The long-term objective of Dr. Tu’s research is to develop new therapies for castration-resistant prostate cancer and drug-resistant colorectal cancer. Current research projects are focused on the pivotal role and mechanisms of signal transduction dysregulation in cancer development and progression using various cellular, tissue and murine models.
Breast Cancer
Colon Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Asthma Research Focus
Asthma is a chronic obstructive inflammatory airway disease with substantial morbidity and mortality that affects over 300 million people worldwide. Airway hyperresponsiveness andairway inflammation are hallmarks of asthma clinically managed with β2-agonist bronchodilatorsand corticosteroids. Refractory asthma manifests with persistent symptoms despite the use of high-dose corticosteroids and long-acting β2-agonists, and poses a major healthcare challenge. Over the past few years has been Dr. Tu’s development of a new research dimension in his laboratory in the field of asthma. He initiated these studies through collaborations with Drs. Reynold A. Panettieri and Thomas Casale. Current research projects are funded by NIH, American Asthma Foundation and State of Nebraska. The long-term objective of Dr. Tu’s research is to understand the molecular mechanisms of therapeutic resistance and to develop new strategies to overcome such resistance inrefractory asthma.
Pharmacology and Therapeutics for Dentistry : Seventh Edition Tu Yaping, Piascik Michael T., Abel Peter W., Adrenergic Agonists [Book Chapter] 2017
The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics Xing Tianzhou, Tu Yaping, Casale Thomas B, Xie Yan, Abel Peter, Panettieri Reynold A, Cigarette Smoke Exposure and Glucocorticoid Insensitivity of Airway Smooth Muscle Cells 389, p. 548 2024
European Journal of Pharmacology Zhang Jialing, Yan Liang, Wei Peng, Zhou Ruyi, Hua Chaoju, Xiao Min, Tu Yaping, Gu Zhanjun, Wei Taotao, PEG-GO@XN nanocomposite suppresses breast cancer metastasis via inhibition of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and blockade of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition 895 2021
Science Signaling Wang Sheng, Cao Zhengyu, Tu Yaping, Jiao Hai Zhan, Kuang Xiaolin, Wolff Dennis W., Huang You Guo, Casale Thomas B., Panettieri Reynold A., Wei Taotao, Li Yan, Xie Yan, Huo Yan Wu, Abel Peter W., Jiang Haihong, Zou Xiaohan, Airway relaxation mechanisms and structural basis of osthole for improving lung function in asthma 13:659 2020
Biochemical Pharmacology Huang Yapei, Xie Yan, Abel Peter W., Wei Peng, Plowman Jocelyn, Toews Myron L., Strah Heather, Siddique Aleem, Bailey Kristina L., Tu Yaping, TGF-β1-induced miR-424 promotes pulmonary myofibroblast differentiation by targeting Slit2 protein expression 180 2020
Cell Death and Disease Zhang Jialing, Hua Chaoju, Zhang Yu, Wei Peng, Tu Yaping, Wei Taotao, KAP1-associated transcriptional inhibitory complex regulates C2C12 myoblasts differentiation and mitochondrial biogenesis via miR-133a repression 11:9 2020
The FASEB journal Tu Yaping, Wang Sheng, Xie Yan, Huo Yan-Wu, Li Yan, Abel Peter W., Jiang Haihong, Zou Xiaohan, Jiao Hai-Zhan, Kuang Xiaolin, Wolff Dennis W., Huang You-Guo, Casale Thomas B., Wei TaoTao, Cao Zhengyu, Airway Relaxation Mechanisms and Structural Basis of Osthole to Improve Lung Function in Asthma 34:S1, p. 1 - 1 2020
Cell Death and Disease Wei Peng, Ma Qin, Li Linghai, Hao Junfeng, Wolff Dennis W., Abel Peter W., Huang Yapei, Xie Yan, Wei Taotao, Tu Yaping, Transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1-induced miR-133a inhibits myofibroblast differentiation and pulmonary fibrosis 10:9 2019
