Expert Review of Clinical Immunology Agarwal Shreya, Zach Terence L., Agrawal Devendra K., Kovilam Oormila P., Immunopathogenesis and Therapeutic Approaches in Pediatric Celiac Disease 2016
Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Gumuscu Burak, Thompson Elizabeth I., Grovas Alfred C., Zach Terrence L., Warkentin Phyllis I., Coccia Peter F., Successful unrelated cord blood transplantation for homozygous α-thalassemia 35:7, p. 570 - 572 2013
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Varman M., Romero J. R., Cornish N. E., Manley J., Meza J. L., Zach T. L., Chartrand S. A., Characterization and mechanisms of resistance of group B streptococcal isolates obtained at a community hospital 24:6, p. 431 - 433 2005
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin Hoie Eric Brian, McGuire Timothy Robert, Leuschen Patricia Mary, Zach Terrence Leo, Pentoxifylline inhibits tumor necrosis factor-alpha induced synthesis of complement component C3 in human endothelial cells 27:10, p. 1670 - 1673 2004
Comprehensive Therapy Zach T. L., Group B streptococcal infections in newborn infants 21:11, p. 673 - 677 1995
Survey of anesthesiology Leuschen M. P., Willett L. D., Hoie E. B., Bolam D. L., Bussey M. E., Zach T. L., Nelson R. M., Goodrich P. D., Plasma Fentanyl Levels in Infants Undergoing Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation 38:1, p. 47 1994
Biology of the neonate Zach T. L, Tetrault G, Leuschen M. P, Amniotic fluids levels of the third component of complement 65:2, p. 126 - 128 1994
The Nebraska medical journal Zach T. L., Problems and outcomes in low birth weight infants. 79:1, p. 11 - 12 1994
American Journal of Pathology Christian-Ritter Karlyle K., Hill Laura D., Hoie Eric B., Zach Terence L., Effect of interleukin-4 on the synthesis of the third component of complement by pulmonary epithelial cells 144:1, p. 171 - 176 1994
Neonatology Zach Terence L., Tetrault Gregory, Patricia Leuschen M., Amniotic fluid levels of the third component of complement 65:2, p. 126 - 128 1994
The Nebraska medical journal Fisher M. J., Zach T. L., Neonatal group B streptococcal infections 78:6, p. 148 - 150 1993
Experimental Lung Research Zach Terence L., Herrman Vicki A., Hill Laura D., Leuschen M. Patricia, Effect of steroids on the synthesis of complement c3 in a human alveolar epithelial cell line 19:5, p. 603 - 616 1993
Immunology Hill L. D., Sun L., Leuschen M. P., Zach T. L., C3 synthesis by A549 alveolar epithelial cells is increased by interferon-γ and dexamethasone 79:2, p. 236 - 240 1993
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Leuschen M. P., Nelson R. M., Willett L. D., Hoie E. B., Bolam D. L., Zach T. L., Bussey M. E., Goodrich P. D., Plasma fentanyl levels in infants undergoing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 105:5, p. 885 - 891 1993
The Nebraska medical journal Zach T. L., Chickenpox during pregnancy. 77:10, p. 281 - 282 1992
Journal of Immunology Zach T. L., Hill L. D., Herrman V. A., Leuschen M. P., Hostetter M. K., Effect of glucocorticoids on C3 gene expression by the A549 human pulmonary epithelial cell line 148:12, p. 3964 - 3969 1992
American Journal of Perinatology Zach Terence L., Cifuentes Raul F., Strom Robert L., Congenital Mesoblastic Nephroma, Hemorrhagic Shock, and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation in a Newborn Infant 8:3, p. 203 - 205 1991
The Nebraska medical journal Zach T. L., Bacterial infections in the newborn infant. 76:3, p. 74 - 75 1991
The Journal of Pediatrics Zach Terence L., Steinhorn Robin H., Georgieff Michael K., Mills Maria M., Green Thomas P., Leukopenia associated with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in newborn infants 116:3, p. 440 - 444 1990
The American Journal of Medicine Zach Terence L., Quie Paul G., Prostatitis in chronic granulomatous disease 87:3, p. 353 - 354 1989
Pediatric Research Zach Terence L., Hostetter Margaret K., Biochemical abnormalities of the third component of complement in neonates 26:2, p. 116 - 120 1989
