Timothy A . Simeone, PhD

Program Director, Pharmacology & Neuroscience - M.S. and Ph.D. students


T Simeone


School of Medicine
Pharmacology and Neuroscience
Neuroscience (Master of Science)
CRISS III - Criss 3 - 551

Timothy A . Simeone, PhD

Program Director, Pharmacology & Neuroscience - M.S. and Ph.D. students


Dr. Timothy Simeone’s laboratory focuses on the interrelationship of metabolism and cellular, synaptic and network excitability in health and disease using in vitro and in vivo electrophysiology, molecular biology and pharmacology techniques to identify novel, potential therapeutic targets. Learn more about Dr. Simeone’s research.


Pharmacology and Neuroscience




  • Ketogenic Diet and Metabolic Therapies
    Masino Susan A., D’Agostino Dominic P., Kossoff Eric H., Boison Detlev, Rho Jong M., Simeone Timothy A., Ketogenic Diet and PPARγ [Book Chapter] 2022
  • Ketogenic Diet and Metabolic Therapies
    Boison Detlev, Simeone Timothy A., Ketogenic Diet and PPARgamma [Book Chapter] 2016
  • The Curated Reference Collection in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology
    Simeone T. A., Rho J. M., Antiepileptic drugs [Book Chapter] 2016
  • Homeostatic Control of Brain Function
    Simeone Kristina, Johnson Chaz, Samson Kaeli, Roundtree Harrison, Simeone Tim, Tarokh Leila, Sleep [Book Chapter] 2015
  • Epilepsy : Mechanisms, Models, and Translational Perspectives
    Simeone Timothy A., Mechanisms of antiepileptic drug action [Book Chapter] 2010
  • Encyclopedia of Basic Epilepsy Research
    Simeone T. A., Rho J. M., Antiepileptic Drugs [Book Chapter] 2009
  • Encyclopedia of Basic Epilepsy Research
    Simeone Timothy A., Rho J. M., Antiepileptic Drug Mechanisms [Book Chapter] 2009


  • Neurobiology of disease
    Iyer Shruthi H., Simeone Timothy A., Simeone Kristina A., Hinman Jillian E., Warren Ted, Matthews Stephanie A., Altered ventilatory responses to hypercapnia-hypoxia challenges in a preclinical SUDEP model involve orexin neurons
    199, p. 106592 2024
  • Biomolecules (Basel, Switzerland)
    Baker Carly E., Mathy Nicholas W., Wilton Delaney, Simeone Timothy, Marta Aaron G., Zimmerman Nathan D., Korade Zeljka, Kochvar Andrew, Kramer Kenneth L., Stessman Holly A. F., Shibata Annemarie, CPT2 Deficiency Modeled in Zebrafish: Abnormal Neural Development, Electrical Activity, Behavior, and Schizophrenia-Related Gene Expression
    14:8, p. 914 2024
  • Nutrients
    Iyer Shruthi H, Yeh Mary Y, Netzel Lauren, Lindsey Molly G, Wallace McKenzie, Simeone Timothy A, Simeone Kristina A, Dietary and Metabolic Approaches for Treating Autism Spectrum Disorders, Affective Disorders and Cognitive Impairment Comorbid with Epilepsy: A Review of Clinical and Preclinical Evidence
    16:4 2024
  • Epilepsy currents
    Simeone Timothy, Simeone Kristina, The Unconventional Effects of the Ketogenic Diet (KD) in Preclinical Epilepsy 2024
  • European journal of pharmacology
    Kostansek, 4th Joseph A, Simeone Timothy A, Latona Gavin J, Heruye Segewkal H, Matthews Stephanie, Bockman Charles S, Simeone Kristina A, Orexin receptors regulate hippocampal sharp wave-ripple complexes in ex vivo slices
    950, p. 175763 - 175763 2023
  • Frontiers in Neurology