The FASEB journal Jiang Haihong, Meissner Hannah, Abel Peter W., Luo Xu, Xie Yan, Chen Linjie, Tu Yaping, Inhibition of androgen receptor increases sensitivity of TRAIL‐induced apoptosis via upregulation of death receptor 5 in breast cancer 33:S1, p. 674.7 - 674.7 2019
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Huang Yapei, Xie Yan, Jiang Haihong, Abel Peter W., Panettieri Reynold A., Casale Thomas B., Tu Yaping, Upregulated P-Rex1 exacerbates human airway smooth muscle hyperplasia in asthma 143:2, p. 778 - 781.e5 2019
Cellular Signalling Ingersoll Matthew A., Chou Yu Wei, Lin Jamie S., Yuan Ta Chun, Miller Dannah R., Xie Yan, Tu Yaping, Oberley-Deegan Rebecca E., Batra Surinder K., Lin Ming Fong, p66Shc regulates migration of castration-resistant prostate cancer cells 46, p. 1 - 14 2018
The FASEB journal Xie Yan, Abel Peter W., Wei Taotao, Luo Xu, Tu Yaping, Chen Linjie, Targeting Androgen Receptor and TRAIL: A Novel Treatment Paradigm for Breast Cancer 32:S1, p. 835.10 - 835.10 2018
Journal of Cellular Physiology Caggia Silvia, Chunduri Hima Bindu, Millena Ana C., Perkins Jonathan N., Venugopal Smrruthi V., Vo Bao Han T., Li Chunliang, Tu Yaping, Khan Shafiq A., Novel role of Giα2 in cell migration 234:1, p. 802 - 815 2018
Laboratory investigation Tu Yaping N, Tong Wei Lue, Fawcett Timothy J, Blanck George, Lung tumor exome files with T-cell receptor recombinations: a mouse model of T-cell infiltrates reflecting mutation burdens 97:12, p. 1516 - 1520 2017
BMC Cancer Chen Linjie, Wolff D. W., Xie Yan, Lin M. F., Tu Yaping, Cyproterone Acetate Enhances TRAIL-Induced Androgen-Independent Prostate Cancer Cell Apoptosis Via Up-Regulation of Death Receptor 5 17:1, p. 179 2017
Zhongguo yaolixue yu dulixue zazhi Abel Peter, Kieffer Cameron, Tu Ya-ping, Neurotransmitter systems in mouse airways 31:10, p. 1015 2017
Journal of oncology research and therapy Miller Dannah R., Wakefield C. Brent, Chou Yu-wei, Ingersoll Matthew A., Tu Yaping, Lin Ming-Fong, Lin Fen-Fen, Chaney William G., Anti-Androgen Abiraterone Acetate Improves the Therapeutic Efficacy of Statins on Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Cells 3:5 2017
Respiratory Research Xie Yan, Mehrotra Suneet, Abel Peter W., Toews M. L., Jiang Haihong, Zhang Qian, Wolff D. W., Rennard S., Panettieri R. A.,Jr, Casale T. B., Tu Yaping, Upregulation of RGS2: A New Mechanism for Pirfenidone Amelioration of Pulmonary Fibrosis 17:1, p. 103 2016
Protein & Cell Wong Chuu-Yun A., Jiang Haihong, Abel Peter W., Scofield Margaret A., Xie Yan, Wei Taotao, Tu Yaping, Phorbol Myristate Acetate Suppresses Breast Cancer Cell Growth Via Down-Regulation of P-Rex1 Expression 7:6, p. 445 - 449 2016
Oncotarget Zhang F., Wang J., Huang Z., Wei T., Liu Y., Hao J., Zhao L., Tu Yaping, Aberrantly upregulated TRAP1 is required for tumorigenesis of breast cancer 6:42, p. 44495 - 44508 2015
The FASEB Journal Jiang Haihong, Panettieri Reynold, Casale Thomas, Tu Yaping, Wolff Dennis, Toews Myron, Xie Yan, Abel Peter, RGS2 Repression Exacerbates Airway Hyperresponsiveness and Remodeling in Asthma 29:S1, p. 775.10 - 775.10 2015
Journal of allergy and clinical immunology Tabatabaian Farnaz, Casale Thomas, Tu Yaping, Xie Yan, Allen-Gipson Diane, Tran Kim, Teng Michael, Tian Zhi, Lockey Richard, Effects of Cigarette Smoke Extract and Nicotine on Regulator of G Protein Signaling-2 Expression in Human Airway Smooth Muscle and Bronchial Epithelial Cells 135:2, p. AB227 - AB227 2015
