Martha J. Todd, PhD, APRN-NP, FNP-C, FAAN is a Professor and O’Brien Endowed Chair in the Health Sciences at Creighton University’s College of Nursing. She is a Family Nurse Practitioner and teaches in the Doctor of Nursing Practice program. Her research focuses on competency-based assessment in nursing education, interprofessional education, and health disparities. She co-developed the Creighton Competency Evaluation Instrument (C-CEI), a nationally and internationally recognized tool for assessing student performance in clinical and simulated environments. Dr. Todd earned her PhD in Nursing from South Dakota State University and her MS in Nursing from Creighton University. Her scholarly contributions include the development of the Creighton Simulation Evaluation Instrument, the C-CEI, and the C-CEI 2.0 and its psychometric testing. She also serves as a nurse practitioner for the Jesuit community on Creighton’s campus.
Teaching Interests
Family Nurse Practitioner
Research Focus
Instrument development for competency-based assessment
Health and human development Doll, Joy, Ryan-Haddad, Ann, Laughlin, Ann, Todd, Martha, Packard, Katie, Yee, Jennifer, Harris, Barbara: Begley, Begley, Kimberly Building inter-professional cultural competence, p. 37-46 2014
Clinical Simulation in Nursing Manz, J. , Tracy, M., Hercinger, M., Todd, M., Iverson, I., Hawkins, K. Assessing competency 66, p. 66-75 2022
Clinical Simulation in Nursing Todd, M. , Manz, J., Iverson, L., Ball, S., & Manning, L. Conceptual framework and content validity for the Creighton Competency Evaluation Instrument 2.0 (CCEI 2.0) (85) 2023
J Interprof Educ & Pract. Johnson, L., Patterson, A., Begley, K., Ryan Haddad, A., Pick, A., Todd, M., Sedillo, T. Development and implementation of violence across the lifespan (VAL) modules for health sciences addressing human trafficking, child maltreatment, and intimate partner violence 29 2022
Nuring Education Perspectives Manz, J. , Iverson, L., Tracy, M., Hercinger, M., & Todd., M. Assessing student performance in a dedicated education unit 43(3) 2022
J Allied Health Begley, K. , Aden, M., Johnson, L., Patterson, A., Pick, A., Ryan Haddad, A., Sedillo, T., Todd., M. Student perceptions of an interprofessional short course designed to increase awareness of human trafficking 5(2), p. e353-357 2022
Journal of Interprofessional Care Lindsay Iverson , Martha Todd, Ann Ryan Haddad, Katie Packard, Kimberley Begley, Joy Doll, Kim Hawkins, Ann Laughlin, Julie Manz & Chris Wichman The development of an instrument to evaluate interprofessional student team interaction 32(5), p. 531-538 2018
IGI Global Books Doll, J., Maio, A., Ryan Haddad, A., Jergensen, M., Paschal, K., Packard, K., Potthoff, M.,Huggett, K., & Todd, M. Introducing collaborative care:Teaching basics of interprofessional education in an online environment 2017
Health and Interprofessional Practice Laughlin, A., Ryan Haddad, A., Doll, J., Packard, K., Begley, K., Todd, M., Harris, B., & Yee, J. Preparing students for team-based care for vulnerable populations. 2, p. e1087 2015
Clinical Simulation in Nursing Manz, J, Hercinger, M, Todd, M, Hawkins, K, Parsons, M Improving consistency of assessment of student performance during simulated experiences 9, p. e233-e238 2012
Clinical Simulation in Nursing Parsons, Mary E., Hawkins, Kimberly S., Hercinger, Maribeth, Todd, Martha, Manz, Julie A., Fang, Xiang Improvement in Scoring Consistency for the Creighton Simulation Evaluation Instrument 8, p. e233-e238 2012
Journal of Nursing Education Adamson, Katie Anne, Parsons, Mary, E., Hawkins, Kim, Manz, Julie, A., Todd, Martha, Hercinger, Maribeth Reliability and Internal Consistency Findings from the C-SEI 50, p. 583-586 2011
Journal of Nursing Education Hawkins, K., Todd, M., Manz, J. A unique simulation teaching method 47, p. 524-527 2008
International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship Todd, M., Manz, J. A., Hawkins, K. S., Parsons, M. E., Hercinger, M. The development of a quantitative evaluation tool for simulations in nursing education 5, p. Article41 2008
Nurse Educator Schoening, A. M., Sittner, B. J., Todd, M. J. Simulated clinical experience: nursing students' perceptions and the educators' role 31, p. 253-258 2006
Nursing Education Perspectives Manz, J. , Hawkins, K., Todd, M., Iverson, L., Hercinger, M., & Tracy, M. Content validity of the CCEI in a DEU clinical education model In press -0001
Hadenfeldt, C., Todd, M. & Hamzhie, C. (2023, November 15). Health care gaps post -hospitalization for adults experiencing homelessness. [Virtual presentation] CHI Nursing Grand Rounds, 2023
