Journal of General Internal Medicine Arce Gastelum Alheli, Maraqa Sima, Marquez Lavenant Walter Ariel, Khan Ammara, McMahon Robert S., Latif Azka, Townley Theresa A., Who Will Be Responsible for the Dialysis Bill? A Case Report and Narrative Review of Insulin Affordability 100 Years After the Discovery of Insulin 2021
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Ahsan Muhammad J., Fazeel Hafiz Muhammad, Lateef Noman, Malik Saad Ullah, Anwar Anosha, Hassan Syeda, Hassan Muryum, Latif Azka, Ullah Muhammad Qudrat, Ashraf Aqsa, Koster Nancy, Townley Theresa, A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS OF PROGNOSTIC SIGNIFICANCE OF ACQUIRED THROMBOCYTOPENIA AFTER PERCUTANEOUS CORONARY INTERVENTION ON IN-HOSPITAL AND 30-DAY CARDIOVASCULAR OUTCOMES IN CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE PATIENTS 75:11, p. 1361 - 1361 2020
Familial cancer Lynch Henry T., Lanspa Stephen, Shaw Trudy, Casey Murray Joseph, Rendell Marc, Stacey Mark, Townley Theresa, Snyder Carrie, Hitchins Megan, Bailey-Wilson Joan, Phenotypic and genotypic heterogeneity of Lynch syndrome 17:3, p. 403 - 414 2018
Case Reports in Medicine Kukrety Shweta Paritosh, Parekh Jai, Townley Theresa A., Pasteurella Multocida Bacteremia in an Immunocompromised Patient 2016, p. (3 pages) 2016
BMJ case reports Vallabhajosyula Saraschandra, Sundaragiri Pranathi Rao, Bansal Ojas, Townley Theresa A., A rare nidus for pulmonary thromboembolism after vertebroplasty 2013
Critical care medicine Tella Sri Harsha, Chilluru Vamsi, Vallabhajosyula Saraschandra, Bansal Ojas, Townley Theresa, 408 40, p. 1 - 328 2012
Critical Care Medicine Tella Sri H., Chilluru Vamsi K., Vallabhajosyula Saraschandra, Bansal Ojas, Townley Theresa A., Pulmonary Embolism and Vertebroplasty: the Sinister Link 40:12, Supplement 1, p. U116 - U116 2012
Pediatric Annals Townley Theresa A., Medical work in developing countries: how to approach a global health experience. 40:7, p. 376 - 380 2011
Teaching and Learning in Medicine Porter Joann L., Townley Theresa, Huggett Kathryn, Warrier Rugmini, An acculturization curriculum 20:1, p. 37 - 43 2008
Porter Joann L., Townley Theresa A., Orientation for IMGs entering internal medicine residency programs 2006
Meeting Learners Where They Are: Action in Climate and Health Education a workshop presented at the Society of General Internal Medicine National Meeting May 11, 2023 2023
Facilitator for IPE activity at the Global Health Conference Midwest reviewing a case of lung cancer in an immigrant male February 2023 2023
Advocating for Climate Justice to Address Structural Racism TTownley, N Cobo, A Ghosh, T. Mehani and Elle Townley A National Webinar presented with the SGIM Health Equity Commission on January 13, 2023 2023
Addressing the Educational Gap in Planetary Health a workshop presented at the Society of General Internal Medicine National Meeting April 7, 2022 2022
Immigration and Health Care Disparity Resident teaching session April 2022 2022
Neurodiversity and Health Care Disparity Resident teaching session April 2022 2022
Facilitator for IPE activity at the Global Health Conference Midwest reviewing a case of lung cancer in an immigrant male. February 2022 2022
Migration, Cultural Humility and Health Disparities presented at Internal Medicine Academic day. 11/17/2021 2021
Dysmenorrhea & Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding presented at Internal Medicine Academic day. 9/1/2021 2021
Deconstructing Race in the Medical Curriculum, Literature and Algorithms presented at Grand Rounds, Creighton University Medical Center Bergan Mercy campus. March 24, 2021 2021
Facilitator for IPE activity at the Global Health Conference Midwest reviewing a case of COVID19 in an immigrant male February 2021 2021
Planetary Health Existential Threats and Clinical opportunities Grand Rounds, Creighton University Medical Center Bergan Mercy campus. November 20, 2019 2019
Khan, A., Townley, T. Potassium Chloride as Triple Therapy. SGIM 2019, Washington, DC. 2019
A Trip To Africa Grand Rounds, Creighton University Medical Center Bergan Mercy campus. January 9, 2019 2019
Ophthamology for the Internist. Creighton University Medical Center, Internal Medicine Residency Curriculum 2018
STD's for the Internist 2018
Board review in Topics in Women's Health. 2018