Biomaterials Zhou Hejiang, Zhang Wendi, Wei Taotao, Du Yipeng, Yu Meifang, Yan Liang, Nie Guangjun, Chen Chunying, Tu Yaping, Energy metabolism analysis reveals the mechanism of inhibition of breast cancer cell metastasis by PEG-modified graphene oxide nanosheets 35:37, p. 9833 - 9843 2014
Advanced Functional Materials Zhou Hejiang, Yu Meifang, Zhang Bo, Wang Liming, Wu Xiaochun, Du Yipeng, Hao Junfeng, Tu Yaping, Chen Chunying, Wei Taotao, Inhibition of Cancer Cell Migration by Gold Nanorods: Molecular Mechanisms and Implications for Cancer Therapy 24:44, p. 6922 - 6932 2014
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology Jiang Haihong, Xie Yan, Abel Peter W., Wolff Dennis W., Toews Myron L., Panettieri Jr Reynold,A., Casale Thomas B., Tu Yaping, RGS2 Repression Exacerbates Airway Hyperresponsiveness and Remodeling in Asthma Article in Press, p. 31 pages 2014
Breast Cancer Research Barrio-Real Laura, Sukumar Saraswati, Kazanietz Marcelo G., Cho Soonweng, Benedetti Lorena G., Engel Nora, Tu Yaping, Subtype-specific overexpression of the Rac-GEF P-REX1 in breast cancer is associated with promoter hypomethylation 16:5, p. Article 441 (13 pages) 2014
The FASEB journal Wong Chuu‐Yun, Xie Yan, Abel Peter, Tu Yaping, Scofield Margaret, PMA suppresses breast cancer cell proliferation via PKCε‐mediated P‐Rex1 downregulation (1148.5) 28:S1, p. - n/a 2014
Oncogene Zhao Jian, Zhang J., Yu M., Xie Yan, Huang Y., Wolff Dennis W., Abel Peter W., Tu Yaping, Mitochondrial dynamics regulates migration and invasion of breast cancer cells 32:40, p. 4814 - 4824 2013
The FASEB Journal Wong Chuu‐Yun A., Wolff Dennis W., Abel Peter W., Tu Yaping, Xie Yan, PKC-mediated P-Rex1 downregulation suppresses breast cancer cell proliferation 27:S1, p. 1096.10 - 1096.10 2013
The FASEB Journal Xie Yan, Tu Yaping, Jiang Haihong, Abel Peter W., Panettieri Reynold A., Casale Thomas B., RGS2 repression increases susceptibility of mice to interleukin- 13-induced airway hyperresponsiveness 27:S1, p. 1095.8 - 1095.8 2013
The FASEB journal Jain Neha, Tu Yaping, Abel Peter W, Effects of hypoxia on regulators of G‐protein signaling 2 (RGS2) regulation of pulmonary arterial constriction 27:S1 2013
Biochemical Pharmacology Xie Yan, Abel Peter W., Deng Cai-Shu, Sharma Poonam, Wolff Dennis W., Toews Myron L., Tu Yaping, Kirui Joseph K., Identification of upregulated phosphoinositide 3-kinase ? as a target to suppress breast cancer cell migration and invasion 85:10, p. 1454 - 1462 2013
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Xie Yan, Abel Peter W., Casale Thomas B., Tu Yaping, Wolff Dennis W., Jiang Haihong, Nguyen Hoai, Jia Shuping, Berro Abdo, Panettieri Jr Reynold A., Regulator of G protein signaling 2 is a key modulator of airway hyperresponsiveness 130:4, p. 968 - 976.e3 2012
Journal of Lipid Research Zhao Kai, Zhou Hejiang, Zhao Xingyu, Wolff Dennis W., Tu Yaping, Liu Huili, Wei Taotao, Yang Fuyu, Phosphatidic acid mediates the targeting of tBid to induce lysosomal membrane permeabilization and apoptosis 53:10, p. 2102 - 2114 2012
Small Li Xu, Qiu Lihui, Zhu Pei, Tao Xinyi, Imanaka Tadayuki, Zhao Jing, Huang Youguo, Tu Yaping, Cao Xuni, Epidermal growth factor-ferritin H-chain protein nanoparticles for tumor active targeting 8:16, p. 2505 - 2514 2012
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Sinha Sarmistha Halder, Owens Eric A., Feng You, Yang Yutao, Xie Yan, Tu Yaping, Henary Maged, Zheng Yujun George, Synthesis and evaluation of carbocyanine dyes as PRMT inhibitors and imaging agents 54, p. 647 - 659 2012