Hamzhie, C., Hadenfeldt, C., & Todd, M. (2023, October 5-7). Health care gaps post-hospitalization for AEH. [Poster presentation] American Academy of Nursing, 2023. Health Policy Conference, Washington, DC 2023
Weltin, A., Paramesh, C., Todd, M., Manz, J., Gedney-Lose, A., & Carrico, C. (2023, April 26-30). Collaborating across institutions: Combining competency-based educational strategies with competency-based assessment. (Oral symposium presentation]. National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties, 49th Annual Conference, Momentum and Sustainability in Advancing NP Education, Orlando, FL. 2023
Rowell, J. & Todd, M. (2023, April 19-20). Implementation of routine ASCVD scoring and patient education in primary care. [Poster presentation]. 30th National Evidence-Based Practice Conference, Coralville, IA 2023
Manning, L., Todd, M., Manz, J., Ball, S., Hawkins, K., & Iverson, L. (2022, October 27-29). Impact of Creighton Competency Instruments. [Poster presentation]. American Academy of Nursing. 2022 Health Policy Conference, From Reflection to Impact: Positioning Nursing's Future. Washington, DC. 2022
Todd, M., Manz, J., Ball, S., Manning, L., Hawkins, K., & Iverson, L. (2022, October 19-22). Competency assessment: Balancing rigor with adaptability. [oral presentation]. 8th International Nurse Education Conference, Transforming nursing and midwifery education, Sitges, Spain. 2022
Manz, J., Todd, M., Ball, S., Manning, L., Hawkins, K., & Iverson, L. (2022, October 19-22). Competency-based assessment in dedicated education units. [Poster presentation]. 8th International Nurse Education Conference, Transforming nursing and midwifery education, Sitges, Spain 2022
Begley, K., Ryan Haddad, A., Pick, A., Johnson, L., Patterson, A., & Todd., M. (2022, July 24). Developing an engaging interprofessional short course to help students identify and refer victims of human trafficking. [National roundtable presentation]. Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting. 2022
Hadenfeldt, C. & Todd, M. (2022, March 30-April 2). Health care service gaps post -hospitalization for adults experiencing homelessness. [Podium presentation]. Midwest Nursing Research Society, Schaumburg, Illinois 2022
Stanko, K., & Todd, M. (2022, February 16-17). ASCVD risk estimator plus utilization: A quality improvement project. [Poster presentation]. 31st Annual Nebraska Nurse Practitioner Education Conference, Lincoln, NE. 2022
Aden, M., Begley, K., Fuji, K., Pick, A., Ryan Haddad, A., Johnson, L., Patterson, A., & Todd, M. (2021, November 17-24). Student perceptions of an interprofessional course designed to increase awareness of human trafficking. [Poster presentation, virtual]. Creighton University 2021 Virtual Assessment Symposium, Omaha, NE. 2021
Aden, M., Begley, K., Fuji, K., Johnson, L., Patterson, A., Ryan Haddad, A., & Todd, M. (2021, July 19-22). Student perceptions of an interprofessional course designed to increase awareness of human trafficking. [Poster presentation, virtual]. Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting. 2021
Patterson, A., Johnson, L., Ryan Haddad, A., Begley, K., Todd, M., & Sedillo, T. (2021, March 18-20). Multidisciplinary approach to educating future interprofessional healthcare providers on interpersonal violence [Podium presentation]. 2021 National Academies of Practice (NAP) Annual Meeting & Forum, Virtual. 2021
Todd, M., Johnson, L., Patterson, A., Ryan Haddad, A., Begley, K., Pick, A., & Sedillo, T. (2020). Preparing nurse practitioner students for collaborative clinical practice in interpersonal violence: An interprofessional approach. National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties 46th Annual Conference: Envisioning a new era for NP education. Chicago, IL. April 22-26. 2020
Schlage, D. and Todd, M. (2020). Addressing childhood obesity in rural primary care clinics. 27th National Evidence-Based Practice Conference. University of Iowa Health Care. April 15-16, 2020 2020
Meyer, H. and Todd, M. (2020). Screening, testing, and referral for prediabetes in a family practice clinic. 27th National Evidence-Based Practice Conference. University of Iowa Health Care. April 15-16, 2020 2020
Bakri, S. & Todd, M. (2020). Increasing HPV vaccination rates in a rural clinic setting. Global Health Conference Midwest. Omaha, NE, 02/15/2020. 2020
