Sherri K. Weitl-Harms, PhD

Associate Professor

photo placeholder for Weitl-Harms, Sherri K.


College of Arts and Sciences
Computer Science & Informatics
HCCA - Hitchcock Center for Communication Art - 210A

Sherri K. Weitl-Harms, PhD

Associate Professor

Sherri Weitl-Harms is an Associate Professor of Computer Science in the Computer Science, Design, & Journalism Department at Creighton University. In addition to several years of industry experience in software development, she has been in academia for more than twenty-five years and served as chair of the Cyber Systems department at the University of Nebraska at Kearney for 12 years. Her research areas include computer science education, user experiences, gamification, machine learning/artificial intelligence, health informatics, data science, and spatial-temporal data mining. She has numerous peer reviewed journal and conference publications, in journals such as the Journal of Intelligent Information SystemsJournal of Cybersecurity Education, Research and Practice, Communications of the ACM, and Journal of Climate, ACM and IEEE conferences, and the Hawaii International Conference for System Sciences (HICSS), with research funded by NSF, USDA, Google, and state agencies. Over her career, Dr. Weitl-Harms has been involved with over $2,000,000 in research grants and contracts.  Dr. Weitl-Harms is heavily involved in undergraduate research, serves as a councillor of Math/CS for the Council for Undergraduate Research, and has mentored hundreds of student publications and presentations.  She is actively committed to service learning, with student projects that have aided hundreds of local, regional, and national organizations and has had grants for implementing social media plans for small businesses & non-profits through service learning. Dr. Weitl-Harms received the 1997 Governor’s Award for Teaching Excellence for Lincoln University in Missouri.  She is an editorial board member and reviewer for the International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management; a program committee member and reviewer for the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing track on Data Mining; program committee member and reviewer for the International Conference on Data Mining and Applications (ICDMA); and a reviewer for several conferences included IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference and HICSS. She is a member of ACM, IEEE, Epsilon PI Tau, the Gamma Omicron chapter, Anita Borg Society, and Women in Cyber Security.  She received her PhD from the University of Missouri. 

Research Focus

CS/IT Education
UX and Computing for Social Good
Spatial-temporal data analytics
AI/Machine Learning
Healthcare Informatics


Computer Science, Design and Journalism


Associate Professor