The Nebraska medical journal Zach T. L., Penn R. G., Gnarra D. J., Bever J. L., Fusarium moniliforme pneumonia. 72:1, p. 6 - 9 1987
Pediatric Infectious Disease Zach Terence L., Penn Robert G., Localized cryptococcal osteomyelitis in an immunocompetent host 5:5, p. 601 - 603 1986
The Nebraska medical journal Zach T. L., Tonniges T. F., Systemic Hemophilus influenza infections in central Nebraska--how useful will the new vaccine be? 71:2, p. 34 - 36 1986
Craven S, Zach T, Two patients with Klinefelter Syndrome fortuitously diagnosed by Non-invasive prenatal test; 20th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2022
Drexelius J, Zach T: Case Report: Unique presentation of Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome in a premature infant; 20th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2022
Flaten S, Poellinger E, Zach T. Retrospective study on maternal BMI and length of stay for neonates with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy treated with hypothermia; 20th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2022
Furtmann A, Zach T, Opitz G/BBB Syndrome; 20th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2022
Maes J, Zach T, Foruitous diagnosis of total anomalous pulmonary venous return in a newborn with hypoglycemia; 20th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2022
Nesley T, Zach T; Lethal congenital chylothorax in a patient with Familial Noonan Syndrome; 20th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2022
Poellinger E, Walsh M, Zach T, Demographic and clinical features of newborns managed with therapeutic hypothermia for Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy; 20th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2022
Walsh M, Poellinger E, Zach T, Utilization of antimicrobial therapy in neonates receiving therapeutic hypothermia for Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy; 20th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2022
Heterotaxy in newborn with transposition of the great arteries, Betts L, Zach TL. 20th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2022
Lethal congenital chylothorax in a patient with familial Noonan Syndrome, Nesley T, Zach TL. 20th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2022
Retrospective study on maternal BMI and length of stay for neonates with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy treated with hypothermia, Flaten S Zach TL. 20th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2022
Opitz G Syndrome, Furtmann A, Zach TL. 20th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2022
Utilization of antimicrobial therapy in neonates receiving therapeutic hypothermia for hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, Walsh M, Zach TL. 20th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2022
Two patients with Klinefelter Syndrome fortuitously diagnosed by non-invasive prenatal test,Craven S, Zach TL. 20th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2022
Fortuitous diagnosis of total anomalous pulmonary venous return in newborn with hypoglycemia, Maes J, Zach TL. 20th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2022
Demographic and clinical features of newborns managed with therapeutic hypothermia for hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, Poellinger E, Zach TL. 20th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2022
Unique presentation of Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome in a premature infant, Drexelius J Zach TL. 20th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2022
Opitz G Syndrome; Amanda Furtmann, Terence Zach 25th Annual Stephen A. Chartrand 2022 Update, Omaha NE 2022
Hetrotaxy in Newborn with Transposition of the Great Arteries, Lucus Betts, Terence Zach; 25th Annual Stephen A. Chartrand 2022 Update, Omaha NE 2022