Manz, J., Hawkins, K., Packard, K., Doll, J., Todd, M., Iverson, L., Laughlin, A., Begley, K., & Ryan Haddad, A. (2019). Innovative assessment of interprofessional student team competency. The development of the Creighton Interprofessional Collaboration Instrument (C-ICE). AACN Baccalaureate Education Conference. American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Orlando, FL.11/22/2019. 2019
Manz, J., Hawkins, K., Todd, M., Iverson, L., Tracy, M. & Hercinger, M. (2019). Assessing student performance in a dedicated education unti: Validity and reliability of the Creighton Competency Evaluation Instrument (C-CEI). AACN Baccalaureate Education Conference, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Orlando, FL. 11/22/2019. 2019
Manz, J., Hawkins, K., Todd, M., Iverson, L., Tracy, M., & Hercinger, M. (2019). Assessing student performance in a dedicated education unit: Validity and reliability of the Creighton Competency Evaluation Instrument (C-CEI). Creighton University Assessment Symposium, Omaha, NE. 10/25/2019 2019
Johnson, L., Patterson, A., Ryan Haddad, A., Begley, K., Todd, M., Pick, A., & Sedillo, T. (2019). Violence across the lifespan: An initiative to prepare health science faculty: Successes and Challenges. Collaborating Across Borders VII, Indianapolis, IN. October 20-23, 2019. 2019
Johnson, L., Patterson, A., Ryan Haddad, A., Begley, K., Pick, A., Todd, M., & Sedillo, T. (2019). Violence across the lifespan: A multidisciplinary approach. 2019 International Conference on Forensic Nursing Science and Practice. New Orleans, LA. 09/14/2019. 2019
Hamzhie, C. & Todd, M. (2019). Implementing food insecurity screenings and self-care assessments among people with diabetes in a safety net clinic. American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE19). Houston, TX. 08/10/2019. 2019
Carpenter, D. & Todd, M. (2019). Implementation of a standardized diabetes assessment tool in the primary care setting. American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE19). Houston, TX. 08/10/2019. 2019
Todd, M., Cosimano, A., Schoening, A., and Hadenfeldt, C. (2018). Hunger and healthcare in Sub-Sahran Africa. Caring in a Complex World: Making Global Connections. Creighton University, Omaha, NE. 09/14/2018 2018
Ryan Haddad, A., Begley, K., Todd, M., Packard, K., Laughlin, A., Yee, J., Doll, J., Hawkins, K., Iverson, L., Manz, J., and Tracy, M. (2017). The Creighton Interprofessional Collaborative Evaluation (C-ICE): An Instrument to Assess Student Interprofessional Team Interactions. Collaboration Across Borders, VI. Banff, Alberta, Canada. October 3, 2017. 2017
Todd, M & Johnson, L. (2017). Interprofessional education at Creighton: Meeting our mission through IPE at an Omaha free clinic. Caring in a Complex World: Interprofessional Education and Practice. September 15, 2017. 2017
Paschal, K., Doll, J., Todd, M., Jergensen, D., Maio, A. (2016). The IPE passport:An innovative model for interprofessional education. Education Leadership.The Pursuit of Excellence in Physical Therapy Education, October 8. 2016
Begley, K., Ryan Haddad, A., Packard, K., Pick, A., Coover, K., Johnson, K., O'Brien, K.,Castillo, Todd, M. (2016). Development and implementation of interactive interporfessional telehealth activities. Center for Academic Innovation Teaching and with Technology Showcase: A Celebration of Mission, Technology, and Teaching. Creighton University, April 29. 2016
Todd, M. (2016). The profession of nursing in the United States. Hebei Medial Center Symposium, Shijiazhuang, China. 2016
Harris, B., Yee, J., Laughlin, A., Begley, K., Ryan Haddad, A., Todd, M., Packard, K., & Doll, J. (2015). IPE 413: Developing care for a vulnerable population: An interprofessional collaborative approach to health promotion. University Assessment Symposium 2015:Making Purposeful Change, Creighton University, Omaha, NE, November 12. 2015
Todd, M. (2015). Simulated clinical experiences: Using simulation as an educational tool for students and staff. Hebei Medical Center Symposium, Shijiazhuang, China. 2015
Packard, K., Ryan Haddad, A., Laughlin, A., Todd, M., Begley, K., Yee, J., Doll, J., & Harris, B. (2015). A comparison of two instruments to assess students in an interprofessional health promotion course for a vulnerable population. Collaborating Across Borders V., September 28-30, 2015, Roanoke, Virginia 2015
Paschal, K., Doll, J., Potthoff, M., Hugget, K., Bothmer, J., Burke, J., Jergensen, D., Maio, A.,Packard, K., Ryan Haddad, A., & Todd, M. (2015). The IPE passport: Innovations for Interprofession Education, Michigan, September. 2015
