Svolos Thomas, Culture and Politics on the Couch 2024
Lacan on Depression and Melancholia Svolos Thomas, 181Depression screening as the latest avatar of moralism in American public mental health [Book Chapter] 2023
Svolos Thomas, Twenty-first century psychoanalysis 2018
Twenty-First Century Psychoanalysis Svolos Thomas, Twenty-first century psychoanalysis [Book Chapter] 2017
Twenty-First Century Psychoanalysis Svolos Thomas, There is no situation in the United States [Book Chapter] 2017
Twenty-First Century Psychoanalysis Svolos Thomas, Countertransference is the symptom of the analyst [Book Chapter] 2017
Twenty-First Century Psychoanalysis Svolos Thomas, Encore, encore: love [Book Chapter] 2017
Twenty-First Century Psychoanalysis Svolos Thomas, From the father to a father [Book Chapter] 2017
Twenty-First Century Psychoanalysis Svolos Thomas, Depression screening as the latest avatar of moralism in American public mental health [Book Chapter] 2017
Svolos Thomas, Book Review: Review of De Waelhens, Alphonse, and Wilfried Ver Eecke, Phenomenology and Lacan on Schizophrenia, after the Decade of the Brain. Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press, 2001. 337 pp. ISBN 90-5867-160-7 2006
The United States of Depression Svolos Thomas M., Depression screening as the latest avatar of moralism in American public mental health 5 2010
Journal de Journées Svolos Thomas M., We are moving to the United States 66 2009
NLS-Messager Svolos Thomas M., Rethinking the Congress Based on the Paris Event [translation] 608 2009
Journal de Journées Svolos Thomas M., A propos de Cincinnatus 43 2009
Et Lacan Svolos Thomas M., The Crumbled Building Blocks of Evidence-Based Medicine [Hebrew translation] 2009
NLS-Messager Svolos Thomas M., God as Semblant and his Other Face [translation] 672 2009
Bulletin of the New Lacanian School Svolos Thomas M., Introducing the New Symptoms 3, p. 66 - 75 2008
Lacanian Ink Svolos Thomas M., Ordinary Psychosis 31, p. 185 - 189 2008
Lacanian Compass Svolos Thomas M., La rentrée 1:11 2007
Discs in the Lacanian Orientation Svolos Thomas M., Arenas A., Aguirre M. C., Introducing the New Symptoms 1, p. 19 - 32 2007
International Lacanian Review Svolos Thomas M., The Object of Psychoanalysis 4 2007
Lacanian Compass Svolos Thomas M., The Rome Congress: the End and the Beginning of Psychoanalysis 1:9, p. 18 - 20 2007
Svolos Thomas M., Editorial 2006
Svolos Thomas M., The direction of the transmission of psychoanalysis and the principles of the power of its transmission: Closing remarks for the inaugural clinical study days 2006
Svolos Thomas M., El psicoanálisis neurasténico y nombre del padre 2006
Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics Svolos Thomas M., Phenomenology and lacan on schizophrenia, after the decade of the brain. 27:2, p. 169 - 174 2006
Svolos Thomas M., [Review of A. De Waelhens and W. Ver Eecke, Phenomenology and Lacan on schizophrenia, after the decade of the brain] 2006
NLS-Messager Svolos Thomas M., Neurasthenic psychoanalysis and the Name-of-the-Father 2006
Center News Svolos Thomas M., Realist, modern, and postmodern diagnosis in the psy field 46 2006
Lacanian Compass Aguirre I., Svolos Thomas M., [Review of translation of E. Laurent, The Name-of-the-Father: Psychoanalysis and democracy] 1:7, p. 3 - 5 2006
Ruissellement Svolos Thomas M., There is no situation in the United States 2, p. 77 - 81 2006
Ruissellement Svolos Thomas M., The American Plague 2, p. 13 - 16 2006
Svolos Thomas M., Countertransference is the symptom of the analyst 2006
Costruzioni psicoanalitiche Svolos Thomas M., Introducing the New Symptoms 6:12, p. 19 2006
Center News Svolos Thomas M., A comment on the segregation in the clinic today 2005
Lacanian Praxis Svolos Thomas M., The American plague 2, p. 35 - 37 2005
Svolos Thomas M., Arenas A., Aguirre M. C., Informe sobre la inauguratiòn de los Clinical Study Days de la AMP en lose Estados Unidos 2005
Svolos Thomas M., Arenas A., Aguirre M. C., Report on the clinical study days in the United States 2005
NLS-Messager Svolos Thomas M., There is no situation in the United States 2005