Lethal Congenital Chylothorax in a patient with Familial Noonan Syndrome, Tamiko Nesley, Terence Zach; 25th Annual Stephen A. Chartrand 2022 Update, Omaha NE 2022
Retrospective study on maternal BMI and length of stay for neonates with hypoxic ischemia encephalopathy treated with hypothermia; Sonya Flaten, Terence Zach; 25th Annual Stephen A. Chartrand 2022 Update, Omaha NE 2022
Utilization of Antimicrobial Therapy in Neonates receiving Therapeutic Hypothermia for Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy; Marissa Walsh, Terence Zach; 25th Annual Stephen A. Chartrand 2022 Update, Omaha NE 2022
Two patients with Klinefelter syndrome fortuitously diagnosed by non-invasive prenatal test; Sara Craven, Terence Zach; 25th Annual Stephen A. Chartrand 2022 Update, Omaha NE 2022
Fortuitous Diagnosis of Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return in a newborn with Hypoglycemia; Joseph Maes, Terence Zach; 25th Annual Stephen A. Chartrand 2022 Update, Omaha NE 2022
Case Report of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia in a Twin; Clayton Watts, Terence Zach; 25th Annual Stephen A. Chartrand 2022 Update, Omaha NE 2022
Demographic and clinical features of newborns managed with Therapeutic Hypothermia for Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy; Emily Poellinger; Terence Zach; 25th Annual Stephen A. Chartrand 2022 Update, Omaha NE 2022
Case Report: Unique presentation of Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome in a premature infant; Julia Drexelius, Terence Zach; 25th Annual Stephen A. Chartrand 2022 Update, Omaha NE 2022
Heterotaxy in newborn with transposition of the great arteries, Betts L, Zach TL. 25th Annual Stephen A. Chartrand Memorial Practical Pediatric 2022 Update 2022
Lethal congenital chylothorax in a patient with familial Noonan Syndrome, Nesley T, Zach TL. 25th Annual Stephen A. Chartrand Memorial Practical Pediatric 2022 Update 2022
Retrospective study on maternal BMI and length of stay for neonates with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy treated with hypothermia, Flaten S, Zach TL. 25th Annual Stephen A. Chartrand Memorial Practical Pediatric 2022 Update, 2022
Opitz G Syndrome, Furtmann A, Zach TL. 25th Annual Stephen A. Chartrand Memorial Practical Pediatric 2022 Update 2022
Utilization of antimicrobial therapy in neonates receiving therapeutic hypothermia for hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, Walsh M, Zach TL. 25th Annual Stephen A. Chartrand Memorial Practical Pediatric 2022 Update 2022
Two patients with Klinefelter Syndrome fortuitously diagnosed by non-invasive prenatal test, Craven S, Zach TL. 25th Annual Stephen A. Chartrand Memorial Practical Pediatric 2022 Update 2022
Fortuitous diagnosis of total anomalous pulmonary venous return in newborn with hypoglycemia, Maes J, Zach TL. 25th Annual Stephen A. Chartrand Memorial Practical Pediatric 2022 Update, March 4, 2022 2022
Case Report of congenital diaphragmatic hernia in a twin, Watts C, Zach TL. 25th Annual Stephen A. Chartrand Memorial Practical Pediatric 2022 Update 2022
Demographic and clinical features of newborns managed with therapeutic hypothermia for hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, Poellinger E, Zach TL. 25th Annual Stephen A. Chartrand Memorial Practical Pediatric 2022 Update 2022
Unique presentation of Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome in a premature infant, Drexelius J, Zach TL. 25th Annual Stephen A. Chartrand Memorial Practical Pediatric 2022 Update 2022
Poster presentation: Wittmeyer S, Bader L, Zach T; Interprofessional Care at its Finest: Case Report: Twins Femur Fracture w/Dx and treatment by Occupational Therapy in the NICU, 18th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Children's Hopsital and Medical Center, Omaha, NE, May 7-8, 2020 2020
Simmons A, Zach T, Ryan T; Management of Fibromatosis w/congenital Torticollis in a Premature Infant, 18th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Children's Hospital and Medical Center, Omaha, NE May 7-8, 2020 2020
