Justine Renauld, PhD

Assistant Professor

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Biomedical Sciences
School of Medicine
Translational Hearing
CRISS II - Criss 2 - 317B

Justine Renauld, PhD

Assistant Professor

Justine Renauld has been an Assistant Professor in the Biomedical Sciences Department at Creighton University since 2023. After receiving her Ph.D. in 2017 from the University of Liège, Belgium, she joined the Department of Otolaryngology at Case Western Reserve University to work as a postdoctoral scholar on the development of the stria vascularis. Dr. Renauld's current research explores the development and regulation of the stria vascularis, a critical component of the inner ear. Using diverse techniques ranging from electrophysiology and molecular biology to mouse genetics, the Renauld lab investigates how strial dysfunction affects inner ear homeostasis. This research aims to uncover the underlying mechanisms of hearing loss and potential therapeutic targets.
Dr. Renauld's research at Creighton has been supported by the NIH (NIDCD and NIGMS), the State of Nebraska, and the American Hearing Research Foundation.

Research Focus

Stria vascularis development and neural crest cell migration. 
Role of stress in endolymph homeostasis 
Development of hearing loss in endolymphatic hydrops model of Meniere disease. 


Biomedical Sciences


Assistant Professor