Chest Munir Ahmed, Koop Lindsey, Klug Michael, Rakhra Amandeep, Landeen Carolina, Plambeck Robert, A Fatal Case of Rare Posterior Mediastinal Mass 156:4, p. A1967 - A1968 2019
Cureus Rakhra Amandeep, Nahas Joseph, Munir Ahmed, Chilukuri Ramya S, A Rare Case of MalignantMesothelioma Presenting with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Seropositivity: A Case Report and Review of Literature 11:2, p. e4092 - e4092 2019
Critical care medicine Kumar Mukund, Castera Michael, Parekh Jai, Kukrety Shweta, Macaraeg Jeffrey, Chilukuri Ramya, Rakhra Amandeep, Sen Rouhin, Mirza Mohsin, 1175: MIXED CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASE PRESENTING AS SEVERE PULMONARY ARTERY HYPERTENSION IN A 27-YEAR-OLD 47:1 Suppl 1, p. 564 - 564 2019
Chest Munir AHMED, Rakhra AMANDEEP, Samuel GEETHA, Kukrety SHWETA, Paguia RICHARD, Landeen CAROLINA, Wells ADAM, Velagapudi MANASA, Vivekanandan RENUGA, Plambeck ROBERT, HIV WITH DISSEMINATED TULAREMIA: A RARE PRESENTATION 154:4, p. 204 - 205A 2018
Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) Selim Mohammad, Rakhra Amandeep, Kassim Thamer, Sen Rouhin, Jabbari Javaneh, Valenta Carrie, Cerebral Sinus Venous Thrombosis in a Patient Using Etonogestrel/Ethinyl Estradiol Vaginal Ring 10:8, p. e3103 2018
Cureus Kassim Thamer, Mahfood Haddad Toufik, Rakhra Amandeep, Kabach Amjad, Qurie Ahmad, Selim Mohammad, Nayfeh Ali S, Aly Ahmed, Holmberg Mark J, A Case of Amitriptyline-induced Myocarditis, p. e2840 - e2840 2018