Rude L, Zach T, Kosoko-Lasaki O; Assessing Health Disparities in Prenatal Care and Neonatal Outcomes, 18th Annual Pediatrc Research Forum, Children's Hospital and Medical Center, Omaha, NE, May 7-8, 2020 2020
Fairborn C, Icenoggle T, Corigan D, Francher-Dominguez, Zach T; The Relationship between Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, Treatment and Lenth of NICU Stay, 18th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Children's Hospital and Medical Center, Omaha, NE May 7-8, 2020 2020
Patello E, Zach T, Maternal Post Partum Depression Risk Factor in Bergan Mercy NICU, 18th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Children's Hospital and Medical Center, Omaha, NE May 7-8, 2020 2020
Poster presentation, "Myelomeningocele in dizygotic twin", Malouff S, Zach T, 23rd Annual Practical Pediatrics 2020 Update-Stephen A. Chartrand, MD Memorial Seminar, Omaha, NE, February 28, 2020 2020
Poster presentation, "Maternal post-partum depression risk factors in Bergan Mercy NICU", Patello E, Zach T, 23rd Annual Practical Pediatrics 2020 Update-Stephen A. Chartrand, MD Memorial Seminar, Omaha, NE, February 28, 2020 2020
Poster presentation, "Neonatal Dysphagia: A Case Study" Gillespie L, Zach T, 23rd Annual Practical Pediatrics 2020 Update-Stephen A. Chartrand, MD Memorial Seminar, Omaha, NE, February 28, 2020 2020
Poster presentation, "A mother's excess sweet is not her baby's treat: A neonate with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy born to a mother with Type II Diabetes Mellitus", Strauss J, Zach T, 23rd Annual Practical Pediatrics 2020 Update-Stephen A. Chartrand, MD Memorial Seminar, Omaha, NE, February 28, 2020 2020
Poster presentation, "Absent septum pellucidum in a patient with 18q21.2 deletion: Pitt Hopkins Syndrome", Marinelli K, Zach T, Pederson E, Mogenson M, 23rd Annual Practical Pediatrics 2020 Update-Stephen A. Chartrand, MD Memorial Seminar, Omaha, NE, February 28, 2020 2020
Poster presentation, "The relationship between neonatal abstinence syndrome, treatment, and length of NICU stay", Fairbourn C, Zach T, 23rd Annual Practical Pediatrics 2020 Update-Stephen A. Chartrand, MD Memorial Seminar, Omaha, NE, February 28, 2020 2020
Poster presentation, "Maternal care and length of NICU stay: Effects of raical health disparities", Scrogum A, Zach T, 23rd Annual Practical Pediatrics 2020 Update-Stephen A. Chartrand, MD Memorial Seminar, Omaha, NE, February 28, 2020 2020
Poster presentation, "Managment of life-threatening persistent pulmonary hypertension in an extremely small for gestational age premature infant", Jones A, Zach T, 23rd Annual Practical Pediatrics 2020 Update-Stephen A. Chartrand, MD Memorial Seminar, Omaha, NE, February 28, 2020 2020
Poster presentation, "Management of Fibromatosis Colli with congenital torticollis in a premature infant", Simmons A, Zach T, Ryan T, 23rd Annual Practical Pediatrics 2020 Update-Stephen A. Chartrand, MD Memorial Seminar, Omaha, NE, February 28, 2020 2020
Poster presentation, "Interprofessional care at its finest: case report of a twin's femur fracture with diagnosis and treatment by occupational therapy in the NICU", Wittmeyer, Bader L, Zach T, 23rd Annual Practical Pediatrics 2020 Update-Stephen A. Chartrand, MD Memorial Seminar, Omaha, NE, February 28, 2020 2020
Poster presentation, "Assessing health disparities in prenatal care and neonatal outcomes", Rude L, Zach T, 23rd Annual Practical Pediatrics 2020 Update-Stephen A. Chartrand, MD Memorial Seminar, Omaha, NE, February 28, 2020 2020
Time between birth, admission to the NICU and first does of antibiotics in infants born to mothers with suspected chorioamnionitis, presented at The Future of Pediatrics Conference, Orlando, FL 2019
Poster presentation "Multiple rib fractures in a macrosomic neonate following difficult birth", Aung M, Zach TL 17th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2019