Allison Lai, Toufik Mahfood Haddad, Leah Grant, Gregory Wittenburg, Mary Breen, Stephanie Windish, Mohammad Selim, Renuga Vivekanandan, Theresa Townley. "Measured versus calculated long QT in a patient with loperamide overdose." Nebraska ACP Poster Competition, Creighton University, Omaha, NE. 2017
Dimensions in Clinical Medicine: Professionalism 2017
Dimensions in Clinical Medicine: Health Care Payment 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 2017
*Pro-calcitonin: What is it Good For? Grand Rounds Creighton University Medical Center 2016
Professionalism in the Digital Age Creighton University Hospital Medicine Conference July 2014,2015 and 2016 2016
Case Report:Pasteurella multocida septicemia secondary to non-traumatic canine contact in a 60 year old male on hemodialysis. N Dueck,D Kirkpatrick,H Safa,H Rayes MD,T Townley MD ACP meeting 2016
J Scripp, A Essr, B Kor, S Rychtarczyk, S Kiblinger, A Colanta, Theresa Townley. Acute Renal Failure due to Staphylococcal Sepsis or Henoch-Schönlein Purpura (HSP), a real clinical challenge. ACP Meeting. 2016
The Intercultural Development Inventory as a cultural competency and sensitivity measure for medical students opting into Project CURA, a student-run local and global service learning organization at Creighton University School of Medicine. J. Wu, A. La1; A. Roedlach; T. Townley, D. Munley presented at CUGH national meeting 2016
Rare case of Mediastinal Tuberculosis V Nip, V Mehta, J Horne MD, T Townley, R Vivekanandan presented at ASTMH national meeting 2015
Professionalism in the Digital Age -Creighton University Hospital Medicine Conference July 2014 and July 2015 2015
Invited speaker for Gold Humanism Inductee dinner 2015
Survivorship -Creighton University Hospital Medicine Conference October 2014 2014
EBOLA - Creighton University Hospital Medicine Conference October 2014 2014
Survivorship Creighton University Hospital Medicine Conference 2014
EBOLA Creighton University Hospital Medicine Conference 2014
Professionalism in the Digital Age -Creighton University Hospital Medicine Conference July 2014 and July 2015 2014
Innnovations in Global Health Creighton University Internal Medicine Grand Rounds presentation January 29th, 2014 2014
*Innnovations in Global Health Creighton University Internal Medicine Grand Rounds 2014
Graves Storms into unchartered territories Vallabhajosyula S,Tella SH, Bansal O, Townley TA, SGIM National Meeting Denver CO 2013
A pain in the Back J Ramachandran, S Hasham, E Horowitz, C Mindru, T Townley at NE ACP meeting 2012
Hypertension in Los Pilones, Dominican Republic Creighton University Internal Medicine Research Conference 2010
Hypertension in Los Pilones, Dominican Republic Creighton University Internal Medicine Research Conference Midwest Global Health Conference 2010
Working with NGO's in Conflict Situations Midwest Global Health Meeting 2010
To Degree on Not Degree -What is an MPH? Midwest Global Health Meeting 2010
*The CU medical Response to the Earthquake in Haiti Creighton University Internal Medicine Grand Rounds 2010
Grand rounds: Plastics and children, Childrens hospital and medical center, Omaha, NE, November 2009 *mentored resident Durgalaxshmi Duraikannan 2009
*Sama, A., Gonsalves, W., Townley, TA., Subbiah, S. A Bleeding patient with a Lupus anticoagulant: a clinical conundrum. Poster presented at: American College of Physicians; Omaha, NE 2009
*Vitamin D in the Tropics Chaired and presented at symposium at American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene national meeting 2008
*Sama, A., Townley, TA., Snyder, C., Lynch, H. Cultural and socio-economic factors precluding screening for colorectal cancer in susceptible families. Poster presented at: American College of Physicians; Omaha, NE. 2008
Patient management conference: Vomiting on the first day of life, Case of Hirschsprungs in a newborn, Children's hospital and medical center 2008
*Headache: Are we missing something? Reddy Sama A, Sweeney C, Townley T at the Society of General Internal Medicine 2008
Townley TA, Lynch T, Lynch J. Can we diagnose and treat chronic disease in a third world country? Sacramento, CA at the Global Health Education Consortium 2008
Kwong ML, Lofgreen A,Huggettt K, Haynatski G Townley TA. Tea with Vick's or Honey CAM practices among Hispanic patients in Sacramento, CA at the Global Health Education Consortium April 3 -5th, 2008 2008
*Kwong ML, Lofgreen A,Huggettt K, Haynatski G Townley TA. Tea with Vick's or Honey CAM practices among Hispanic patients in Omaha, NE at Midwest Medical Student Biomedical Research Forum 2008