    Hampson Johnson P., Lacuey Nuria, Rani MRS Sandhya, Hampson Jaison S., Simeone Kristina A., Simeone Timothy A., Narayana Ponnada A., Lemieux Louis, Lhatoo Samden D., Functional MRI Correlates of Carbon Dioxide Chemosensing in Persons With Epilepsy
    13 2022
  • Nutrients
    Heruye Segewkal H., Warren Ted J., Kostansek Joseph A., Draves Samantha B., Matthews Stephanie A., West Peter J., Simeone Kristina A., Simeone Timothy A., Ascorbic Acid Reduces Neurotransmission, Synaptic Plasticity, and Spontaneous Hippocampal Rhythms in In Vitro Slices
    14:3 2022
  • European Journal of Pharmacology
    Deodhar Malavika, Matthews Stephanie A., Thomas Brittany, Adamian Leena, Mattes Sarah, Wells Tabitha, Zieba Brianna, Simeone Kristina A., Simeone Timothy A., Pharmacoresponsiveness of spontaneous recurrent seizures and the comorbid sleep disorder of epileptic Kcna1-null mice
    913 2021
  • Epilepsia
    Simeone Kristina A., Wilke Julianne C., Matthews Stephanie A., Simeone Timothy A., Rho Jong M., Ketogenic diet–mediated seizure reduction preserves CA1 cell numbers in epileptic Kcna1-null mice
    62:8, p. e123 - e128 2021
  • Brain Sciences
    Simeone Timothy A., Heruye Segewkal H., Kostansek Joseph A., Yeh Mary Y., Matthews Stephanie A., Samson Kaeli K., Simeone Kristina A., Carbamazepine reduces sharp wave-ripple complexes and exerts synapse-specific inhibition of neurotransmission in ex vivo hippocampal slices
    11:6 2021
  • Metabolomics
    Johnson Alicia, Grove Ryan A., Madhavan Deepak, Boone Cory H.T., Braga Camila, Kyllo Hannah, Samson Kaeli, Simeone Kristina, Simeone Timothy, Helikar Tomas, Hanson Corrine K., Adamec Jiri, Changes in lipid profiles of epileptic mouse model
    16:10 2020
  • Journal of Proteomics
    Grove Ryan A., Papackova Zuzana, Kyllo Hannah, Samson Kaeli, Simeone Kristina, Simeone Timothy, Helikar Tomas, Braga Camila Pereira, Hanson Corrine K., Adamec Jiri, Boone Cory H.T., Madhavan Deepak, Aberrant energy metabolism and redox balance in seizure onset zones of epileptic patients
    223 2020
  • Epilepsia
    Iyer Shruthi H., Aggarwal Ankita, Warren Ted J., Hallgren Jodi, Abel Peter W., Simeone Timothy A., Simeone Kristina A., Progressive cardiorespiratory dysfunction in Kv1.1 knockout mice may provide temporal biomarkers of pending sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP)
    61:3, p. 572 - 588 2020
  • Epilepsy Currents
    Jobst Barbara C., Chapman Kevin E., Fu Aradia, Goldman Alica, Hirsch Lawrence J., Jehi Lara E., Kossoff Eric H., Plueger Madona, Rho Jong M., Schevon Catherine A., Shinnar Shlomo, Sperling Michael R., Simeone Timothy A., Wagner Janelle L., Lado Fred, Ben-Menachem Elinor, Highlights From the Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society 2018
    19:3, p. 152 - 158 2019
  • Epilepsy Research
    Knowles Sara, Budney Sarah, Deodhar Malavika, Matthews Stephanie A., Simeone Kristina A., Simeone Timothy A., Ketogenic diet regulates the antioxidant catalase via the transcription factor PPARγ2
    147, p. 71 - 74 2018
  • Neurobiology of Disease
    Warren Ted J., Simeone Kristina A., Simeone Timothy A., Smith D. David, Grove Ryan, Adamec Jiri, Samson Kaeli K., Roundtree Harrison M., Madhavan Deepak, Adenosine has two faces
    114, p. 45 - 52 2018
  • Neuropharmacology
    Simeone Timothy A., Simeone Kristina A., Stafstrom Carl E., Rho Jong M., Do ketone bodies mediate the anti-seizure effects of the ketogenic diet?