Poster presentation "Profound neonatal anemia due to a fetal to maternal hemorrhage", Bandi P, Lee C, Zach TL 17th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2019
Poster presentation "Case report of an emergency c-section and newborn passive cooling in a free-standing emergency department", Fallon M, Zach TL 17th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2019
Poster presentation "Significant ABO incompatibility with a negative direct antiglobulin test in a neonate with Trisomy 21: A case report", Zach TL 17th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2019
Poster presentation " The relationship between neonatal abstinence syndrome, treatment, and length of NICU stay" Icenoggle T, Corrigan D, Fancher-Dominguez A, Zach TL, 17th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2019
Poster presentation "Klinefelter syndrome fortuitously diagnosed by non-invasive prenatal test" Leyden E, Zach TL 17th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2019
Poster presentation "Neonatal Hypoglycemia Screening Protocols", Merrill B, Zach TL 17th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2019
Poster presentation "Time between birth, admission to NICU, and first dose of antibiotics in infants born to mothers with suspected Chorioamnionitis", Zach TL 17th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2019
Poster presentation "Septum Pellucidum agenesis with Rathke's Cleft cyst: a mild variant of Septo-Optic Dysplasia", Sughroue A, Zach TL 17th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2019
Approach to Dysmorphic Baby - Saint Elizabeth Hospital, Lincoln, NE 2018
Approach to Dysmorphic Baby, OB Grand Rounds, Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, NE 2018
Poster presentation, 16th Annual Pediatric Reserach Forum, Omaha, NE "Serum Sodium levels in preterm neonates: do they correlate with intraventricular hemmorrhages?" Brozovich N, Masuda Z, Zach T. 2018
16th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE "Time Between Birth and Admission to NICU and first dose of antibiotics in infants born to mother's with suspected chorioamniontis" Colburn L, Hasegawa M, Mans K, Zach T 2018
Poster presentation-16th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE "Arthrogryposis masquerading as Erb's Palsy in newborn without shoulder dystocia" DeVries S, Peeples E, Gollehon N, Zach T. 2018
Poster presentation - 16th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE "Pneumomediastinum in late preterm infant that developed while on high flow nasal cannula" Guerins K, Zach T. 2018
Poster presentation - 16th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE "A lethal case of congenital hydrocephalus in association with multiple anomalies", Hammerquist A, Zeiden Z, Zach T. 2018
Poster presentation -16th Annual Pedatric Research Forum, "Neuromuscular stimulation to assist feeings in an infant with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy", Hartley E, Gameri B, Johnson J, Zach 2018
Poster presentation - 16th annual Research Forum, Omaha, NE "Time between administration of epidural and highest recorded maternal temperature in mothers with suspected Chorioamnionitis" Hasegawa M, Colburn L, Mans K, Zach T. 2018
Poster presentation - 16th Annual Pediatric Research Forum -Omaha, NE. "Polydactyly in Neonates", Lowder K, Hammerquist A, Zach T. 2018
Poster presentation - 16th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE - "VACTERL diagnosed fortuitously in a premature infant with RDS and scoliosis" Lowder K, Zach T, Schubert J. 2018
Poster presentation - 16th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE "Early separation of mother and infant for NICU admission and sepsis rule out impacts breastfeeding success rates for term babies born to mothers with suspected or proven chorioamnionitis" Mans K, Colburn M, Zach T. 2018