Free Radical Biology and Medicine Veeramani Suresh, Lin Ming Fong, Lin Fen Fen, Chou Yu Wei, Lin Frank C., Muniyan Sakthivel, Kumar Satyendra, Xie Yan, Lele Subodh M., Tu Yaping, Reactive oxygen species induced by p66Shc longevity protein mediate nongenomic androgen action via tyrosine phosphorylation signaling to enhance tumorigenicity of prostate cancer cells 53:1, p. 95 - 108 2012
Gastroenterology (New York, N.Y. 1943) Elahi Abul, Hernandez Jonathan M., Wang Jian, Clark Whalen, Tu Yaping, Humphries Leigh Ann, Shibata David, Su2021 The Tumor Suppressive Effects of HPP1 via Stat Signaling in Colon Cancer are Abrogated by Site-Directed Mutation of Its EGF-Like Domain 142:5, p. S-1066 - S-1066 2012
Cancer research (Chicago, Ill.) Tu Yaping, Zhao Jing, Yu Meifang, Wolff Dennis W., Abel Peter W., Zhang Juan, Abstract 467: Mitochondrial dynamics regulates migration and invasion of breast cancer cells 72:8_Supplement, p. 467 - 467 2012
The FASEB Journal Jain Neha, Tu Yaping, Abel Peter W, Regulator of G Protein Signaling 2 (RGS2) regulates pulmonary vasoconstriction 26:S1, p. - 2012
The FASEB journal Jiang Haihong, Xie Yan, Abel Peter W., Toews Myron L., Townley Robert G., Casale Thomas B., Tu Yaping, Targeting phosphoinositide 3‐kinase γ in airway smooth muscle cells to suppress interleukin‐13‐induced mouse airway hyperresponsiveness 26:S1 2012
International Journal of Cancer Wolff Dennis W., Xie Yan, Deng Caishu, Gatalica Zoran, Yang Mingjie, Wang Bo, Wang Jincheng, Lin Ming Fong, Abel Peter W., Tu Yaping, Epigenetic repression of regulator of G-protein signaling 2 promotes androgen-independent prostate cancer cell growth 130:7, p. 1521 - 1531 2012
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Jiang Haihong, Tu Yaping, Xie Yan, Abel Peter W., Casale Thomas B., Toews M. L., Townley Robert G., Targeting phosphoinositide 3-kinase gamma in airway smooth muscle cells to suppress interleukin-13-induced mouse airway hyperresponsiveness 342:2, p. 305 - 311 2012
Journal of Biological Chemistry Wong Chuu-Yun A., Wuriyanghan Hada, Xie Yan, Lin M. F., Abel Peter W., Tu Yaping, Epigenetic regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate-dependent Rac exchanger 1 (P-Rex1) gene expression in prostate cancer cells 286:29, p. 25813 - 25822 2011
The FASEB Journal Wolff Dennis W., Xie Yan, Gatalica Zoran, Yang Mingjie, Wang Bo, Wang Jincheng, Lin Ming‐Fong, Abel Peter W., Tu Yaping, 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine suppresses androgen independent prostate cancer growth by restoring RGS2 expression 25:S1, p. 802 - 802 2011
The FASEB Journal Wong Chuu‐Yun A, Ha Da, Xie Yan, Wolff Dennis W, Abel Peter W, Tu Yaping, Protein kinase C (PKC) regulates phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-triphosphate-dependent Rac exchange factor 1 (P-Rex1) gene expression through a histone deacetylase interaction with Sp1 in prostate cancer 25:S1, p. 1090 - 1090 2011
The FASEB journal Xie Yan, Wang Jincheng, Wolff Dennis W., Abel Peter W, Tu Yaping, DHHC protein‐dependent palmitoylation protects regulator of G‐protein signaling 4 from proteasome degradation 25, p. 802.5 - 802.5 2011
FEBS Letters Wang Jincheng, Abel Peter W., Tu Yaping, Xie Yan, Wolff Dennis W., DHHC protein-dependent palmitoylation protects regulator of G-protein signaling 4 from proteasome degradation 584:22, p. 4570 - 4574 2010