    133, p. 233 - 241 2018
  • Epilepsia
    Simeone Kristina A., Hallgren Jodi, Bockman Charles S., Aggarwal Ankita, Kansal Vikash, Netzel Lauren, Iyer Shruthi H., Matthews Stephanie A., Deodhar Malavika, Oldenburg Peter J., Abel Peter W., Simeone Timothy A., Respiratory dysfunction progresses with age in Kcna1-null mice, a model of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy
    59:2, p. 345 - 357 2018
  • Epilepsia
    Iyer Shruthi H., Matthews Stephanie A., Simeone Timothy A., Maganti Rama, Simeone Kristina A., Accumulation of rest deficiency precedes sudden death of epileptic Kv1.1 knockout mice, a model of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy
    59:1, p. 92 - 105 2018
  • Epilepsia
    Simeone Kristina A., Matthews Stephanie A., Synergistic Protection Against Acute Flurothyl-Induced Seizures by Adjuvant Treatment of the Ketogenic Diet with the Type 2 Diabetes Drug Pioglitazone
    58:8, p. 1440 - 1450 2017
  • Neurochemical Research
    Simeone Kristina A., Rho Jong M., Ketone Bodies as Anti-Seizure Agents
    42:7, p. 2011 - 2018 2017
  • Experimental Neurology
    Simeone Kristina A., Matthews Stephanie A., Samson Kaeli K., Regulation of Brain PPARgamma2 Contributes to Ketogenic Diet Anti-Seizure Efficacy
    284:Part 1, p. 54 - 64 2017
  • Epilepsia
    Simeone Timothy A., Matthews Stephanie A., Rho J. M., Ketogenic Diet Treatment Increases Longevity in Kcna1-Null Mice, a Model of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy
    57:8, p. e178 - e182 2016
  • Sleep
    Roundtree Harrison M., Simeone Kristina A., Johnson Chaz, Matthews Stephanie A., Samson Kaeli K., Orexin Receptor Antagonism Improves Sleep and Reduces Seizures in Kcna1-Null Mice
    39:2, p. 357 - 368 2016
  • Annals of Neurology
    Kim do Y., Rho J. M., Ahn Y., Geddes J. W., Sullivan P. G., Pandya J. D., Wilke J. C., Simeone Timothy A., Ketone bodies mediate antiseizure effects through mitochondrial permeability transition
    78:1, p. 77 - 87 2015
  • Epilepsia
    Simeone Kristina A., Samson Kaeli K., Matthews Stephanie A., In Vivo Ketogenic Diet Treatment Attenuates Pathologic Sharp Waves and High Frequency Oscillations in in Vitro Hippocampal Slices from Epileptic Kv 1.1α Knockout Mice.
    55:5, p. e44 - e49 2014
  • Experimental Neurology
    Simeone Timothy A., Matthews Stephanie A., Samson Kaeli K., Targeting deficiencies in mitochondrial respiratory complex I and functional uncoupling exerts anti-seizure effects in a genetic model of temporal lobe epilepsy and in a model of acute temporal lobe seizures
    251, p. 84 - 90 2014
  • Neurobiology of Disease
    Simeone Kristina A., Samson Kaeli K., Kim Do Y., Rho Jong M., Loss of the Kv1.1 potassium channel promotes pathologic sharp waves and high frequency oscillations in in vitro hippocampal slices
    54, p. 68 - 81 2013
  • Epilepsy Research
    Simeone Timothy A., Wilcox Karen S., White H. Steve, CAMP-Dependent protein kinase A activity modulates topiramate potentiation of GABA A receptors
    96:1-2, p. 176 - 179 2011
  • Pharmacological Research
    Simeone Timothy A., Wilcox Karen S., White H. Steve, Topiramate modulation of β1- and β3- homomeric GABAA receptors
    64:1, p. 44 - 52 2011
  • Epilepsia
    Simeone Timothy A., Sabesan S., Kim D. Y., Kerrigan John F., Jr., Rho J. M., Fenoglio-Simeone Kristina A., L-type calcium channel blockade reduces network activity in human epileptic hypothalamic hamartoma tissue
    52:3, p. 531 - 540 2011
  • Epilepsia