Poster presentation- 16th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE "Admission temperature as a diagnostic factor for intraventricular hemorrhages in very low birth weight neonates", Masuda Z, Brozovich N, Zach T. 2018
Poster presentation - 16th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE "A case study on Rh anti-D isoimmunization successfully managed in morbidly obese pregnant woman" Mattson K, Barsoom M, Zach T. 2018
Poster presentation - 16th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE "Presence of Opitz G/BBB Syndrome, absence of foramen of magendie" McGuire S, Hammerquist A, Zach T. 2018
Poster presentation -16th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE - "Late onset neonatal hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia in dizygotic twin" Rockamann R, Zach T. 2018
Poster presentation, 16th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE "Managment of a neonate born to a mother with Graves' Disease: Case Report. Yang R, Zach T. 2018
Neonatal Resuscitation: 2017 Update - OB Grand Rounds, Creighton University, Omaha, NE 2017
Poster Presentation Mystery Unsolved: Multiple Congenital Anomalies with No Genentic Link - Pediatric Research Forum, Children's Hospital, Omaha, NE 2017
Poster Presentation: Midwives on the Rise: Midwife Deliveries in Local Hospitals are Increasing-Pediatric Research Forum, Children's Hospital, Omaha, NE 2017
Poster Presentation: Lethal congenital chylothorax and familial Noonan syndrome - Pediatric Research Forum, Children's Hospital, Omaha, NE 2017
Poster Presentation: Intrahepatic Umbilical Vein Thrombosis; Pediatric Research Forum, Children's Hospital, Omaha, NE 2017
Poster Presentation: What's that Bump? Sinus Pericranil in a Premature Infant. Pediatric Research Forum - Children's Hospital, Omaha, NE 2017
Poster Presentation: Development of hypertension following double volume exchange transfusion for the treatment of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia - Pediatric Research Forum, Children's Hospital, Omaha, NE 2017
Poster Presentation: Incomplete Vascular Ring as a Result of a Right-sided Aortic Arch in a Neonate with CHARGE Syndrome- Pediatric Research Forum, Children' Hospital, Omaha, NE 2017
Poster Presentation: Nicrotia: A Case Report and Review of Literature; Pediatric Research Forum- Children's Hospital, Omaha, NE 2017
Poster Presentation: Alobar Holopresencephaly and Klienfelter's Syndrome in an Infant: A Case Report, Pediatric Research Forum-Children's Hospital, Omaha, NE 2017
CHARGE Syndromewith Hiatal Hernia- Pediatric Research Forum, Children's Hospital, Omaha, NE 2017
Early Exposreu ot pediatrics through Creighton University School of Medicine M1 Pediatric Summer Academy, 14th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2016
Vaginal delivery of triplets. 14th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2016
Prevalence and duration of neutropenia in very low birth weight infants born to mothers with preeclampsia, 14th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2016
A case of collodion baby with normal underlying skin; 14th Annual Pediatric Research Forum, Omaha, NE 2016
Neonate with self-resolving congenital chylothorax; 14th Annual Pediatric Research Forum 2016
Psychotropic Drugs: Prenatal and Postnatal Effects - New Ferontiers in Neonatal Care Conference, Omaha, NE 2016
Neonate with self-resolving congenital chylothrox; Practical Pediatric Conference 2016
A Case of collodion baby with normal underlying skin; Practical Pediatrics Conference, Omaha, NE 2016
Prevalence and duration of neutropenia in very low birth weight infants born to mothers with preeclampsia; Practical Pediatrics Conference, Omaha, NE 2016
Vaginal delivery of triplets, Practical Pediatrics Conference, Omaha, NE 2016
Early exposure to pediatrics through Creighton University School of Medicine M1 Pediatric Summer Academy Program; Practical Pediatrics Conference, Omaha, NE 2016
"Newborn Diagnoses: Common and Unusual Problems Encountered in the NICU", 24th Annual: A Day With the Perinatologists, Maternal-Fetal Medicine Perspectives in Practice Conference, physicians, nurses, and other health care providers, Omaha, Nebraska 2009
