH LISTENING: A CROSS-CULTURAL EXPLORATION OF STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE LISTENING WHEN IT IS DIFFICULT 2016
Journal of consumer behaviour Zboja James J., Laird Mary Dana, Bouchet Adrien, The moderating role of consumer entitlement on the relationship of value with customer satisfaction 15:3, p. 216 - 224 2016
Zboja James J., Laird Mary Dana, Bouchet Adrien, On the Service Quality and Satisfaction Relationship: The Moderating Role of Consumer Entitlement 2016
Journal of business ethics Jackson Ralph W., Zboja James J., Wood Charles M., The Dissolution of Ethical Decision-Making in Organizations: A Comprehensive Review and Model 116:2, p. 233 - 250 2013
Journal of promotion management Clark Ronald A., Zboja James J., Goldsmith Ronald E., Antecedents of Coupon Proneness: A Key Mediator of Coupon Redemption 19:2, p. 188 - 210 2013
Journal of managerial psychology Laird Mary Dana, Zboja James J., Martinez Arthur D., Ferris Gerald R., Performance and political skill in personal reputation assessments 28:6, p. 661 - 676 2013
Journal of relationship marketing (Binghamton, N.Y.) Zboja James J., Hartline Michael D., An Examination of High-Frequency Cross-Selling 11:1, p. 41 - 55 2012
Career development international Laird Mary Dana, Zboja James J., Ferris Gerald R., Partial mediation of the political skill-reputation relationship 17:6-7, p. 557 - 582 2012
Journal of relationship marketing (Binghamton, N.Y.) Zboja James J., Hartline Michael D., Using Internal Relationship Marketing Activities to Enhance Cross-Selling Performance in Services 9:3, p. 117 - 131 2010
Journal of retailing and consumer services Clark Ronald A., Zboja James J., Goldsmith Ronald E., Status consumption and role-relaxed consumption: A tale of two retail consumers 14:1, p. 45 - 59 2007
Journal of nonprofit & public sector marketing Raman Pushkala, Zboja James J., The Effects of Employee Attitudes on Workplace Charitable Donations 16:1-2, p. 41 - 60 2006
The Journal of services marketing Zboja James J., Voorhees Clay M., The impact of brand trust and satisfaction on retailer repurchase intentions 20:6, p. 381 - 390 2006
American Marketing Association. Conference Proceedings Clark Ronald, Zboja James, INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES TO CONSUMER RESPONSES TO SOCIAL INFLUENCE ACROSS CULTURES 15, p. 247 2004
Laird, Mary Dana, Jim Zboja, Paul Harvey, Lisa M. Victoravich, and Anupama Narayan (2019), "The Moderating Effects of Entitlement on the Work-Family Conflict-Job Satisfaction Relationship," Target: Midwest Academy of Management 62nd Annual Meeting, Omaha, NE, Status: accepted. 2019
Zboja, James J., Susan Brudvig, and Mary Dana Laird (2019), "Knowledge is Power: The Moderating Effect of Product Knowledge on Consumer Perceptions of Sales Pressure," Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference. 2019
Zboja, James J., Ronald A. Clark, Susan Brudvig, "The Mediating Role of Consumer Perceptions of Sales Pressure on the Relationships of Credibility,Regret, and Consumer Alienation," Target: American Marketing Association 2017 Summer AMA Conference: Innovation & Sustainability in Marketing, Volume 28, Kelly L. Haws, Mark B. Houston, and Charles H. Noble, eds., 604-605. 2017
Zboja, James J. and Kevin M. Gatzlaff, "An Empirical Examination of Heavy Coupon Use, Opinion Leadership, and Self-Confidence," Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference. 2017
Laird, Mary Dana, Jim Zboja, and Jeff Paul, "This Is Not What I Saw on HGTV," North American Case Research Association Annual Conference, Start-up Case Workshop. 2016
Wood, Charles M., Yuhui Gao, Nitin Joshi, Upinder Dhar, P Narayana Reddy, SantoshDhar, Ashwini Sharma, Nicholas Wood, Xiaoning Liang, Adrien Bouchet, JimZboja, Theo Lynn, and Graham Hunt, "Tough Listening: A Cross-Cultural Exploration of Strategies to Improve Listening When it is Difficult," Global Marketing Conference, Hong Kong. 2016
Zboja, James J., Mary Dana Laird, and Ronald A. Clark, "Consumer Entitlement's Moderating Role on the Impact of Salesperson Credibility on Perceptions of Sales Pressure," Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference. 2016
Brudvig, Susan, James J. Zboja, and Ronald A. Clark, "Beyond the Conditional Mean: Using Quantile Regression to Understand the Relationship of Completion Time and Student Performance in Computer-Based Exams," in Teaching Marketing to New Generations and Non-Traditional; Students, Marketing Educators' Association Annual Conference Proceedings, Gregory S. Black and Michelle M. Nelson, eds., 107-9. 2015
Zboja, James J., Mary Dana Laird, and Adrien Bouchet, "On the Service Quality and Satisfaction Relationship: The Moderating Role of Consumer Entitlement," in Developments in Marketing Science, Volume 37, Michael W. Obal, ed., 51. 2014
Laird, Mary Dana and James J. Zboja, "The Effect of Introversion on theRelationship between Self- and Other-reports of Reputation," Presentation at theAcademy of Management Annual Conference, Orlando, FL. 2013
Bouchet, Adrien and James J. Zboja, "The Service Profit Chain in a Professional Sport Setting," in Marketing in the Socially-Networked World: Challenges of Emerging, Stagnant & Resurgent Markets: 2012 AMA Summer Educators' Proceedings, Volume 23, Todd J. Arnold and Lisa K. Scheer, eds., 448-449. 2012
Zboja, James J. and Kevin M. Gatzlaff, "An Exploratory Study of Extreme Couponing," in Marketing Dynamism & Sustainability: Things Change, Things Stay The Same: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science Volume XXXII, Leroy Robinson, Jr., ed., 382. 2012
Wood, Charles M. and James J. Zboja, "Battling 'Senior-itis': ChallengingStudents with Ideation through Implementation" NCIIA conference. 2012
Laird, Mary Dana, Gerhard Blickle, James J. Zboja, Paula B. Schneider and Jerry Ferris, "Political Skill as a Moderator of the Performance- Reputation Relationship: A Two-Study Replication and Extension," Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Management Association, St. Pete Beach, FL. 2010
Zboja, James J. and Ronald A. Clark, "Perceptions of Sales Pressure: AQualitative Study," in Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of theAcademy of Marketing Science, Volume XXXIII, Dawn R. Deeter-Schmelz, ed.,281. 2010