    Kim Do Young, Fenoglio Kristina A., Simeone Timothy A., Coons Stephen W., Wu Jie, Chang Yongchang, Kerrigan John F., Rho Jong M., GABAA receptor-mediated activation of L-type calcium channels induces neuronal excitation in surgically resected human hypothalamic hamartomas
    49:5, p. 861 - 871 2008
  • Seminars in Pediatric Neurology
    Fenoglio Kristina A., Wu Jie, Kim Do Young, Simeone Timothy A., Coons Stephen W., Rekate Harold, Rho Jong M., Kerrigan John F., Hypothalamic Hamartoma
    14:2, p. 51 - 59 2007
  • Journal of Neurochemistry
    Kim Do Young, Davis Laurie M., Sullivan Patrick G., Maalouf Marwan, Simeone Timothy A., Van Brederode Johannes, Rho Jong M., Ketone bodies are protective against oxidative stress in neocortical neurons
    101:5, p. 1316 - 1326 2007
  • European Journal of Pharmacology
    Simeone Timothy A., Otto James F., Wilcox Karen S., White H. Steve, Felbamate is a subunit selective modulator of recombinant γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes
    552:1-3, p. 31 - 35 2006
  • Neuropharmacology
    Simeone Timothy A., Wilcox Karen S., White H. Steve, Subunit selectivity of topiramate modulation of heteromeric GABAA receptors
    50:7, p. 845 - 857 2006
  • Journal of Physiology
    Simeone T. A., Rho J. M., Baram T. Z., Single channel properties of hyperpolarization-activated cation currents in acutely dissociated rat hippocampal neurones
    568:2, p. 371 - 380 2005
  • Richichi C, Bender R A, Brewster A L, Simeone T, Yin H Z, Weiss J H, Baram T Z, Seizures reduce the expression of the hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated cation (HCN) channel I via Ca++/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II activation 2005
  • Journal of child neurology
    Simeone Timothy A., Sanchez Russell M., Rho Jong M., Molecular biology and ontogeny of glutamate receptors in the mammalian central nervous system
    19:5, p. 343 - 360 2004
  • Neurochemical Research
    Poulsen Claus F., Simeone Timothy A., Maar Thomas E., Smith-Swintosky Virginia, Schousboe Arne, White H. Steven, Modulation by Topiramate of AMPA and Kainate Mediated Calcium Influx in Cultured Cerebral Cortical, Hippocampal and Cerebellar Neurons
    29:1, p. 275 - 282 2004
  • Journal of child neurology
    Simeone Timothy A., Donevan Sean D., Rho Jong M., Molecular biology and ontogeny of γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors in the mammalian central nervous system
    18:1, p. 39 - 48 2003


  • Kostansek JA IV, Simeone TA, Simeone KA. The Role of Orexin in Hippocampal Physiology. 52nd Annual Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum, Omaha, NE, 2021. 2021
  • Heruye SH, Warren TJ, Simeone KA, Simeone TA. Physiological Concentrations of Ascorbic Acid Impair Basal Synaptic Transmission and Molecular Correlates of Memory. 52nd Annual Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum. Omaha, NE, 2021. 2021
  • Yeh M, Deodhar M, Simeone, KA Simeone TA. Characterizing Neurons Differentiated From NTera2/CL.D1 (NT2) Cells. 52nd Annual Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum, Omaha, NE,, 2021. 2021
  • Yeh M, Deodhar M, Simeone KA, Simeone TA. Characterizing Neurons Differentiated From NTera2/CL.D1 (NT2) Cells. Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association National Conference, Virtual, 2021. 2021
  • Yeh M, Deodhar M, Simeone KA, Simeone TA. Characterizing an AraC-Differentiated NT2 Population. 2020 Creighton Neuroscience Symposium, Omaha, NE, 2020. 2020
  • Heruye SH, Warren TJ, Simeone KA, Simeone TA. Concentration dependent effect of ascorbic acid on molecular correlates of memory. 2020 Creighton Neuroscience Symposium, Omaha, NE, 2020. 2020