*Tea with Vick's or Honey CAM practices among Hispanic Caregivers in Omaha, NE Internal Medicine Research Noon Conference 2008
HIV- International Issues -Presentation for HIV/AIDS Creighton University Medical School 2007
*An Acculturation Curriculum for International Medical Graduates at the Society of General Internal Medicine 2007
Dimensions in Clinical Medicine: Cultural Sensitivity Awareness 2006
*Issues in Immigrant and Refugee Health Chaired and presented at symposium at American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene national meeting 2006
An Acculturation Curriculum for International Medical Graduates at the Association of Program Directors of Internal Medicine Philadelphia, PA 2006
Dimensions in Clinical Medicine: Cultural Sensitivity Awareness 2006
*Bones, Minerals and Vitamins Nebraska ACP Meeting 2005
*Brunner-Buck, L; Townley, TA. Getting to the Heart of Myotonic Dystrophy Nebraska ACP meeting 2005
*MSF, Humanitarian Relief and Human Rights Midwest Global Health Education Consortium (GHEC) Omaha, NE 2005
*Issues in Immigrant and Minority Health Midwest GHEC 2005
Dimensions in Clinical Medicine: Cultural Sensitivity Awareness 2005
Working with MSF - The role of a pediatrician Grand Rounds Children's Hospital 2005
*Bones, Mineral and Vitamins Midwest SGIM Chicago. IL. 2004
Cultural Proficiency Seminar for Medical Faculty 2004
*Dodla S, Townley T, Poster Presentation: Is Sinus Node Dysfunction an Adverse Effect of Infliximab 27th Annual SGIM Meeting,Chicago, IL. 2004
Dimensions in Clinical Medicine: Cultural Sensitivity Awareness 2004
Creative Technologies and Human Rights Saris, Whistles and Buckets 2004
*Opportunities for Health and Human Rights in Humanitarian Aid Panel Presentation Justice and Health through Creative Technologies 2004
Adolescent Medical Care Ambulatory Lecture Series 2004
Dimensions in Clinical Medicine: Professionalism 2003
Curriculum Development for Professionalism Society of General Internal Medicine Chicago, IL 2003
*Teaching Professionalism in Changing Times Workshop Midwest SGIM 2003
*Gupta, K; Townley TA Colchicine Myopathy SGIM National Meeting 26th Annual SGIM meeting Vancouver, Canada 2003
Colchicine Myopathy Poster at Society of General Internal Medicine 2003
A Sarcastic Rash In an Immigrant from South Sudan Poster at SGIM 2003
*Ravilla S; Shendrik I, Townley TA. A Sarcastic Rash in an Immigrant from South Sudan SGIM National Meeting 2003
*MSF, Humanitarian Relief and Human Rights Grand Rounds Creighton University Medical Center 2003
Revisiting Pap Smears Ambulatory Lecture Series 2003
Working with Doctors without Borders and the international and local implicationsof human rights infractions on health care 2003
Dimensions in Clinical Medicine: Professionalism 2003
Colchicine Myopathy at Nebraska ACP meeting 2002
Primary Care in Liberia Resident's Morning Report Tampa General Hospital University of South Florida 2000
The role of NGO's In emergency and post -emergency situations -African Studies Class Macalester College 1999
Working with MSF in Kosovo and South Sudan, Grand Rounds- St. Joseph Hospital Creighton University 1999
Working with MSF in Kosovo and South Sudan Washington Hospital Center 1999
Effect of Ketotifen on Beta-Adrenergic responses in Guinea pig airways poster at the American Physiological Society American Thoracic Society Fall Meeting 1989
Effect of Ketotifen on Beta-adrenergic responses in guinea pig airways presentation at Midwest Medical Research Forum 1989
Tow Humanism in Medicine Award 2024 Tow Humanism in Medicine Award- Creighton University School of Medicine Creighton University
Distinguished Service Award 2022 Distinguished Service Award – Creighton University SOM Fall Faculty Award Creighton University School of Medicine
Humanitarian of the Year “Humanitarian of the Year” ACP Nebraska, October 30, 2021 ACP Nebraska
Speaker Gold Humanism Society Inductee Dinner
Inducted into the Gold Humanism Society
Magis Award For assistance to the victims of the Haitian earthquake. Creighton University
Omaha Area Health Education Center Award for student shadowing project
American College of Physicians Community Service and Volunteerism Award The Nebraska Chapter of the American College of Physicians for Community Service
Marion Light Night Award Lecture and Reflection time with high school students
St. Pius Xth/St. Leo’s distinguished graduate Included a day spent with students at the school St. Pius/St. Leo’s grade school