Psychoanalytical Notebooks Svolos Thomas M., The American plague 14, p. 138 - 142 2005
"The Use Value of Freud's Civilization and Its Discontents in Understanding Civilization Today" 2020
""Dialogues in the City: The Pandemic" 2020
"The Use Value of Freud's Civilization and Its Discontents in the Clinic Today" 2020
"The Aims of Analysis" 2019
"New Forms of Identity and Groups in Postmodernity" 2019
Invited Keynote Lecture "Two Sciences, Truth and the Real" at 16th Annual Conference of Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workgroups on "Psychoanalysis: Science and Truth" in Boston 2018
Invited Panel Discussant at the Congress of the New Lacanian School, "In a State of Transference: Wild, Political, Psychoanalytical" in Paris, France 2018
Invited Panel Discussant, Clinical Study Days 11 "The Delights of the Ego," New York City 2018
"Psychoanalysis and the Psychoanalytic School in the United States: An Interview with Thomas Svolos," Lacanian Compass Video Conference 2017
"Opening Remarks," Lacanian Compass Clinical Study Days 10, "Beyond Oedipus: Family Dramas/Family Traumas," Miami Beach, Florida 2017
Invited Speaker, "Discrete Treatment of Addiction in Ordinary Psychosis" 14th Congress of the New Lacanian School, "Discrete Signs in Ordinary Psychosis." Dublin, Ireland 2016
University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Public Health. Guest Faculty in Graduate Course on "Psychiatric Epidemiology." Lecture on 9/21/2015 on "The Structure and Finance of the Mental Health System" 2015
Moderator for Panel: "Why We Need Early Intervention Lack of Systemic Response to People with First Episode Psychosis" Lasting Hope Annual Conference: First Episode Psychosis. June 25, 2015 2015
Panel Moderator "Policy and Finance issues in Implementation of Early Intervention" Lasting Hope Annual Conference: First Episode Psychosis. June 25, 2015 2015
Panel Moderator "Developing Workforce Skills and Establishing Early Intervention" Lasting Hope Annual Conference: First Episode Psychosis. June 25, 2015 2015
"Program Overview" and "Summary of Key Points" Lasting Hope Annual Conference: First Episode Psychosis. June 25, 2015 2015
"New Models in Patient Care Create Conflicts for Physicians". Creighton University, Bioethics Beyond the Bedside Podcast. Episode 28, Posted April 9, 2015. 2015
"Shall we Treat Bipolar Depression in the Primary Care Office and How?" Psychiatry in Primary Care: An Essential Update; Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, NE; February 6, 2015 2015
Discussant for "Primary Care Providers ARE Mental Health Experts" presented by Shanjeev K. Sharma, MD Psychiatry in Primary Care: An Essential Update; Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, NE; February 6, 2015 2015
Course Director and Moderator. Psychiatry in Primary Care: An Essential Update; Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, NE February 6, 2015. 2015
Sarma, Arun MD, Svolos, Thomas MD and Snyder, Jamie MD: Video Case Presentation: A Diagnostic Dilemma? Depression? Bipolar? Personality Disorder? Psychiatry in Primary Care: An Essential Update; Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, NE; February 6, 2015 2015
Scientific Committee and Moderator. Clinical Study Days 8: Encounters with the Real in the Analytic Experience. Lacanian Compass. Miami Beach, Florida January 23-25, 2015 2015
Scientific Committee and Moderator. Clinical Study Days 8: Encounters with the Real in the Analytic Experience. Lacanian Compass. Miami Beach, Florida. January 23-25, 2015. 2015
Columbia University, Barnard College; New York Freud Lacan Analytic Group - Seminar Presentation on "The Real Politics of the Body" with lectures on "The Body Politic," "More, More, More Addiction," and "The Psychoanalytic Soapbox" 2014
Lecture (via videoconference), "The Body Politic" - Lacan Circle of Melbourne, New Lacanian School; Melbourne, Australia 2014
CUSOM Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds: "Some Trends in Health Care and Our Response to them as Academic Psychiatrists", July 16, 2014. 2014