  • Kostansek JA IV, Simeone TA, Simeone KA. The Role of Orexin in Hippocampal Physiology. 2020 Creighton Neuroscience Symposium, Omaha, NE, 2020. 2020
  • Heruye, SH., Warren, TJ., Simeone, KA, Simeone TA. Effects of complex I of the electron transport chain on different forms of synaptic plasticity. 51st Annual Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum, Omaha, NE, 2020 2020
  • Yeh M, Deodhar M, Simeone KA, Simeone TA. Characterizing Neurons Differentiated From NTera2/CL.D1 (NT2) Cells. 51st Annual Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum, Omaha, NE,, 2020. 2020
  • Heruye S, Warren T, Simeone KA, Simeone TA. Effects of Complex I of the Electron Transport Chain on Synaptic Plasticity. Park City Epilepsy Meeting, Park City, UT, 2019. 2019
  • Warren TJ, Simeone TA, Simeone KA. Excessive Silencing of Orexin Neurons by Protons in a Mouse Model of Epilepsy and SUDEP. American Epilepsy Society, New Orleans, LA, 2018. 2018
  • 6th Global Symposium on Ketogenic Therapies, Jeju, Korea. Title: The role of PPARgamma in Epilepsy and KD efficacy. 2018
  • Spring Brain conference, Sedona, AZ. Title: Insights into Antiseizure Mechanisms Through the Lens of Dietary Therapies. 2018
  • Gavrilovici, Simeone TA, Rho JM. Hippocampal interneuron dysfunction in the Kcna1-null mouse model of epilepsy. American Epilepsy Society, Washington, D.C., 2017. 2017
  • Warren TJ, Samson K, Roundtree H, Simeone TA, Simeone KA. Differences in adenosine tone and inhibition in the hypothalamus and hippocampus of Kcna1 KO mice. American Epilepsy Society, Washington, D.C., 2017. 2017
  • Iyer S, Matthews S, Maganti R, Simeone TA, Simeone KA. Disrupted rest-active rhythms precedes sudden death in epilepsy Kv1.1 knockout mouse model. American Epilepsy Society, Washington, D.C., 2017. 2017
  • Knowles S, Budney, Mattews SA, Deodhar M, Simeone KA, Simeone TA. The ketogenic diet regulates catalase via the transcription factor peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma 2. Society for Neuroscience annual meeting, Washington, D.C., 2017. 2017
  • Deodhar M, Thomas B, Adamian L, Matthews SA, Simeone KA, Simeone TA. Pharmacoresponsivness of seizures and sleep-wake patterns of Kcna1-null mice, a model of temporal lobe epilepsy with co-morbid sleep disorders to conventional anti-seizure drugs (ASDs). Society for Neuroscience annual meeting, Washington, D.C., 2017. 2017
  • Knowles S, Budney S, Kansal V, Mattews SA, Simeone TA. The Role of Catalase in the Ketogenic Diet. St. Albert's Research Day, Creighton University, Omaha, NE, 2017. 2017
  • Budney S, Knowles S, Kansal V, Mattews SA, Simeone TA. Elucidating the Effects of PPARγ2 Mediated by the Ketogenic Diet in Refractory Epilepsy. Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum, Omaha, NE, 2017. 2017
  • Adamian L, Matthews SA, Simeone TA, Simeone KA. Phenobarbital improves sleep in Kcan1-null mice. Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum, Omaha, NE, 2017. 2017
  • Thomas B, Matthews SA, Simeone TA. Kcna1-null mice, a model of refractory epilepsy? Midwest Student Biomedical Research Forum, Omaha, NE, 2017. 2017
  • American Epilepsy Society annual meeting, Houston, TX. Dietary Therapy Special Interest Group. Title: PPARgamma and the Ketogenic Diet. 2016
  • Deodhar M, Matthews SA, Simeone TA. Characterization of a Modified Flurothyl Kindling Model. American Epilepsy Society, Houston, TX, 2016. 2016
  • Iyer S, Aggarwal A, Matthews SA, SimeoneTA, Simeone KA. Does progressive elevation in orexinergic activity promote bradycardia in Kv1.1 KO mice, a model of SUDEP? American Epilepsy Society, Houston, TX, 2016. 2016
