Due to dangerous winter weather, Creighton’s Omaha campus will be closed on Wednesday, March 19. All in-person classes, clinics, and events should be considered canceled. Please monitor Creighton Alert and local news for details.

Jaya M . Raj, MD

Assistant Dean, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging



School of Medicine
Internal Medicine Residency
Arizona Health
SOM Leadership
Medicine ODIB

Jaya M . Raj, MD

Assistant Dean, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging



Medicine (Phoenix)




  • The American journal of medicine
    Wininger David A, Lai Cindy J, Lewis Kristen, Harris Linda, Amin Alpesh N, Luther Vera P, Sweet Michelle, Raj Jaya M, Harper Whitney, Optimizing the Internal Medicine Residency Recruitment Process: A National Survey of Program Directors and Next Steps 2023
  • The American journal of medicine
    Catalanotti Jillian S, Swails Jennifer, Abraham Reeni, Choe John H, Corning Kelli A, Raj Jaya, Fick Laurel, Finn Kathleen M, Higgins Stacy, Mechaber Hilit F, Mohr Thomas, Rethinking the Internal Medicine Residency Application Process to Prioritize the Public Good: A Consensus Statement of the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine 2023
  • The American journal of medicine
    Raj Jaya M., Lai Cindy J., Higgins Stacy, Chretien Katherine C., Barton Todd, Kroker-Bode Claudia A, Calderon Alvin, Apaloo Catherine, Shaheen Amy W., AAIM Principles and Recommendations for the 2021-2022 Internal Medicine Residency Interview Cycle in Response to the Continued COVID-19 Pandemic
    134:11, p. 1427 - 1431 2021
  • The American journal of medicine
    Chretien Katherine C., Raj Jaya M., Abraham Reeni A., Aronowitz Paul, Astiz Donna J., Chheda Shobhina G., Esquivel Ernie L., Garcia Maria M., Pereira Anne, Ismail Nadia, Lane Susan, McLaughlin Suzanne E., Shaheen Amy W., Willett Lisa L., Spencer Abby L., Tartaglia Kimberly M., AAIM Recommendations for the 2020-2021 Internal Medicine Residency Application Cycle in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
    133:10, p. 1223 - 1226.e6 2020
  • Journal of community hospital internal medicine perspectives
    Wallach Sara L., Williams Christopher, Chow Robert T., Jadhav Nagesh, Kuehl Sapna, Raj Jaya M., Alweis Richard, Internal medicine resident perspectives on scoring USMLE as pass/fail
    10:5, p. 381 - 385 2020
  • Journal of graduate medical education
    Raj Jaya M., Thorn Patti M., A Faculty Development Program to Reduce Rater Error on Milestone-Based Assessments
    6:4, p. 680 - 685 2014
  • Academic Medicine
    Raj Jaya M., Thorn Patti M., A culture of coaching: achieving peak performance of individuals and teams in academic health centers
    87:11, p. 1482 - 1483 2012
  • American Journal of Gastroenterology
    Jasiurkowski B., Raj J., Wisinger D., Carlson R., Zou L., Nadir A., Cholestatic jaundice and IgA nephropathy induced by OTC muscle building agent superdrol
    101:11 2006
  • Critical care clinics
    Raj Jaya M, Sems Kelly, Carlson Richard W, Sudhakar Sheila, Arthritis in the intensive care unit
    18:4, p. 767 - 780 2002