Jonathan Paul Wrubel, BS, PhD

Associate Professor


J Wrubel


College of Arts and Sciences
Graduate School
Medical Physics (Master of Science)
Physics (Master of Science)
HLSB - Hixson Lied Science Building - G68

Jonathan Paul Wrubel, BS, PhD

Associate Professor


Dr. Jonathan Wrubel joined the faculty in 2012. His research is in the field of ultracold atomic physics and Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs). Besides his research, he is also keenly interested in issues of science and faith. Prior to joining the faculty at Creighton, Dr. Wrubel was a National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow with the Joint Quantum Institute at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Maryland. From 2006-2009 he was a postdoctoral fellow with Harvard University as part of a collaboration seeking to produce, trap and study anti-hydrogen (the anti-matter opposite of the hydrogen atom).

Research Focus

I study the magnetic interactions between potassium-41 atoms at temperatures approaching absolute zero. I am primarily interested in studying how magnetism manifests itself when these ultracold atoms behave quantum-mechanically (i.e. like waves instead of particles).




Associate Professor


  • Physical review. A
    DalFavero Benjamin, Meill Alexander, Meyer David A., Wrubel Jonathan P., Wong Thomas G., Constant-time quantum search with a many-body quantum system
    110:5 2024
  • Review of scientific instruments
    Aboyewa O. B., Akinleye H. B., Wrubel J. P., Nichols M. G., Design of a simple radio frequency circuit for implementing the open-ended coaxial probe method for permittivity measurement
    93:11, p. 114705 - 114705 2022
  • Physical Review A
    Wrubel J. P., Schwettmann A., Fahey D. P., Glassman Z., Pechkis H. K., Griffin P. F., Barnett R., Tiesinga E., Lett P. D., Spinor Bose-Einstein-condensate phase-sensitive amplifier for SU(1,1) interferometry
    98:2 2018
  • Physical Review Letters
    Pechkis H. K., Wrubel Jonathan P., Schwettmann A., Griffin P. F., Barnett R., Tiesinga E., Lett P. D., Spinor Dynamics in an Antiferromagnetic Spin-1 Thermal Bose Gas
    111:2, p. 025301 - 1 2013
  • Nano Letters
    Hyun Byung Ryool, Bartnik A. C., Koh Weon Kyu, Agladze N. I., Wrubel J. P., Sievers A. J., Murray Christopher B., Wise Frank W., Far-infrared absorption of PbSe nanorods
    11:7, p. 2786 - 2790 2011
  • Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
    Wrubel J., Borbely J. S., George M. C., Hessels E. A., Storry C. H., Weel M., Gabrielse G., Sefzick T., Müllers A., Walz J., Speck A., Zielinski M., Kolthammer W. S., Larochelle P., Mcconnell R., Richerme P., Grzonka D., Oelert W., Pumped helium system for cooling positron and electron traps to 1.2 K
    640:1, p. 232 - 240 2011
  • Physical Review Letters
    Gabrielse G., Richerme P., Wrubel J., Kalra R., Novitski E., Grzonka D., Oelert W., Sefzick T., Zielinski M., Borbely J. S., Fitzakerley D., George M. C., Hessels E. A., Storry C. H., Weel M., Müllers A., Kolthammer W. S., McConnell R., Walz J., Speck A., Centrifugal separation of antiprotons and electrons
    105:21 2010
  • Physical Review Letters
    Gabrielse G., Larochelle P., Le Sage D., Levitt B., Kolthammer W. S., McConnell R., Richerme P., Wrubel J., Speck A., George M. C., Grzonka D., Carew A., Oelert W., Sefzick T., Zhang Z., Comeau D., Hessels E. A., Storry C. H., Weel M., Walz J., Antihydrogen production within a penning-ioffe trap
    100:11 2008
  • AIP Conference Proceedings
    Storry C. H., Carew A., Comeau D., LeSage D., Levitt B., Kolthammer W. S., Gabrielse G., Larochelle P., McConnell R., Zhang Z., Grzonka D., Oelert W., Sefzick T., Speck A., Hessels E. A., Weel M., George M. C., Richerme P., Wrubel J., Walz J., Markert F., Nillius F., Scheid M., Cryogenic particle accumulation in ATRAP and the first antihydrogen production within a magnetic gradient trap for neutral antimatter
    1037, p. 254 - 265 2008
  • Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
    Levitt B., Gabrielse G., Oelert W., Sefzick T., Zhang Z., Comeau D., George M. C., Larochelle P., Le Sage D., Kolthammer W. S., McConnell R., Wrubel J., Speck A., Grzonka D., Hessels E. A., Storry C. H., Weel M., Walz J., Single-component plasma of photoelectrons
    656:1-3, p. 25 - 29 2007
  • Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
    Speck A., Gabrielse G., Larochelle P., Le Sage D., Levitt B., Kolthammer W. S., McConnell R., Wrubel J., Grzonka D., Oelert W., Sefzick T., Zhang Z., Comeau D., George M. C., Hessels E. A., Storry C. H., Weel M., Walz J., Density and geometry of single component plasmas
    650:2-3, p. 119 - 123 2007
  • Physical Review Letters
    Gabrielse G., Larochelle P., Le Sage D., Levitt B., Kolthammer W. S., Kuljanishvili I., McConnell R., Wrubel J., Esser F. M., Glückler H., Grzonka D., Hansen G., Martin S., Oelert W., Schillings J., Schmitt M., Sefzick T., Soltner H., Zhang Z., Comeau D., George M. C., Hessels E. A., Storry C. H., Weel M., Speck A., Nillius F., Walz J., Hänsch T. W., Antiproton confinement in a penning-ioffe trap for antihydrogen
    98:11 2007
  • Physical Review Letters
    Wrubel J. P., Hubbard B. E., Agladze N. I., Sievers A. J., Fedorov P. P., Klimenchenko D. I., Ryskin A. I., Campbell J. A., Glasslike two-level systems in minimally disordered mixed crystals
    96:23 2006
  • Physical Review Letters
    Wrubel J. P., Sato M., Sievers A. J., Controlled switching of intrinsic localized modes in a one-dimensional antiferromagnet
    95:26 2005