Begley, K., Packard, K., Todd, M., Yee, J., Laughlin, A., Harris, B., Doll, J., Ryan Haddad, A.,(2015). Students reflection of an interprofessional health promotion course for a vulnerable population, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, July. 2015
Begley, K., Ryan Haddad, A., Todd, M., Doll, J., Laughlin, A., Packard, K., Yee, J., & Harris,B. (2014). Community based interprofessional hypertension prevention and education program. NABP/American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy 77th Annual Meeting. August 15. Deadwood, South Dakota. 2014
Ryan Haddad, A., Packard, K., Begley, K., Doll, J., Laughlin, A., Todd, M., Yee, J., & Harris B. (2014). Development of an interporfessional health promotion course for a vulnerable population. American Association of College os Pharmacy. 7/27-28, 2014. 2014
Ryan Haddad, R., & Todd, M. (2014). Build It and They Will Come: An Interprofessional and Student-Run Free Clinic. All Together Better Health VII, Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania, June 6-8, 2014. 2014
Begley, K., Ryan Haddad, A.,Todd, M., Doll, J., Laughlin, A., Packard, K., Yee, J., & Harris, B. (2014). Educating the Interprofessional Team for Vulnerabilies Course Preparing Students for Working with Vulnerable Populations. All Together Better Health VII, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, June 6-8, 2014. 2014
Hercinger, M., Manz, J., Parsons, M. Todd, M, & Hawkins, K. (April 7-10, 2013). Creighton simulation evaluation model. ATI National Nurse Educator Summit, Las Vegas, NV 2013
Parsons, M., Hercinger, M., Hawkins, K., Todd, M., Manz, J., & Fang, X. (2012). An innovative strategy for improving consistency in assessment of student performance during simulated clinical experiences. 39th Annual National Conference on Professional Nursing Education and Development, 10/25-10/28, 2012. 2012
Todd, M., Parsons, M.E., Manz, J., Hawkins, K., & Hercinger, M. (2011). Development and use of the Creighton tool. 2011 Midwest Conference for excellence in clinical simulation. Lincoln, Nebraska (invited speaker). 2011
Parson, M., Todd, M., Manz, J., Hawkins, K., & Hercinger, M. (2011). Quantitative evaluation in simulation clinical experiences: The Creighton Simulation Evaluation Instrument. 2011 Summer Initiative for Teaching Excellence in the Health Sciences (SITE), Creighton University (Invited speaker). 2011
Begley, K., Laughlin, A., Bunger, J., Todd, M., harris, B., Doll, J., Gould, K., & Phalen, J. The Heart Ministry Health Center. All Things Ignatian Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska 2011
Hawkins, K., Manz, J., Todd, M., Parsons, M., & Hercinger, M., (2011). Update on tools for simulation evaluation. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. New Orleans, Louisiana (Invited speaker for expert panel). 2011
Rusch, L., Todd., M., Oertwich, P.A., Woods, S., Hercinger, M., & Manz, J. (2011). Preceptor perceptions of student readiness for preceptorship; Innovations in curriculum evaluation. PNEG Nursing Education Conference, Baltimore, Maryland. 2011
Invited for Roundtable Discussion on Tool Development: 9th Annual International Nursing Simulation/Learning Resource Centers Conference. Las Vegas, June 16-19, 2010. 2010
Todd, M., (2010). Restored Hope Project. A Community Forum for Nursing. Chronic Illness and the Underserved: Nursing's Healthcare Agenda. April 27, 2010. Sioux Fall, South Dakota. 2010
Hercinger, M., Hawkins, K., Parsons, M., Manz, J., & Todd, M. (2010). Student Performance Across the Curriculum. Medical Education Technologies, Inc., Human Patient Simulation Network Conference, Tampa, Florida, March 2-4, 2010. 2010
Hercinger, M., Todd, M., Manz, J., Hawkins, K., & Parsons, M. (2010). Student performance across the curriculum. Human Patient Simulation Network Conference, Tampa Florida, March 1-4, 2010 2010
Hercinger, M., Todd, M., Hawkins, K., Manz, J., & Parsons, M. (2007). Quantitative evaluation in nursing education: The Creighton Simulation Evaluation Tool. Baccalaureate Education Conference, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, New Orleans, 11/29-12/2, 2007 2007
Schoening, A., Sittner, B., & Todd, M. (2006). Nursing education of the future: Clinical simulation. Creative Teaching for Nurse Educators, Memphis, Tennessee, 3/12-3/14/06. 2006
Price, H. & Todd, M. (2006). And you thought you couldn't act: Innovative approaches to role-playing in simulation. Medical Education Technologies, Inc., Human Patient Simulation Network Conference, Tampa, Florida, March 1-3, 2006 2006