  • 5th Global Symposium on Ketogenic Therapies, Banff, Alberta, Canada. Investigator's Workshop session on Basic Research Highlights. Title: PPARgamma and the Ketogenic Diet. 2016
  • Simeone TA, Matthews SA, Simeone KA. Synergistic antiseizure effects of the ketogenic diet and the Type II Diabetes drug pioglitazone on acute flurothyl-induced seizures. 5th Global Symposium on Ketogenic Therapies, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 2016. 2016
  • Simeone KA, Matthews SA, Rho JM, Simeone TA. Ketogenic diet treatment increases longevity in Kcna1-null mice, a model of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy. 5th Global Symposium on Ketogenic Therapies, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 2016. 2016
  • American Epilepsy Society annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Investigator's Workshop session on Targeting Mitochondrial Function as an Antiseizure Strategy. Title: Contributions of Mitochondrial Dysfunction to Network Hyperexcitability. 2015
  • Deodhar M, Matthews SA, Simeone KA, Simeone TA. Development of a Modified Flurothyl Kindling Model. American Epilepsy Society, Philadelphia, PA, 2015. 2015
  • Aggarwal A, Deodhar M, Simeone KA, Simeone TA. Infiltration of Leukocytes into the Brain of Epileptic Kcna1-null Mice. American Epilepsy Society, Philadelphia, PA, 2015. 2015
  • Gavrilovici C, Simeone TA, Rho JM. Interneuronopathy in the Kcna1-null mouse model of epilepsy. American Epilepsy Society, Philadelphia, PA, 2015. 2015
  • Kansal V, Aggarwal A, Matthews SA, Oldenburg P, SimeoneTA, Simeone KA. A Longitudinal Study of Respiratory Function of Epileptic Kcna1-Null Mice Using Non-Invasive Airway Mechanincs (NAM). American Epilepsy Society, Houston, TX, 2016. 2015
  • 3. Iyer S, Matthews SA, Samson KK, Simeone KA, Simeone TA. Antiseizure Effects Of Ketogenic Diet Are Mediated Via Regulation Of Brain PPAR-gamma, A Nutritionally Responsive Transcription Factor. ADD Program Symposium, Park City, UT, May, 2015. 2015
  • 1. Roundtree HM, Matthews SA, Johnson CC, Simeone TA, Simeone KA. Effects of Dual Orexin Receptor Antagonism on Sleep and Seizures in the Kcna1-null Model of Epilepsy. ADD Program Symposium, Park City, UT, May, 2015. 2015
  • 2. Deodhar M, Aggarwal A, Simeone TA, Simeone KA. Preliminary evidence of adaptive immune cell infiltration into the brain of a genetic model of chronic epilepsy. ADD Program Symposium, Park City, UT, May, 2015. 2015
  • 2015 Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, NE. Department of Biomedical Sciences. Research Rounds Seminar Series. Title: The role of brain PPARs in the anti-seizure efficacy ketogenic diet. 2015
  • University of Utah School of Pharmacy, Salt Lake City, UT. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Title: Ketogenic Diet Therapy for Epilepsy: Searching for a Mechanism. 2015
  • 2015 Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, NE. Department of Pharmacology. Research Rounds Seminar Series. Title: Optogenetic Use in Epilepsy: examples from the literature. 2015
  • Neuroscience Journal Club. On-demand optogenetic control of spontaneous seizures in temporal lobe epilepsy. 2015
  • Simeone TA, Matthews SA, Samson KK, Simeone KA. Brain PPARgamma mediates ketogenic diet anti-seizure efficacy. American Epilepsy Society, Seattle, WA, 2014. 2014
  • 2014 American Epilepsy Society annual meeting, Seattle, WA. Ketogenic Diet Special Interest Group. Title: Is the ketogenic diet a disease modifying therapy for Epilepsy? The basic science perspective. 2014