  • A. Tarter, J. P. Wrubel. Student Presentation: A compact atomic source and radio-frequency circuit for ultra-cold atoms. Sigma Xis Annual Meeting and Student Research Conference, Kansas City, MO 2015
  • J. P. Wrubel. Laser-cooled atoms, clocks, and strange quantum mechanics. Department of Physics, University of Nebraska, Omaha. 2015
  • A. Tarter, J. P. Wrubel. Student Presentation: A compact atomic source and radio-frequency circuit for ultra-cold atoms. Ferlic Scholar Poster Presentation, Creighton University, Omaha, NE. 2015
  • N. Holman, S. Prathivadhi-Bhayankaram, A. Tarter, and J. P. Wrubel (P.I.). Contributed Student Talk: Development of a laser-cooling and trapping apparatus to study the magnetic phases of a spinor 41K BEC via radio-frequency Fano-Feshbach resonances. Nebraska Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, Lincoln, NE. 2015
  • N. Holman, B. Gruberg. Student Presentation: Passive magnetic field cancellation device for use in atom trapping experiments. Creighton University St. Alberts Day Presentation, Omaha, NE. 2015
  • N. Holman, S. Prathivadhi-Bhayankaram, B. Schmachtenberger, L. Slattery, A. Tarter, and J. P. Wrubel (P.I.). Student Poster Presentation: Progress towards a 41K Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate. APS DAMOP Annual Meeting, Madison, WI. 2014
  • S. Prathivadhi and J. P. Wrubel. Student Poster Presentation: High Precision, Low-Cost Michelson Interferometry. Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physical Sciences, Lincoln, NE. 2013
  • A. Schwettmann, H. K. Pechkis, J. P. Wrubel, R. Barnett, E. Tiesinga, P. D. Lett. Contributed Poster: Decoherence of spin oscillations in an ultracold F=1 sodium gas. APS DAMOP Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Canada. 2013
  • J. P. Wrubel. Laser-cooled atoms, clocks, and strange quantum mechanics. Department of Physics, University of Nebraska Omaha, Omaha, NE. 2013
  • J. P. Wrubel. Invited Talk: Interactions between atomic coherent states: spinor dynamics manipulated by microwaves. New Laser Scientists Conference, Rochester, NY. 2012
  • J. P. Wrubel, H. K. Pehckis, A. Schwettmann, P. F. Griffin, R. Barnett, E. Tiesinga, and P. D. Lett. Contributed Talk: Matter-wave amplification in a seeded 23Na spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. 2012 APS DAMOP Annual Meeting, Orange County, CA 2012
  • J. P. Wrubel, P. F. Griffin, H. K. Pechkis, J. Han, R. Barnett, E. Tiesinga, and P. D. Lett. Contributed Talk: Nonlinear matter-wave amplification in a 23Na spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. 2011 APS DAMOP Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. 2011
  • J. P. Wrubel, P. F. Griffin, H. K. Pechkis, R. Barnett, E. Tiesinga, and P. D. Lett. Contributed Poster: Nonlinear matter-wave amplification in a 23Na spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. Quantum Science and Technologies Conference, Rovereto, Italy. 2011
  • J. P. Wrubel, B.-R. Hyun, N. I. Agladze, F. W. Wise, and A. J. Sievers. Contributed Talk: Frohlich Phonon Modes in PbSe and PbS Colloidal Quantum Dots, 2008 APS March Meeting, New Orleans, LA. 2008
  • J. P. Wrubel, et al. (ATRAP Collaboration). Contributed Poster: Cold Antihydrogen Production in the ATRAP2 Apparatus. 2008 APS March Meeting, New Orleans, LA. 2008
  • J. P. Wrubel, M. Sato, and A. J. Sievers. Contributed Talk: Correlation of intrinsic localized mode properties with sample temperature, 2005 APS March Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, March 21-25, 2005. 2005
  • J. P. Wrubel, N. I. Agladze, and A. J. Sievers. Contributed Poster: Influence of processing conditions on the low temperature properties of glasses, 2002 NASA Materials Science Conference, Huntsville, AL. 2002
  • N. I. Agladze, J. P. Wrubel, and A. J. Sievers. Contributed Poster: Impurity-Induced mm-Wave Absorption in Amorphous Ice, NASA Laboratory Astrophysics Workshop, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA. 2002
  • J. P. Wrubel, N. I. Agladze, and A. J. Sievers. Contributed Talk: Influence of impact milling on two-level systems in solids, 2002 March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Indianapolis, IN, March 18-22, 2002. 2002