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Jiang H., Deng C., Casale Thomas B., Xie Y., Tu Yaping, Abel Peter W., Toews M. L., Phosphoinositide 3-kinase {gamma} regulates airway smooth muscle contraction by modulating calcium oscillations 334:3, p. 703 - 709 2010
Journal of Biological Chemistry Chuang Tsai Der, Kumar Satyendra, Batra Surinder K., Tu Yaping, Lin Ming Fong, Chen Siu Ju, Lin Fen Fen, Veeramani Suresh, Human prostatic acid phosphatase, an authentic tyrosine phosphatase, dephosphorylates ErbB-2 and regulates prostate cancer cell growth 285:31, p. 23598 - 23606 2010
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Kirui J. K., Xie Y., Wolff Dennis W., Jiang H., Abel Peter W., Tu Yaping, G{beta}{gamma} signaling promotes breast cancer cell migration and invasion 333:2, p. 393 - 403 2010
Cancer research (Chicago, Ill.) Xie Yan, Tu Yaping, Kirui Joseph K., Jiang Haihong, Deng Caishu, Abstract 5188: Phosphoinositide 3-kinase γ: Implications in breast cancer metastasis 70:8_Supplement, p. 5188 - 5188 2010
Cancer research (Chicago, Ill.) Tu Yaping, Wolff Dennis W., Gatalica Zoran, Xie Yan, Abel Peter W., Abstract 1710: Epigenetic repression of regulator of G-protein signaling 2 promotes prostate cancer progression 70:8_Supplement, p. 1710 - 1710 2010
The FASEB Journal Wong Chuu‐Yun Anny, Ha Da, Xie Yan, Wolff Dennis W., Abel Peter W., Tu Yaping, Histone Acetylation Up-regulates Phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-triphosphate-dependent Rac Exchange Factor 1 (P-Rex1) Expression to Promote Prostate Cancer Metastasis 24:S1, p. 964.7 - 964.7 2010
The FASEB journal Xie Yan, Kirui Joseph K., Jiang Haihong, Deng Caishu, Tu Yaping, Up‐regulated phosphoinositide 3‐kinase γ (PI3Kγ ) promotes breast cancer metastasis 24:S1, p. 964.17 - 964.17 2010
Molecular Endocrinology Kang Lianguo, Zhang X., Xie Y., Tu Yaping, Wang Zhao-Yi, Liu Z., Involvement of Estrogen Receptor Variant ER-{alpha}36, Not GPR30, in Nongenomic Estrogen Signaling 24:4, p. 709 - 721 2010
The FASEB journal Ha Da, Tu Yaping, Histone deacetylases inhibit PIP3‐dependent Rac exchange factor 1 (P‐Rex1) expression in prostate cancer cells via SP1 binding site 23:S1 2009
The FASEB journal Xie Yan, Wei Taotao, Wang Bo, Abel Peter W., Kirui Joseph K., Jiang Haihong, Qin Jianbing, Tu Yaping, Wolff Dennis W., Breast Cancer Metastasis Depends on Proteasome Degradation of Regulator of G‐protein Signaling 4 23:S1 2009
Oncogene Qin J., Lin M. -., Tu Yaping, Xie Y., Wang B., Hoshino M., Wolff Dennis W., Zhao J., Scofield Margaret A., Dowd F. J., Upregulation of PIP3-dependent Rac exchanger 1 (P-Rex1) promotes prostate cancer metastasis 28:16, p. 1853 - 1863 2009
Cancer Research Xie Yan, Wolff Dennis W., Wei Taotao, Wang Bo, Deng Caishu, Kirui Joseph K., Jiang Haihong, Qin Jianbing, Abel Peter W., Tu Yaping, Breast Cancer Migration and Invasion Depend on Proteasome Degradation of Regulator of G-Protein Signaling 4 69:14, p. 5743 - 5751 2009
The FASEB journal TU Yaping, Xie Yan, Kirui Joseph K, Wolff Dennis W, Regulator of G protein Signaling 4 (RGS4): A Novel Inhibitor of Breast Cancer Metastasis 22:S1 2008
The FASEB journal Qin Jianbing, Xie Yan, Wang Bo, Wolff Dennis W., Scofield Margaret A., Dowd Frank J., Hoshino Mikio, Tu Yaping, Upregulation of PIP3‐Dependent Rac Exchanger 1 (P‐Rex1) Promotes Prostate Cancer Metastasis 22:S1 2008
Molecular Pharmacology Xie Yan, Wolff Dennis W., Lin Ming Fong, Tu Yaping, Vasoactive intestinal peptide transactivates the androgen receptor through a protein kinase A-dependent extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathway in prostate cancer LNCaP cells 72:1, p. 73 - 85 2007
