Professor Real served as a judicial staff attorney for the Nebraska Court of Appeals for 20 years, and has been teaching in the Legal Writing program at Creighton School of Law for more than 15 years. He teaches required legal analysis and writing courses for first and second year students, upper level advanced writing and analysis courses, Professional Responsibility, and Commercial Contracts. He has been a coach for Creighton School of Law’s highly successful third year National Moot Court Teams since the 2008-2009 academic year. Professor Real is a member of the Legal Writing Institute, a national organization of legal writing and skills instructors, and is currently serving as the chair of the LWI Website and Social Media committee, and serves on the diversity committee for the Association of American Law Schools (AALS). He is also a member of the Appellate Practice Section of the Nebraska State Bar Association and is one of the organizing editors for the NSBA Appellate Practice Manual. He is also a contributing editor on the Appellate Advocacy Blog, a legal blog on the law professors blog network.
Research Focus
Implicit Bias, Judicial Selection and Retention, Collaborative Learning, Legal Writing, Appellate Practice, Professional Responsibility
Real Daniel, Nebraska appellate practice and procedure 2023
Real Daniel, Nebraska appellate practice and procedure 2022
Nebraska Appellate Practice Handbook Real Daniel L., Criminal appeals to the Nebraska Supreme Court and the Nebraska Court of Appeals [Book Chapter] 2016
Nebraska Appellate Practice Handbook Real Daniel L., Motion practice in the Nebraska Supreme Court and the Nebraska Court of Appeals [Book Chapter] 2016
Nebraska Appellate Practice Handbook Real Daniel L., Rules governing briefs in the Nebraska Supreme Court and the Nebraska Court of Appeals [Book Chapter] 2016
Nebraska Appellate Practice Handbook Real Daniel L., Civil appeals to the Nebraska Supreme Court and the Nebraska Court of Appeals [Book Chapter] 2016
Nebraska Appellate Practice Handbook Real Daniel, Appellate practice in Nebraska [Book Chapter] 2016
Real Daniel L., Leavitt Danny C., Benson Lorrie B., Nebraska appellate practice handbook 2016
Boston University Law Review Weber David, Real Daniel, Will the professionalization of student-athletes kill the NCAA? 103:6, p. 1591 - 1645 2023
3D Printing in Medicine Cote John, Haggstrom John, Vivekanandan Ranuga, Cote Kristy, Real Daniel L., Weber David P., Cheng Anne, Dubay Nicholas G., Farias-Eisner Robin, COVID-19 and a novel initiative to improve safety by 3D printing personal protective equipment parts from computed tomography 6, p. 20 - 2020
Legal Writing Institute Biennial Meeting Presentation on Collaborative Student Learning Models with Professor Kristy Cote. 2016
Continuing Education Seminar for Oregon Bar Association in Portland, Oregon. 2016