Cristina A. Pop, PhD

Assistant Professor

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College of Arts and Sciences
Medical Humanities
Cultural & Social Studies
Global Health Equity Minor
Medical Anthropology
CRHL - Creighton Hall/Administration Building - 425D

Cristina A. Pop, PhD

Assistant Professor

n.d.  The Cancer Within: Reproduction, Cultural Transformation and Health Care in Romania Under contract with Rutgers University Press for the series “Medical Anthropology: Health, Inequality, and Social Justice”
2002   The Anthropology of Magic Incantation. Cluj: Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă (published in Romanian).
    Nominated for Best first book (non-fiction) by Romanian Writers Association Cluj, 2002.
Peer-reviewed articles
n.d.  Intimate Compromise: Reproduction, Piety and Medicine among American Orthodox Christian. Under review, American Ethnologist.
2019   The winners of Socialism: fighting infertility in pronatalist Romania. Medical Anthropology, 38 (1): 100-111.
2019   Lived religion as reproductive decision-making resource among Romanian women who use abortion as contraception. Journal of Religion and Health, 58 (1):53-63.
2016   Locating purity within corruption rumors: narratives of HPV vaccination refusal in a
peri-urban community of Southern Romania. Medical Anthropology Quarterly,
2015   Cervical cancer narratives: Invoking ‘God’s will’ to re-appropriate reproductive rights in present-day Romania. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 17(1):48-62.
2003   Body and healing in ritual incantations. Caiete de Antropologie Istorică [Historical Anthropology Books], II, 2(4):129-145 (published in Romanian).
Chapters in edited volumes
2021   Unprecedented times? Romanian Roma and discrimination during the COVID-19 pandemic, forthcoming in Manderson, Burke and Wahlberg (eds.) Viral Loads: Anthropologies of Urgency in the Time of COVID-19, University College London Press.
2013   Pregnant in Romania: structural violence or personal responsibility? in Antologia Criticatac 2012. Cluj. Tact: 89-92 (published in Romanian).
2002   On Blaga’s reading of an incantation in Meridian Blaga II. Cluj: Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă. 222-230 (published in Romanian).
Editor-reviewed articles (selection, published in Romanian)
2005   Aspects concerning the poetics of mythical-magical texts. Constantin Brăiloiu Colloquia Annual Issue 2003, Bucharest: 159-180.
2004   Recurrent textual patterns in ‘evil eye’ incantations. Anuarul Institutului de Etnografie şi Folclor [Romanian Academy Review of Folklore Archives] Academia Română. Institutul de Etnografie şi Folclor.14-15: 149-164.
1997   Deus otiosus. Anuarul Arhivei de Folclor [Romanian Academy Review of Folklore Archives]. Cluj, XV-XVII: 587-593.
Book reviews
2020   Fistula Politics: Birthing Injuries and the Quest for Continence in Niger, by Heller. Anthropos 115 (2): 590-591.
2020   Materializing Difference: Consumer Culture, Politics, and Ethnicity among Romanian Roma, by Berta. Journal of Anthropological Research 76(4): 534-535.
2016   On Becoming a Teen Mom. Life before Pregnancy, by Erdmans and Black and System Kids. Adolescent Mothers and the Politics of Regulation, by Silver. Gender & Society 30(5): 858-862.
Other publications (online)
2016   Musings on the materiality of health care, at
2012   Altfel de spații, altfel de nașteri [Of other spaces, of other births], at
2012   Gravidă în România: violenţă structurală sau responsabilitate personală? [Pregnant in Romania: structural violence or personal responsibility?], at
2011   Cetățeanul-pacient [The citizen-patient], at
Unpublished manuscripts
Cadaveric organ donation in Romania: A systematic review of social science research and mass media accounts (co-authored with Elizabeth Corey* and Jonah Barta*).
*undergraduate students co-authors
Suboptimal MMR vaccination and its systemic contingencies: A critical review of Romania’s measles epidemic of 2016-2018.

Curriculum Vitae

Research Focus

Medical anthropology • Gender and sexuality • Women’s health and wellbeing • Reproductive governance • Biotechnologies of reproduction and reproductive health care • Ethnographies of cervical cancer primary and secondary prevention • Vaccination anxieties • Ethnomedicine • Discourse analysis • Semantics • Ethnographies of cadaveric organ donation • Central and Eastern Europe • post-Socialism • Romania


Cultural and Social Studies


Assistant Professor