Journal of neurosurgery Abramov Irakliy, Mathis Andrea M., Xu Yuan, Belykh Evgenii, Schucht Philippe, Porter Randall W., Smith Kris A., Eschbacher Jennifer M., Preul Mark C., Mignucci-Jimenez Giancarlo, Hartke Joelle N., Restelli Francesco, Pollo Bianca, Acerbi Francesco, On Thomas J., Intraoperative confocal laser endomicroscopy during 5-aminolevulinic acid–guided glioma surgery: significant considerations for resection at the tumor margin, p. 1 - 14 2024
Frontiers in oncology Xu Yuan, On Thomas J., Abramov Irakliy, Restelli Francesco, Belykh Evgenii, Mathis Andrea M., Maragkou Theoni, Quint Karl, Porter Randall W., Smith Kris A., Preul Mark C., Pollo Bianca, Schlegel Jürgen, Hewer Ekkehard, Intraoperative in vivo confocal endomicroscopy of the glioma margin: performance assessment of image interpretation by neurosurgeon users 14 2024
Journal of neurosurgery Xu Yuan, Mathis Andrea M., Schlegel Jürgen, Preul Mark C., Hewer Ekkehard, Pollo Bianca, Martirosyan Nikolay L., Eschbacher Jennifer M., Quint Karl, Maragkou Theoni, Seidel Kathleen, Schucht Philippe, Smith Kris A., Porter Randall W., Raabe Andreas, Little Andrew S., Sanai Nader, Agbanyim Dennis C., Intraoperative in vivo confocal laser endomicroscopy imaging at glioma margins: can we detect tumor infiltration?, p. 1 - 10 2023
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Neurosurgical focus Abramov Irakliy, Lawton Michael T., Park Marian T., Gooldy Timothy C., Xu Yuan, Little Andrew S., Porter Randall W., Preul Mark C., Smith Kris A., Eschbacher Jennifer M., Real-time intraoperative surgical telepathology using confocal laser endomicroscopy 52:6, p. E9 - E9 2022
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