"Transitional Physiology of the Neonate", Pediatric Pathophysiology / Embryology Course, First Year Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Students, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska 2009
"Neonatal Diagnosis", University of Nebraska Family Medicine Residents, Clarkson Hospital, Omaha, Nebraska 2009
"Stump the Stars Neonatal Assessment" NICU Nurses and NICU staff, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska 2009
"Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn", NICU Critical Care Course, Bergan Mercy Medical Center, Omaha, Nebrasla 2009
"Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn", ECMO Team Nurses, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska 2009
"Congenital Anomalies from a Neonatologists Perspective" Pediatric Grand Rounds, St. Joseph Hospital & Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona 2009
"Dermatology Review", Second Year Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Course, Creighton University 2008
"Neonatal Stump the Stars", Second Year Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Course, Creighton University, 12/10/08 2008
"Neonatology" Breakfast with an Expert, Residents and Pediatric faculty, Creighton University Medical Center 2008
"Stump the Stars II: Case Studies in Pharmacology" 3rd Annual NICU Pharmacology Conference, NNPs and nurses, Lakeside Hospital, Omaha, NE 2008
"Ethical Issues in Newborn Intensive Care", Marian High School Morality Class, Omaha, NE 2008
"Interesting Cases in Newborn Nursery / Intensive Care Unit", Graduate Medical Education Conference, Family Medicine Residency Program, Clarkson Hospital, Omaha, NE 2008
"Interesting Cases in Newborn Nursery / Intensive Care Unit", Physicians Noon Conference, on-site physicians & telehealth network to rural hospitals in Central Nebraska & Northern Kansas, Good Samaritan Hospital, Kearney, NE 2008
"Derm Review", Creighton University Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Students, Omaha, NE 2007
"Stump the Stars", Creighton University Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Students, Omaha, NE 2007
"Common Newborn Care Issues", In-Service for OB Nursing Staff / Maternal Services, Immanuel Hospital, Omaha, NE 2007
"Head Cooling Asphyxiated Newborns", Life Flight Transport Team Conference, UNMC, Omaha, NE 2007
"Neonatal Respiratory Disorders",BREATH Conference, Nurses and Respiratory Therapists, Lakeside Hospital, Omaha, NE 2007
"Head Cooling", NICU staff nurses, The Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 2007
"Head Cooling Asphyxiated Newborns" at Perinatalology / Neonatology / Surgery Conference, Children's Hospital, Omaha, NE 2007
"Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn", NICU Critical Care Course, Neonatal Nurse Practitioners, Bergan Mercy Hospital, Omaha, NE 2007
"Congenital Anomalies: A Neonatologist's Perspective", Registered Nurses and staff in Maternal and Child Health Care, Midlands Community Hospital, Omaha, NE 2007
"PPHN" lecture for NICU Critical Care Course at Bergan Mercy Hospital, Omaha, NE 2007
"Shock and Awe with Zach: The Use of Blood Pressure Medication in Neonates" 1st Annual NICU Pharmacology Conference, Drugs in the NICU, Creighton University Medical Center and School of Nursing and Linkous & Associates, Omaha, NE 2006
"Interesting Neonatal Cases", 21st Annual: A Day with the Perinatologists Obstertrical Dilemmas, Creighton University School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Continuing Medical Education, Omaha, NE 2006
"Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn", NICU Critical Care Course, Neonatal Nurse Practitioners, Bergan Mercy Hospital, Omaha, NE 2006
"Neonatology, Breakfast with an Expert", Pediatric Faculty, Residents, Students, Joint Pediatric Program Creighton University & Nebraska School of Medicine, Omaha, NE 2006