Center for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis Wednesday Evening Conversation "Countertransference" 2007
Clinical Study Days 2: Psychic Suffering and the Treatment Challenges in the Postmodern World, Miami, Florida "The Object of Psychoanalysis" 2007
Lacanian Orientation in Practice, Miami, Florida "Ordinary Psychosis" 2007
Center for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis Wednesday Evening Conversation "Interpretation" 2007
Substance Abuse Treatment Center, Omaha Veterans Administration Medical Center -- "The Treatment of Addictions One by One" 2006
Center for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis Wednesday Evening Conversation "Socrates, Love, and Knowledge" 2006
Creighton University Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Omaha, NE "New Forms of Psychosis" 2006
University of NebraskaLincoln, Department of Psychology, Graduate Clinical Training Program "Lacanian Psychoanalysis" 2006
Seventh Annual Conference of Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workgroups, University of West Georgia, Carrollton, Georgia "Introducing the New Symptoms 2006
"Realist, Modern and Postmodern Diagnosis in the Psychiatric Field", Omaha, NE 2006
Creighton University Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Omaha, NE "Realist, Modern, and Postmodern Diagnosis in the Psy Field" 2006
Clinical Study Days 1 "The Body in Psychoanalysis," a program of the World Association of Psychoanalysis in the United States, New York, NY "Closing Remarks" 2005
State of Nebraska Department of Correctional Services Division of Mental Health, Lincoln, NE "The Use of Psychoanalysis in Institutions" 2005
London Psychiatry Forum of the Annual Congress of the New Lacanian School of the World Association of Psychoanalysis. "The American Plague" Delivered simulataneously in English and French. 2005
7th International Seminar of the Freudian Field, New York Freud-Lacan Analytic Group, Columbia University "Two-fold Structure of the Symptom in Female Sexuality" 2004
6th Annual Conference of Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workgroups "Introducing the Symptom". 2004
"(En)countering the Transference in Clinical Work" - "Introduction to the Clinic of the Tranference" 2004
"(En)countering the Transference in Clinical Work" - "Countertranference is the Symptom of the Analyst" 2004
Case Presentation w/UNL Psychology Graduate Clinical Training Program 2003
Case Presentation w/UNL Dept of Pscyology Graduate Clinical Training Program 2003
Case Presentation w/UNL Graduate Clinical Training Program 2003
"The Symptom, Part 2", Center for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis 2003
"The Symptom, Part 1", Center for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis 2003
Case Presentation w/UNL Graduate Clinical Training Program 2003
"The Psychoanalytic Approach to Addictions", Omaha VA 2003
"Fundamental Fantasy as the Axiom of the Unconscious" Fifth Annual Conference of Affiliated Psycoanalytic Workgroups. 2003
"Fantasy" Center for Psychotherapy and Psycoanalysis 2003
"The Unconscious" Center for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis 2003
"The Mathemes of Neurosis" Center for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis 2003
"Early Object Relations" Center for Psychotherapy and Psychanalysis 2003
"Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy" Center for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis 2001
Psychoanalyst and Member of New Lacanian School and Wold Association of Psychoanalyst by WAP and first member trained entirely in the United States.
Elected at a psychoanalyst and member of the New Lacanian School and the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP). Only the 11th U.S. psychoanalyst elected by WAP and the first member trained entirely in the United States.
Diplomat, (Psychiatry), American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (#51741), 2004
Diplomate (Psychiatry), American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (#51741), 2003