The FASEB journal Qin Jianbing, Dowd Frank J., Scofield Margaret A., Tu Yaping, Hoshino Mikio, PIP3‐dependent Rac exchanger 1 (P‐Rex1) promotes prostate cancer cell migration 21:5, p. A386 - A386 2007
Oncogene Cao X., Qin J., Xie Y., Khan O., Dowd F., Scofield M., Lin M. F., Tu Y., Regulator of G-protein signaling 2 (RGS2) inhibits androgen-independent activation of androgen receptor in prostate cancer cells 25:26, p. 3719 - 3734 2006
Molecular Endocrinology Khan Obaid Y., Fu Guilian, Ismail Ayesha, Srinivasan Sathish, Cao Xuni, Tu Yaping, Lu Shan, Nawaz Zafar, Multifunction steroid receptor coactivator, E6-associated protein, is involved in development of the prostate gland 20:3, p. 544 - 559 2006
Journal of Biological Chemistry Tang Wei, Tu Yaping, Nayak Surendra K., Woodson Jimmy, Jehl Markus, Ross Elliott M., Gβγinhibits Gα GTPase-activating proteins by inhibition of Gα-GTP binding during stimulation by receptor 281:8, p. 4746 - 4753 2006
Methods in Enzymology Tu Yaping, Wilkie Thomas M., Allosteric regulation of GAP activity by phospholipids in regulators of G-protein signaling 389, p. 89 - 1005 2004
Journal of Biological Chemistry Tu Yaping, Ross Elliott M., Nayak Surendra K., Woodson Jimmy, Phosphorylation-regulated Inhibition of the Gz GTPase-activating Protein Activity of RGS Proteins by Synapsin I 278:52, p. 52273 - 52281 2003
Bioscience Reports Ou-Yang Ying Shi, Yang Fuyu, Tu Yaping, The Mutation in the N-terminal Domain of RGS4 Disrupts PA-conferred Inhibitory Effect on GAP Activity 23:4, p. 213 - 224 2003
Journal of Biological Chemistry Ouyang Ying Shi, Yang Fuyu, Tu Yaping, Barker Sheryll A., Regulators of G-protein signaling (RGS) 4, insertion into model membranes and inhibition of activity by phosphatidic acid 278:13, p. 11115 - 11122 2003
Journal of Biological Chemistry Tu Yaping, Woodson Jimmy, Ross Elliott M., Binding of regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins to phospholipid bilayers. Contribution of location and/or orientation to GTPase-activating protein activity 276:23, p. 20160 - 20166 2001
Journal of Biological Chemistry Tu Yaping, Popov Sergei, Slaughter Clive, Ross Elliott M., Palmitoylation of a conserved cysteine in the regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) domain modulates the GTPase-activating activity of RGS4 and RGS10 274:53, p. 38260 - 38267 1999
Journal of Biological Chemistry Wang Jun, Ducret Axel, Tu Yaping, Kozasa Tohru, Aebersold Ruedi, Ross Elliott M., RGSZ1, a G(z)-selective rgs protein in brain 273:40, p. 26014 - 26025 1998
Science Tu Yaping, Wang Jun, Ross Elliott M., Inhibition of brain G(z) GAP and other RGS proteins by palmitoylation of G protein α subunits 278:5340, p. 1132 - 1135 1997
Biophysical Chemistry Yang F. Y., Yang X. Y., Tsui Z. C., Tu Y. P., Wang L. H., The role of ganglioside GM3 in the modulation of conformation and activity of sarcoplasmic reticulum CA2+-ATPase 68:1-3, p. 137 - 146 1997
Journal of Biological Chemistry Wang Jun, Tu Yaping, Woodson Jimmy, Song Xiaoling, Ross Elliott M., A GTPase-activating protein for the G protein Gα(z). Identification, purification, and mechanism of action 272:9, p. 5732 - 5740 1997
Advances in Pharmacology Ross Elliott M., Wang Jun, Tu Yaping, Biddlecome Gloria H., Guanosine Triphosphatase-Activating Proteins for Heterotrimeric G-Proteins 42:C, p. 458 - 461 1997
FEBS Letters Wang L. H., Tu Y. P., Yang X. Y., Tsui Z. C., Yang F. Y., Effect of ganglioside GM3 on the activity and conformation of reconstituted Ca2+-ATPase 388:2-3, p. 128 - 130 1996
