Ryan A . Spangler, PhD

Associate Professor

CURAS Assistant Director

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College of Arts and Sciences
Modern Languages and Literatures
CURAS Contacts
Spanish and Hispanic Studies
HCCA - Hitchcock Center for Communication Art - 103

Ryan A . Spangler, PhD

Associate Professor

CURAS Assistant Director

Dr. Ryan Spangler joined the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures in 2007 from the University of Kentucky, where he received his Ph.D. in Hispanic Studies. He received is M.A. in Spanish American Literature and his B.A. in Spanish both from Brigham Young University. Dr. Spangler specializes in the poetry of the Cuban writer and revolutionary, José Martí. He is co-editor of a forthcoming critical anthology on the works of Martí (Syncing the Americas: José Martí and the Shaping of National Identity, U of Bucknell P, 2017), and is currently working on a translation of Martí's collection of poetry, Versos libres. Dr. Spangler is also the recipient of the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Award for Teaching Achievement.

Teaching Interests

  • 19th and 20th Century Spanish American Modernismo, Vanguardia

Research Focus

José Martí, Ruben Darío, modernismo 20th century Vanguardia Teatro campesino in Sendero Luminoso


Modern Languages and Literatures


Associate Professor


  • Other
    ”Modern Tensions in the Poetics of José Martí.” Syncing the Americas: José Martí and the Shaping of National Identity. Edited by Georg Schwarzmann and Ryan A. Spangler. University of Bucknell Press. 2017
  • • Versos libres. José Martí. Trans. Ryan A. Spangler.  2017


  • Journal of Critical Southern Studies
    “Ninguna patria tengo yo: Cuba’s Poetic and Political Redemption in José Martí.”
    3, p. 72-95 2015
  • Anagnorisis
    Spangler, R. A. Deshanciendo la desmemoria: historia y ficcion en el teatro de Haffe Serulle
    2013, p. 38-50 2013


  • “Bridging Concepts: Independence’s Sacred Sacraments in Versos libres. La Habana Elegenta. Under Review
    La Habana Elegante 2017
  • Cengage Learning
    Organization and Annotations to José Martí.” Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism (NCLC) Vol 313. New York: LPP Publishing Gale Cengage. 2015, 111-248.
    313, p. 111-248 2015
  • International Conference for the Equilibrium of the World
    Spangler, R. A. Patrias perdidas: poesia y politica en la poesia de Jose Marti 2013
  • Proceeding of the International Symposium
    Spangler, R. A. La solidaridad del sufrimiento: crisis y critica en la poesia de Buben Dario. 2011

Editing and Reviews

  • Other
    Syncing the Americas: José Martí and the Shaping of National Identity. Co-editor with Georg Schwarzmann. Bucknell University Press. Forthcoming November 2017., p. 326 2017
  • Other
    Review of José Martí, the United States, and Race. by Anne Fountain. La Habana Elegante .
    56:2, p. Online 2016


  • "Conceptos de la vida": Vice and Virture in the Poetry of Versos libres." Invited Lecturer. Mart in Tampa: International Conference on Jos Mart. University of South Florida, University of Tampa, April 14-16, 2016. 2016
  • "Cholo u hombre: Representation and Revolution in the Theater of Victor Zavala Catao." XIII Conferencia Internacional de Literatura Hispnica. Cartagena de las Indias, Colombia, March 12-14, 2014. 2014
  • "Syncing the Americas: Jos Mart and the New Modernity." Faculty Friday Guest Lecturer. Creighton University, April 5, 2013. 2013
  • "De-mystifying a Demi-god: New Readings on a Cuban Revolutionary." Invited Guest Lecturer. Brigham Young University, March 29, 2013. 2013
  • "Patrias perdidas: poesa y poltica en la poesa de Jos Mart." III Conferencia Internacional Por el Equilibrio del Mundo. La Havana, Cuba, January 28-31, 2013. 2013
  • "Deshaciendo la desmemoria: historia y ficcin en la obra de Haffe Serulle." XI Conferencia Internacional de Literatura Hispnica. Cusco, Per, March 7-9, 2012. 2012


  • Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Award for Teaching Achievement
    Creighton University
  • Dean's Award for Major Advising
    College of Arts and Sciences, Creighton University