The journal of physician assistant education VanderMeulen Stephane, Bondy Mary, Mustone Alexander Lisa, Straker Howard, Bowser Jonathan, Snyder Jennifer, Kohlhepp William, Pipeline to the Physician Assistant Profession: A Look to the Future 2022
The journal of physician assistant education VanderMeulen Stephane, Snyder Jennifer A, Kohlhepp William, Alexander Lisa Mustone, Lane Steven, Hills Karen, Bowser Jonathan, Reflections on a Physician Assistant Entrance Exam: Does the Profession Need One? 32:1, p. 20 - 25 2021
The journal of physician assistant education Goldgar Constance, Hills Karen J, VanderMeulen Stephane P, Snyder Jennifer A, Kohlhepp William C, Lane Steven, Using the Core Competencies for New Physician Assistant Graduates to Prioritize Admission Criteria for PA Practice in 2025 30:2, p. 111 - 117 2019
The Journal of Physician Assistant Education Brenneman Anthony E., Goldgar Constance, Hills Karen J., Snyder Jennifer H., VanderMeulen Stephane P., Lane Steven, Noncognitive Attributes in Physician Assistant Education 29:1, p. 25 - 34 2018
The Journal of Physician Assistant Education Lohenry Kevin C., Lane Steven, Ziegler Olivia, Brenneman Anthony, Goldgar Constance, Hills Karen J., VanderMeulen Stephane P., Barwick Timi Agar, Fletcher Sara, Entrustable Professional Activities: A New Direction for PA Education? 28:1, p. 33 - 40 2017
Anatomical sciences education Janssen Sarah A. Keim, Lomneth Carol S., VanderMeulen Stephane P., Shostrom Valerie K., Enhancement of Anatomical Learning and Developing Clinical Competence of First-Year Medical and Allied Health Profession Students 7:3, p. 181 - 190 2014
MedEdPORTAL Keim Janssen Sarah, VanderMeulen Stephane P., Brown Darwin, Hands-On Lightly Embalmed Cadaver Lab for Teaching Knee Aspiration/Injection 8 2012
Pipeline to the PA Profession: A Look to the Future. VanderMeulen, S., Snyder, J., Alexander, L.M., Bowser, J., & Straker, H. Physician Assistant Education Association Annual Forum, Virtual Meeting. 2021
2021 Innovation Summit for Health Professions Education, Invited Panel Presentation 2021
Midcareer and Nowhere to Go. Graham, K., Schempp, A., VanderMeulen, S. Physician Assistant Education Association Annual Education Forum. Virtual Meeting. 2020
Reflections on a PA Entrance Exam: Does the Profession Need One? VanderMeulen, S., Hills, K., Snyder, J., Kohlhepp, W., Mustone-Alexander, L., Bowser, J. Physician Assistant Education Association Annual Education Forum. Virtual Meeting. 2020
Reimagining Physician Assistant Education. Hills, K., VanderMeulen, S., Snyder, J., Kohlhepp, W., Mustone-Alexander, L.; Physician Assistant Education Education Annual Education Forum, Washington, DC. 2019
Core Competencies for Physician Assistant Graduates, Panel Presentation. VanderMeulen, S., Buchs, S., Sivahop, J. Physician Assistant Education Association Annual Forum, Anaheim, CA 2018
Using PA Graduate Competencies to Prioritize Cognitive and Noncognitive Variables in the Selection of Applicants for Practice in 2025, Goldgar, C., Hills, K. VanderMeulen, S., Snyder, J., Kohlhepp, W. Physician Assistant Education Association Annual Forum, Anaheim, CA 2018
Noncognitive Attributes Needed for Success from Matriculation to Clinical Practice, Physician Assistant Education Association Annual Education Forum, Denver, CO 2017
Navigating New Program Development, Physician Assistant Education Association Annual Education Forum, Denver, CO. 2017
Entrustable Professional Activities, Lohenry, K.C., Brenneman, A., Goldgar, C., Hills, K.J., VanderMeulen, S.P. Physician Assistant Education Association Annual Education Forum, Minneapolis, MN 2016
Education and Assessment of Physician Assistants, American Medical Association Annual House of Delegates Meeting, Chicago, IL 2015
Why the PA Profession is Right for You, Keynote speaker, 12th Annual University of California at Davis Pre-Medical and Pre-Health Professions National Conference, Davis, CA 2014
The Role of the Capsule and Glenohumeral Ligaments in Shoulder Instability. 29th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists, St. George's University, Grenada. 2012
A Mobile Lightly-embalmed Cadaver Lab: A Possible Model For Training Rural Providers. Zeger, WG, Travis P, Wadman MC, Lomneth CS, Keim SA and VanderMeulen SP. 2nd Annual Great Plains Regional Meeting of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, Saint Louis, MO 2011
Keim Janssen, S.A. and VanderMeulen S.P., "Competence and Confidence Increases With Clinical Skills Testing in the Gross Anatomy Lab." 28th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists, Columbus, OH. (poster presentation) 2011
Keim-Janssen, S.A. and VanderMeulen S.P., "Lightly Embalmed Cadavers Promote Confidence and Competency for Performing Clinical Skills." Spring Meeting of the Central Group of Educational Affairs, Association of American Medical Colleges, Omaha, NE. (poster presentation) 2011
A Mobile Lightly-embalmed Cadaver Lab: A Possible Model For Training Rural Providers. Zeger, WG, Travis P, Wadman MC, Lomneth CS, Keim SA and VanderMeulen SP. 2nd Annual Great Plains Regional Meeting of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, Saint Louis, MO 2010
Keim Janssen, S.A. and VanderMeulen, S.P., "Confidence and competence of Physician Assistant students' performance of knee aspiration/injection using lightly embalmed cadavers vs. video training: A pilot study", 27th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists, Honolulu, HI. (poster presentation) 2010