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International Xie W. S., Yue J. C., Tu Y. P., Fluorescence study on ligand induced conformational changes of human erythrocyte glucose transporter 39:2, p. 279 - 284 1996
Biological Trace Element Research Yang F. Y., Fen C., Tu Y. P., Se-mediated domain-domain communication in band 3 of human erythrocytes 55:3, p. 279 - 295 1996
Bioscience Reports Tu Y. P., Feng C., Xu H., Guang Z. Y., Lu Q. W., Yang F. Y., Transmembrane Ca2+ gradient is essential for high anion transport activity of human erythrocytes 16:4, p. 299 - 311 1996
Bioscience Reports Yang F. Y., Huang Y. G., Tu Y. P., Transmembrane Ca2+ gradient and function of membrane proteins 15:5, p. 351 - 364 1995
Journal of Biochemistry Tu Y. P., Yang F. Y., Zn2+-mediated domain-domain communication in human erythrocyte band 3 118:1, p. 161 - 167 1995
Science in China (Scientia Sinica) Series B Tu Yaping, Xu Hong, Yang Fuyu, Transmembrane Ca2+ gradient-mediated phosphatidylcholine modulating sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase 38:6, p. 713 - 721 1995
Bioscience Reports Tu Y. P., Yang F. Y., Fluorescence study on transmembrane Ca2+ gradient-mediated conformation changes of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase 14:6, p. 309 - 317 1994
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International Tu Y. P., Xu H., Yang F. Y., Transmembrane Ca2+ gradient-mediated change of fluidity in the inner layer of phospholipids modulates Ca2+-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum 33:3, p. 597 - 605 1994
Shi yan sheng wu xue bao Tu Y. P., Xu H., Yang F. Y., The specificity of modulation of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase by transmembrane Ca2+ gradient 26:4, p. 441 - 447 1993
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications Tu Y. P., Yang F. Y., Transmembrane Ca2+ Gradient-Mediated Modulation of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+-ATPase 196:2, p. 561 - 568 1993
Bioscience Reports Yang F. Y., Huang Y. G., Tu Y. P., Divalent cation and lipid-protein interactions of biomembranes 13:3, p. 143 - 157 1993
Science in China. Series B, Chemistry, life sciences & earth sciences Tu Y. P., Yang F. Y., Effect of transmembrane Ca2+ gradient on conformation and enzyme activity of reconstituted adenylate cyclase. 35:1, p. 67 - 75 1992
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications Yang F. Y., Tu Y. P., A proper transmembrane Ca2+ gradient is essential for the higher enzymatic activity of adenylate cyclase 175:2, p. 366 - 371 1991
Invited speaker: Airway Relaxation Mechanisms and Structural Basis of Osthole to Improve Lung Function in Asthma,Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences, Kansas City, MO, USA 2019
Poster presentation: Inhibition of androgen receptor increases sensitivity of TRAIL-induced apoptosis via up-regulation of death receptor 5 in breast cancer. Experimental Biology Annual Meeting-2019, Orland, Florida, USA 2019
Poster presentation: TGF-β1-induced miR-424 mediates pulmonary myofibroblast differentiation via targeting slit2, Experimental Biology Annual Meeting-2019, Orland, Florida, USA 2019
Invited speaker, Research Conference of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep & Allergy Division, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 2019
Invited speaker: Molecular studies of osthole as a new bronchodilator to treat drug-resistant asthma, The Second JinLing Forum on Membrane Protein Physiology and Drug Discovery, Nanjing, China 2018