  • Dynamically controlled magnetism in a 41K spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. (2014 Creighton University Summer Research Fellowship, role: P.I.). The goal of this research is to construct a two-dimensional magneto- optical trap, which is a first step in achieving Bose-Einstein condensation. Application: October 31, 2013. Funded: December 11, 2013.

  • Laser-Cooling Atoms: Making the Coldest Stuff in the Universe. (Dr. George F. Haddix President’s Faculty Research Fund, Creighton University, role: P.I.) The goal of this research is to lead two undergraduate students during the summer of 2013 in building two critical components of the Bose-Einstein condensation apparatus. The first is the laser required to cool the atoms, and the second is a wavelength-meter needed to set the laser to the proper wavelength. Application: December 1, 2012. Funded: February 22, 2013.


  • 2015 Teaching Achievement Award
    Creighton University Graduate Student Government
  • Sigma Xi, National Institute of Standards and Technology Postdoctoral Poster Presentation
    Winner, Physics Category
    Sigma Xi
  • National Research Council Research Associateship
    Postdoctoral Fellowship
  • United States Department of Education GAANN Fellowship
  • Cornell University Clark Award for Distinguished Teaching
  • Barry Goldwater Excellence in Education Scholar
  • Anderson Scholar with High Distinction
    University of Florida
  • Merit Scholar
    University of Florida