  • 2014 Society for Neuroscience annual meeting, Washington D.C. Nanosymposium. Title: Brain PPARgamma contributes to the anti-seizure efficacy of the ketogenic diet. 2014
  • Simeone KA, Roundtree HM, Samson KK, Simeone TA. Consequences of seizure propagation to the sleep regulating lateral hypothalamus. Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C., 2014. 2014
  • 2014 University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE. Department of Neurological Sciences. Current and Future Directions for Translational Epilepsy Research Seminar Series. Title: PPARgamma involvement in Ketogenic Diet Therapy for Refractory Epilepsy. 2014
  • "Seizure Propagation to the Lateral Hypothalamus and Sleep-Wake Triggers" Oregon Health Science University, Portland, OR 2014
  • "Mechanisms of Hippocampal Network Hyperexcitability in Kv1.1alpha Knockout Mice" Department of Pharmacology Research Rounds, Creighton University, Omaha, NE 2014
  • Samson KK, Simeone KA, Rho JM, Simeone TA. Effects of Ketogenic Diet and Constituents on Pathologic Sharp Waves and High Frequency Oscillations. American Epilepsy Society, San Diego, CA, December, 2012. 2012
  • Simeone KA, Stephanie A. Matthews SA, Samson KK, Simeone TA. A Novel Mitochondria-targeted Anticonvulsant Treatment. American Epilepsy Society, San Diego, CA, December, 2012. 2012
  • Roundtree HM, Samson KK, Simeone TA, Simeone KA. Evidence of Pathology in the Lateral Hypothalamus: A Connection Between Sleep Disorder and Epilepsy in the Kv1.1 Knock-Out Mouse. American Epilepsy Society, San Diego, CA, December, 2012. 2012
  • Ranade NP, Samson KK, Simeone KA, Simeone TA. Anticonvulsant Effects of Pioglitazone on High Potassium Seizure-Like Events in in vitro Hippocampal Slices. American Epilepsy Society, San Diego, CA, December, 2012. 2012
  • Simeone TA. Carbamazepine inhibition of sharp wave-ripple complexes is associated with synapse specific effects on neurotransmission and short-term plasticity. Creighton University, The Faculty Club Research at Center Stage, October, 2012. 2012
  • "High Frequency Oscillations and Epilepsy: the State of Our Knowledge" Neurology Grand Rounds, CME credit, Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, NE, March 2012 2012
  • Simeone TA, Simeone KA, Samson KK, Rho JM. Loss of Kv1.1 Alpha Subunit Alters Hippocampal Sharp Wave-Ripple Complexes and Promotes the Emergence of Pathologic Fast Ripples. American Epilepsy Society, Baltimore, MD. 2011
  • 2. Simeone KA, Roundtree HM, Samson KK, Simeone TA. Pathologic Hypocretin Circuitry: A Novel Mechanism of Sleep Disorders Associated with Epilepsy in Kv1.1 Knock-Out Mice. American Epilepsy Society, Baltimore, MD. 2011
  • Normal Emergent Properties Hijacked by an Epileptic Brain. St. Albert's Day, Creighton University School of Medicine 2011
  • 1. Simeone TA. Carbamazepine inhibition of sharp wave-ripple complexes is associated with synapse specific effects on neurotransmission and short-term plasticity. American Epilepsy Society, San Antonio, TX 2010
  • UNL Department of Biochemistry & Redox Biology Center. "Epilepsy and Emergent Properties of Neuronal Networks". 2010
  • Normal Emergent Properties Hijacked by an Epileptic Brain. Faculty Club, Creighton University School of Medicine 2010
  • "Epilepsy: dysregulation of emergent properties of neuronal networks." Dept of Pharmacology, UNMC, Omaha, NE 2010
  • "Epilepsy: Dysregulation of Emergent Properties of Neuronal Networks," presented to the Molecular & Cellular Biology Faculty Research Group 2009


  • Intramural Research Award
    Creighton University School of Medicine New Investigator Award