The Bioscience Seminar, the Morsani College of Medicine, University of South Florida Topic: "Regulator of G Protein Signaling Proteins: Targets for Treatment of Asthma" 2015
The Nebraska Center for Cellular Signaling Month Meeting Topic: "Targeting the Androgen Receptor and TRAIL Pathways: A Novel Treatment Paradigm for Breast Cancer " 2015
The 4th International Symposium on Membrane Biology. Dali, China Topic: "Regulator of G Protein Signaling Proteins: Targets for Treatment of Asthma" 2014
American Asthma Foundation Annual Meeting-2014 2014
Department of Pharmacology, Creighton University 2014
Department of Chemistry, University of Nebraska at Omaha, NE 2013
American Asthma Foundation Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA 2013
Experimental Biology-2013, Boston 2013
Department of Urology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas, KS 2013
Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, San Antonio, TX 2013
The Nebraska Center for Cellular Signaling, Omaha, NE 2013
Omaha VA Medical Center, Omaha 2012
The 2nd International Symposium on Membrane Biology, Zhuhai, China 2012
2012-Annual Meeting of American Asthma Foundation 2012
2012 Experimental Biology 2012
2012-Creighton Faculty Club 2012
Invited speaker, Creighton Cancer Research Symposium 2011
Featured speaker, Nebraska Center for Cellular Signaling Symposium 2011
Invited speaker, 7th Annual National Symposium on Prostate Cancer 2011
Invited speaker, Innovative Minds in Prostate Cancer Today Conference 2011
The 2nd International Symposium on Membrane Biology in China 2010
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Nebraska Medical Center 2010
Invited speaker, 2009 Nebraska Research and Innovation Conference. Omaha 2009
Department of Pathology, Creighton University Medical Center 2009
The 1st International Symposium on Membrane Biology, CHINA 2009
AACR 100th Annual Meeting 2009 2009
"Dysregulation of G-Protein Signaling in Cancer" at State Key laboratory of Membrane Biology and Membrane Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2009
Prostate Cancer Research Group, University of Nebraska Medical Center 2008
"RGS proteins and cancer" at Peking University, China 2008
"RGS2 and Prostate cancer progression" at National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China 2008
Experimental Biology Meeting-2008 2008
3rd RGS Protein Colloquium 2008
Harry and Elsa Jiler-American Cancer Society Professors Meeting 2007
Braman Family Breast Cancer Institute 2007
The 2007 International Symposium on Biomembranes, Hubei, China 2007
Department of Surgery at Evanston Northwestern Healthcare and the Department of Urology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine 2007
The University of Minnesota Cancer Center 2007
University of Nebraska Medical Center 2007
Vasoactive intestinal peptide transactivates the androgen receptor 2007
P-Rex1 promotes prostate cancer cell migration and invasion 2007
97th Annul Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, at the meeting in Washington, DC (April 1-5, 2006). 2007
Role of RGS Proteins in Prostate Cancer 2007
Molecular Studies of RGS2 in Prostate Cancer 2006
University of Nebraska at Lincoln 2006
Experimental Biology 2006 Meeting. in San Francisco (April 1-5) 2006
97th Annul Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, at the meeting in Washington, DC (April 1-5, 2006). 2006
American Heart Association Symposium(November 2005)at Dallas, TX 2005