Dhitinut Ratnapradipa, PhD
Program Director, Master of Public Health
Dr. Dhitinut (DT) Ratnapradipa is Professor in the Public Health Program at Creighton University. Prior to his appointment at Creighton, he was a tenured professor at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, TX and at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, IL, where he served as the graduate director and MD/MPH Co-Director of the concurrent degree program with the SIU School of Medicine. Dr. Ratnapradipa was also clinical faculty at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, and was adjunct faculty in the Department of Public Health Sciences, New Mexico State University, La Cruses, NM. Prior to academia, he, supervised the Health Promotion and Emerging Risks Program at the Rhode Island Department of Health.
Dr. Ratnapradipa’s research interest is environmental health promotion using risk communication and organizational behavior approaches. His current study is on environmental health risk perceptions among residents living in flood plains, funded by Creighton’s Health Science Strategic Investment Funds. He has served on NIH and US EPA grant review panels, and has secured grants from the US EPA, CDC, HRSA and the states of Illinois. He completed fellowships with the Northeast Public Health Leadership Institute, the CDC/ATSDR Environmental Public Health Leadership Institute, the National Environmental Health Association/UL Ambassador Exchange, the ASTHO Environmental Public Health Peer-to-Peer Tracking Program, and the Visiting Partners Program in Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety at the University of Michigan Center for Occupational Health and Safety Engineering.
Dr. Ratnapradipa served on the Board of Directors for the Alliance for Healthy Homes. His professional contributions have been recognized by several organizations including National Environmental Health Association and the Society for Public Health Education. He is a technical editor for the
Journal of Environmental Health and Associate Editor for Journal of International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research and Health Behavior and Policy Reviews.Department
Clinical Research and Public Health
- Health behavior and policy review
Hotalling Danielle, McGaha Amy, Boes Kevin, Piotrowski Megan, Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Taylor Jack, Guetterman Timothy, Analyzing Flood Risk Behaviors and Preparation in the Midwest Using the Health Belief Model 2025 - FP essentials (Online)
Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Environment and Health: Water and Soil Contamination
545, p. 19 2024 - FP essentials (Online)
Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Environment and Health: Heavy Metal Toxicity
545, p. 13 2024 - FP essentials (Online)
Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Environment and Health: Poisoning Management
545, p. 7 2024 - Journal of emergency management (Weston, Mass.)
Boes Kevin, Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Guetterman Timothy C., Developing a survey instrument to assess flood health beliefs among residents of river flood zones in the Heartland
20:4, p. 333 - 345 2023 - Journal of environmental health
Cardinal Christine, Scarbrough Amanda, Robins Anthony, Boes Kevin, Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Extreme Winter Storms
84:7, p. 12 - 19 2022 - American Journal of Health Studies
Abrams Thereasa, Becker Jennifer, Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Ross Amanda, Neumeister Michael, Recurring Themes of Network Support Exhibited by Adult Burn Survivors: A Qualitative Investigation
31:1, p. 10 - Jan 2021 - Journal of Cancer Education
Ratnapradipa Kendra L., Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Xie Yue, Factors Associated with Having Ever Considered a Cancer Research Career
36:3, p. 630 - 638 2021 - Journal of Emergency Management
Cardinal Christine, Davis Patrick, Scarbrough Amanda, Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Martinez Jesus, Communication strategies to facilitate emergency preparedness for Generation Z and college food pantries
19:7, p. 99 - 107 2021 - American journal of health studies
Wilken Peggy, Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Presely Dennis, Wodika Alicia, An Evaluation of the Non-Emergency Medical Transportation System of Rural Southern Illinois
29:2 2020 - American journal of health studies
Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, McDaniel Justin, Climatic Exposure Risk Associated With Skin Cancer
30:1 2020 - Health Behavior and Policy Review
Xie Yue, Newman Ray G., Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, How extensively are tobacco use policies implemented at behavioral health and substance treatment facilities? A pilot investigation
7:5, p. 440 - 451 2020 - Health Behavior and Policy Review
Cardinal Christine, Ratnapradipa Kendra, Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Griffith Seth, College students’ perceptions of vaping and vaping policy
7:5, p. 397 - 406 2020 - Health Educator
Scarbrough Amanda W, Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Xie Yue, Experiential Learning Using Graphic Information System to Promote Healthy College Eating Habits
51:1, p. 19 2019 - Health behavior and policy review
Cardinal Christine, Scarbrough Amanda, Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Health Policy Considerations in Texas Measles Outbreaks Past and Present
6:5, p. 472 - 479 2019 - Social Work in Health Care
Abrams Thereasa E., Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Tillewein Heather, Lloyd Alison A., Resiliency in burn recovery
57:9, p. 774 - 793 2018 - Journal of environmental health
Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Cardinal Christine, Ratnapradipa Kendra L., Scarbrough Amanda, Xie Yue, Implications of hurricane harvey on environmental public health in Harris County, Texas
81:2, p. 24 - 32 2018 - Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health
Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, McDaniel Justin Tyler, Barger Alexandra, Social vulnerability and Lyme disease incidence
14:2 2017 - Journal of environmental health
Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Brown Stephen L., Preihs Kristin, Middleton Wendi K., Wodika Alicia B., What does the public know about environmental health? A qualitative approach to refining an environmental health awareness instrument
77:8, p. 22 - 28 2015 - Journal of environmental health
Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, 2012 NEHA/UL sabbatical report
76:8, p. 28 - 33 2014 - Journal of environmental health
King Ewa, Shih Grace, Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Quilliam Daniela N., Morton John, Magee Susanna R., Mercury, lead, and cadmium in umbilical cord blood
75:6, p. 38 - 43 2013 - Journal of environmental health
Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Conder James, Ruffing Ami, White Victor, The 2011 Japanese earthquake
74:6, p. 42 - 50 2012 - American Journal of Health Education
Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Ritzel Dale O., Haseeb Abdul, Dundulis William P., The role of health education in addressing uncertainty about health and cell phone use—a commentary
43:1, p. 5 - 7 2012 - Health Educator
Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Brown Stephen L, Middleton Wendi K, Wodika Alicia B, Measuring Environmental Health Perception among College Students
43:2, p. 13 2011 - American Journal of Health Education
Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Brown Stephen L., Wodika Alicia B., Examining the breadth and depth of environmental health through a modified delphi technique
42:1, p. 50 - 57 2011 - American Journal of Health Education
Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Ritzel Dale O., Haramis Linn D., Bliss Kadi R., Bed bug epidemic
42:4, p. 245 - 251 2011 - Journal of environmental health
Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Quilliam Daniela, Wier Lauren, Rhodes Darson L., Food safety education
73:6, p. 70 - 75 2011 - Health Educator
Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Rhodes Darson L, An Introductory Lesson to Environmental Health: Media Analysis and Risk Reduction
42:1, p. 12 2010 - Applied Environmental Education and Communication
Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Panzara Anthony D., Esposito Valerie, Wodika Alicia B., Getz Thomas D., Zarcadoolas Christina, Quilliam Daniela N., Caron Colleen, Migliore Beverly, Environmental health risk communication
9:4, p. 251 - 261 2010 - Journal of environmental health
Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Quilliam Daniela, Wier Lauren M., Migliore Beverly, Dundulis William, Assessing consumer awareness about mercury in fish
72:5, p. 16 - 21 2009 - Medicine and health, Rhode Island
Magee Susanna R., King Ewa, Shih Grace, Ratnapradipa Dhitinut, Quilliam Daniela, Morton John, Biomonitoring in Rhode Island.
91:3, p. 88 - 90 2008