"Shock and Awe: Management of Shock in the NICU", 1st Annual NICU Pharmacology Conference - Drugs in the NICU, Creighton University School of Nursing, Omaha, NE 2006
"Neonatology-Newborn Diagnosis" Third Annual Regional Pediatric Symposium of the Black Hills, Rapid City, SD 2006
"Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn" NICU Critical Care Coure, Neonatal Nurse Practitioners, Bergan Mercy Medical Center, Omaha, NE 2006
"Acid Base Balance" NICU Critical Care Course, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, Bergan Mercy Medical Center, Omaha, NE 2006
"NICU Environment: The Face of Prematurity", March of Dimes Prematurity Summit, Sheraton Inn, Omaha, NE 2005
"Infants of Diabetic Mothers", Labor and Delivery , NICU Nurses, Bergan Mercy Medical Center, Omaha, NE 2005
"Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn". NICU Critical Care Course, Neonatal Nurse Practitioners, Bergan Mercy Hospital, Omaha, NE 2005
"Infants of Diabetic Mothers", Fifth Annual Maternal Newborn Conference, Support the Maternal Newborn Women's Health Nurse in Caring for Women and Newborns, Maternal Education Coalition, Mid America Center, Council Bluffs, IA 2005
"Syndromes", NICU Nurses, Bergan Mercy Hospital, Omaha, NE 2005
"What is Neonatal Intensive Care and What are the Benefits?", Creigthon in the Community, Media Presentation, Cox Channel 4, Omaha, NE 2005
"Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn", NICU Critical Care Course, Noenatal Nurse Practitioners, Bergan Mercy Hospital, Omaha, NE 2005
"Interesting Neonatal Cases", CME lecture to Mercy Hspital Medical Staff, Alegent Health Medical Staff, Physician sistants and Nurse Practitioners, Council Bluffs, IA 2005
"Congenital Abnormalities-A Neonatologist's Perspective", Nursery Nurses, Immanuel Hospital, Omaha, NE 2005
"Ethical Issues at the Beginning of Life" Nursing Students, CSOM, Omaha, NE 2004
"Treacher-Collins Disease", Interprofessional Education Clinical Conference, Grand Rounds, CUMC, Omaha, NE 2004
"Interesting Cases in the NICU", Hypertension During Pregnance & Interesting Cases in The NICU conference, Association of Women's Health, Obstetrics & Neonatology Nurses, Omaha, NE 2004
"Congenital Anomalies/A Neonatologist's Perspective", A Day with the Perinatologist, Perspectives in Practice Conference, Omaha, Ne 2004
"Vermont Oxford Database-PICU Outcomes" CUMC NICU Nursing In-Service, Omaha, NE 2004
"Neonatology-Stump the Stars" American Academy of Pediatric Coders, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 2004
"Congenital Anomalies-A Neonatologist's Perspective" OB/GYN Grand Rounds, CUMC, Omaha, NE 2004
"Genetics" Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Studets, CUMC, Omaha, NE 2004
"Congenital Anomalies-A Neonatologist's Perspective, NICU Nurses, CUMC, Omaha, NE 2004
"Stump the Stars-Interesting Cases in Neonatology", Seventh Annual Practical Pediatric Conference, CUMC, Omaha, NE 2004
"Congenital Anomalies" In-service, Bergan Mercy Medical Center, Omaha, NE 2004
"Problems with Premature Infants" OB/GYN Grand Rounds, CUMC, Omaha, NE 2004
"Neonatal Issues" Health Vision Cable Program, Cox Channel 4, Omaha, NE 2003
"Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn" Neonatal Nurse Practitioners, Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 2003
"Neonatal Mortality Report",Quality Council, CUMC, Omaha, NE 2003
"Neonatal Mortality Report," Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nurses, Creighton University Medical Center, Omaha, NE 2002
"Neonatal Mortality Report," Professional Relations Committee, Creighton University Medical Center, Omaha, NE 2002
"Newborn Musculoskeletal Problems," Neonatal Nurse Practitioners, Bergan Mercy Medical Center, Omaha, NE 2002
"Patent Ductus Arteriosus," Nurses, Bergan Mercy Medical Center, Omaha, NE 2002
Stump the Stars -M3 and M4, Neonatology conferences for residents, sophomore lectures and health science lectures 1999